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l I (·IOU3ING RG;::lCDitCL.:3 CO,J IT ,LE July !...::c.:curnm COh IT_-L; mLTIDG 6, 1967 The 1x~cutive Group of the l-Iousin1_. .:1esources Commi. ttee met at 10:00 a .•m;, 'r he followin3 members were present: jhly 6, 1967, :in Cor1u,d"i:,tce Room #2, City I·Icill. Nr. Cecil A. Alf·xander, Chairman., Housing Resources Committe:e Hr, Butler Henderson,

i...epresenting Dr. Benjamin i1:.ays., Co-Chairman, Housing

Resources Committ~e Nr. Char]£:, s L. r-'eltner, Acting Chairman, Legal Panel Nr. Robert '·!inn, representin 0 , Dr. :;_,( )-r in Ha:i.·rison and .rir . 111oreland Smi'j.}11 Chairman & Vice-Chairman of the Construction anc-1. .!Jesi-gn PanEll Mr. lee Burge, Chairman, Finance (; Non:-Profit..Funcls Panel Mr. A.B. Pacl_,ett,, r,~f..mber, Finance & }Jon.. Profi.t Funds Panel Hr. John '. Tilson., member, Finance i?,: ;ron-Profit Funds Panel 1·ir. Charles F. Palmer, representin2; Hr. Clarence Cole;:-:an., Actin,; Chairman, Public Housing Panel Mr. Nallace L. lee, _1;1ember, Land Acquisi ti.on Panel Dean Williams. Jackson, Chairman, Social Problems Panel Mr . Iswis Cenl~er., inember, Social Problems Panel Mr. t dward L. Simo_n , r epresenting Mr. Vir;~:il Hilton, Chairman, Business Participation Panel hr. Dale Clar':, Chairman, Public I nforrr.ation Panel 11r. w. W. r'·a tes, Consultant Mr. 1,Jalcolm o. ~ones, Director Also present at the meetin we re; I'ir • .l:enry Hill, Treasurer., rtetail Credit Company hr. 'iilliam Bassett, Assistant Chief of Planning De,part.:ient Hr. lJilliam Ilo.~land., L::c:cutive Director of CAClfR Nr . tlet,inald Carter, Community '!1Elations Cornr,dssion Representatives of the Press Hr . Cecil A. Alexander presicled . :1e 0~1ened the meeting by asking tor Panel reports. Hr. L'e l tner was calle d on 'to give a report on the U __ ,al Panel,, i•.ir. Charles L, '. Teltnf.r., .~cting Chairman, I.e_: al Pane:1, reported. that they did not have a chairman as ;}'e t. !-Ie also stated that i..liey have met t 1-dce and that Malcolm Jone:s h as given t hem copies of the Housing Code. Mr. AleAander stated that Hr, ··Tilliam Slayton, Jxecutive Vice- Presi dent o! Urban Ameri ca, su:.,_,e sted that the dayor write a l e t,te r recor.Menclin. tha t a ve ry clos £ look be ta!.{en into the cU2.~rent provisions of Section 11.S for Federal ~-1,500 �2 re:1abilH,ation •. r22 ,.t::: J. Section 312 for 3~~ J.oa;:-1s for property owners in Urban

