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assisunce, includ.n. but not UntUed to attorneys, accountants. educational consultants, as may be necessary to assemble the required da. and information, to analyse the same and draft the report and the , 'C 1 1 , till < ^ ^ -yt a l|] for submission to the General Assembly as hereinafter provided. The Commlss ' I ' I. i' , H i, ' > '• i'lUHB a " » is authorized to enter Into a contract with persons or agencies for providing any . J)K or all of the d.ata and Information required in carrying out the purposes o M -i commission. The Commission shall reimburse the Individual members of - Commission for their actual out-of-pochet expenses Incurred by authority 'r'.irirUjRRIIIMffiVC I :k\'A 1 iiji and while on business for the Commission. SECTION 5 The official plan or plans, when signed by a ma)ority of said Commission sh-11 be filed by said Commission with the Representatives of rulton an liil i 4ist 42nd, and 43rd Districts in the General Assembly of Georgia and with the Clerks of the Superior Courts having iurlsdiction in Fulton and DeKalb Counties iV'f cat ib cL^^^ Of the General Assembly following January 1, 1968o At least 60 ays P filing any of the aforesaid plans ^ the Commission shall submit a ra copy thereof to each of the aforesaid Boards of Education, for comments and sugges (la t 'W V. . ""I'lhthe V * nS J revisions. The Commission shall provide for the publication and distributton of a reasonable number of copies of its plan or plans and by supporting repor /'<! Ht>t T»^

i 1 ,(fiWi)'|i

rith the City Clerk of the City of Atlanta on the first day of the next session

Id .');1 ' f. "Mf' (J i il '^1 'li'i.t' '!'< > 1" nil > *1. 't ' 'ij " i ' p ^ ' . . i, I ' ' (t Hi i I1' - U i.


'Si k, t . »* i prepared by the Commtssion ot previous Commission. When its fina plan or plans have been filed as hereinabove provided, the Commission shall there y • j 1 'tI 1 I ih't' .' H be discharged a SECTION 6 . The Board of Education of the City of Atlanta is hereby authorized and directed to allocate the sum of $6,000.00 and the Board of Education of Fulton county is hereby authorized and directed to allocate the sum of . ,'ii'f." 1 purpose Of carrying out the purposes of this Act, which are declared to be educational functions of said Boards of Education. Requisitions for sums up to the total amounts hereby directed to be aiiocated shall be signed by the s iW'v-r/: iL hP i' ' i f f/ii I' % ,1 4 Chairman and Secreta.y-Treasurer of said Commission and shall be paid by the ^ offiotal in charge of the funds thus altocated. Said Boards of Education are farther authorized to allocate and expend such additional funds as in their %. 5 ^ ^ i * UN. t / t ^ ? I

P discretion they may determine to be necessary to carry out tne ° Act, provld&i that such additional allocations and expenditures shall be sha ' ^1 ♦ H. B. No, 623 t Page 4 li;.' I I V '."J. ', tV, r - vt':/"- i, : ,1 Ki <fl H (t �by said Boards on a ratio of 60% from the Atlanta Board of Education and 40% from the Fulton County Board of Education. •f-' l.VP;'.' SECTION 7 , The commission is authorized to accept donations in any form from any t y .. V,iff.iii:,Wtii'if', T> > I' 1 li'll'li; .I," source and use the same in any way the Commission may deem advisable to J I', . « effectuate the aims and purposes of the Commission. SECTION 8 i ll n It is hereby found, determined and declared that the re-estabiishment M' of the commission and the carrying out of its purpose is in all respects for the benefit of the people of the City of Atlanta and Fulton County and is a public ' ' ( 1 1 1 ( t V j

It ' '» purpose and that the Commission will be performing an essential educational function in the exercise of the power conferred upon it by this Act. C ' 1 . SECTION 9 This Act, being for the welfare of the citizens of Atlanta and of Pulton county, shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes thereof. 1 tit "ft, SECTION 10 The provisions of this Act are severable and if any of its provisions shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent iurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions. SECTION 11 p ii , ' I t'r I I' > . . ' • " ' 11 f >•)<< A copy of notice of intention to apply for this local legislation and affidavits showing the publication of such notice as required by idw are . attached hereto and made a part of this bill, and it is hereby declared that all of the requirements of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1945, relating to publication of notice of intention to apply for the passage of this local legislation, have been complied with for the enactment of this law. SECTION 12 All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. H. B. No. 623 Page 5 ^1 . I ^ j>i �