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CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL TEL. JA. 2-4463 EXT. 321 ATLANTA, GEORGIA June 10~ 1969 ~ The Honorable GeorBe Cot aki , 150 Ottley Drive, N. E. Acl nta. Georgi 30324 Dear Mr . Cote ki Wa ve de an inve ti ation of t he power f ilu hich recently occ\lrred t the Gr dy Ho pital Building and find th t. the e.l ctrical install tion including ll of the pparatus nd equipia nt was properly int lled nd that th r is no indic tion of th qui nt' being av rlo de<l. The power f ilure occurr at ni ht and the p k load for the building i during the iddle of the day when · ir conditioning uipm nt r ~ires or pover. Th inspection rcveala that th in ele.ctrieal dietribution pan l in tb building consi t of two power circuit br akors nd tvo hting circuit bre kers. Of tr s four br . k r on li hting breaker and ergency lighti~ fune ioned prop rly throughout the entir incident. It i th opinion of the alectr1cal insp etor, after inv etigation nd consultation with :Ir. DeV in, int nanc En in r~ th t tho circuit br k r could hav be n turn off. Th entir cl ctric l ayst is upplied from o transfo vault located und r round jut outeid th buildin. r ring the r ency the standby en r tor kick din and operated auccusfully for approx.im t ly 30 ainut •· Th inspectors and th intananc engin r believ th t the c ua of th gen rator•s ov ~hes.ti w • attributable to def ctiv solenoid va1v in the cool1u ay t This valve be ince h n r pl e-ed end the ayat check~ out nd 1e ow op ratin properly. Very truly yo ra, W:at w. . Bild Woffol'd Official �