lene1-al and Code I nforcei

ent pro,iects who i:rust ma'~e repairs urn.ier the dousing

Code; that s01o1e ,,;ay be found to f i ther mow.fy this to includ.€ any areas in the City or be :;in some le ~islation on tnis • 0 Nr. ;,feltner cs.>;:.pJainec. that h E- .had discussecl. that with Frank 'iilialils. He also stated that if t ti.e Committee f elt it would ~1elp, he uoulc·. draft a letter on this for the Layor 's si€;nature., i ir, Aiex ander said '.1e thought tihi _; 1 -!ouid be ciood. and a greed. to provide i:•Ir •. · ,eltner with a eo~,y of the lE-tter he had prepared for the i'ayor oh this ri1atter. Hr. Ldward L, Simon, represent.in~ rlr, Vir ·il .fl ilton, statE;d t 1:at he wished some leE;islatio!'.l could be in troclucecl t-O correct the sit ation in l!rbai1 Renen al are.as in wl1ich houses exist whicl1 are bot.h f ire hazards ancl heal t:1 ha:.c.arc.ls. Hr. 'Jelt.ner statecl that ~ov. •ic.ddox had vetoed suc;1 a bill not long a1 o. br. t .alcolm Jones, Di:cE:9tor, saic. tha t hf, ,.neY of th e: house i n c:ut stion and that w11en last insp€.ctcci it ,·, as structurally sound, so that it did not warrent demoli·t:i.on; that therefore it cannot 0c ,}ei .. olishE:d under the "In llem" ordip,o.nc~. '.i'his orclinDnCE: ~ l s for the 01 ,ner to inaJe:c r epairs on such property• Nr. Simon said that someone .. needs to re-inspec i., the house in c·uest°ion because it, i s not sound . now• Lfr . Jones stc1.tcd that it has b e en some ti,:, e si nce t he hm.1s€· had bE:.:en insp£cted, and t hat per l1aps n ow t ;.P. City coul<i ta·.~e ac·c~~on to C:·.cmolisn it. um:iE;r i:.he "T..n Rem" orclj_na.ncc.· ~Ir .· J'.lexander aslCE- cl !'ir. Jont-s to £. -"-p lain -che. "In Jem11 ordi;.1ance. l"ir .- Jones e:·plained t hat it was adopt ed l\~' t t1e City , aft(r action ta,.-: en by the 1906 Le .islature whicll gave the Gi t y, with the autnori t.y placed in the .BuilctinL, Offic i al , the ri . ht t o i nspe,c t bui l c.ings which w£re dilapidated_, and ·e,o call upon t :1e 01.ner t o ma\:e r epairs or demolish. If l:-11£.. building is more than 50~~ c. i l a:i. idate d, t h€n the Buildin;;: Departr::ent calls on t he owner to dernol i sh and if t he ot:n&r fail s t o do s o afwr 90 d.af s , t hen t hE: buil ding may be demolished by t he City and a lien pl aced again s t t he pr opert y f or t he cost of demolishing; th e·L the City c.oe s not have the r i ght to rEp~ir. Hr. Alexander t11en c alled on t he Financ e :: f,:on -Pro f it Funds Panel for i ts report.. Pir . Lee Burce, Chairman, Finance .? , r-ron-!'rof it Funds Panel stat t=,d t :at t l,ey were ·worldn~: on trying to get a l ocal non-profi t '. Iousi,,,g D£vclopmE:nt Corporc:.t.ion for.med to .3.os i s t. in the. hou.sing pro __ram. �, - ---- - - - -· - - -- - - ·· --- - - - 3 Hr. Ale) :a.;1l;_er t ; .en a s;:_ccl fo ·c the Puolic Housing Panel 1s report. hr. Charh.s F. ? tl1;1er, r·epresE:ntinc; Lr. Clar0nce Cole:nan, statt,-l 1,na·i; one proble.,, with 1.rhich. his panel is corcerned is t i1e m.JD policy {of discaura~g public housinc ) in racially i denti.f iable areas. He stated i:.hat they felt thi.s was a very tuu·c alistic policy anc.'. t i-1<'., G this Comnri.ttu: should. ta.:e this up. I·1r. h.lc:;..and.er a grectl t,i-ia t this c.~cludu i bo·i:,h all - 'hite are as anc:. all-'rc :_,r o areas. Hr. PalmE..r also stated tha t Atlanta 1s greate.st n(;;ed is more Public Housinc:.• Hr. Ale1~a11de r statcG that Iiousi.ng is also neer.leJ. on the. eD.st side of Atlanta. I-; r. ·~lobe:rt 'hu1, represe:,1tinc Dr. aarrison, as~~ed if we could tr7 to ge:t some coo1Jeration fro111 Fulton and De -~alb cotmties on loca1,ions for low-cost housing? ru.~. Jom:.s said. tha·i:. this ~-ras cl:i.scusscd recently anc.i. that he. felt some type of COOf;c ration could be E:fi. e ctc c.. on a pu.rel::r volt:,ntar,/ bas is. i':r , Ale::,mm. r t,;·ien c alled for t11e La..--id Acquisition Panel. report and as there was none he ne}'_t call ed for t '·1e ,ocial Problems PcJ.11E:l report. Dea.., !-,illiai;1 .s , Jac 1cson, Cha irman, Social Proble1,.s Pan61, stated that he wished to point out -c,iie lat€ Charles O. . ;,i,ne.rich I s part on hi s Panel. ;rc c:w kcd if the Cor,Mittee. woulcl approv<. a motion t o ac :..:nowl e dge his s Ervke with a l etter to his f aii!ily ?

Mr. Pa.llt1f;r

seconded t ;-1e rnotion an.:l it was carrit:.d unani, ,ousl y . Jean J ac ;~s0n said that his Panel :·E.;1 t it ne-edcd more :..~epre..scntation :from the cornunmity, anC::. ·c.Ho adG..itj_ ona.l members , .;r . lcrwii1 ::tevcns and. .' Jr , Lewi.s Cenkcr, hacl bu:.n a(\ ..cd; t i1at his Pane l als o dec idE(i to '·iori~ on a stai.ement of purpose f or ·i:,his C0i,u;1ittce . ,le saicl that t/ 1e Atl anta dousin . Author.i_t y was also discussed . IL ,ms ie:lt c.:1e ·roL~sin :.uthor.1.ty rn cded some-· ,s ort. of social F or.·Ers for people moving :un,o .10;:•sing develop,1iEmts; tha-t, this s ~1ot·,1c1. be a st-parate a 1;ency by ii.,self so t:1£ needs of t .1e people coul d be ,:1ct. hr . f..le~· andcr as,~cd if t _1c Commit t ee Fant.eel to invite a I1Jei11bE:r of the .Housin;_. Authority to spea:~ on this ma.vi:.6r at the ne~.:t m.. ei;·i.ng? Also if a copy of the ,jocial Problems Pane;l 1 s r c po:rt should iJc r eferred the Cor,1r,umity Relatj_ons Corur,1-i.:,ff·; on, and a copy provided the Jom::Lng J u-i.:,· ;or1_ty? 'i"he Committee a g,r Eed to both~ Nr. Alexander t hen as:.:( d t~1e Public I nf ormat ion Panel for its report. �4 l'ir. D2l c Clart, Chai:cr,ian, Public Information Panel, reportG 6 Llw.t they had a r.1~eting to br :i1c~ thf'. members up to 6.atE.. on e:- vcnt.s <:.ri.c'. to C:isc1.1.ss thG COiii:- .. itke 1 s ll"_bite Pape r". :{E; stau, c.l i.,;rnc, he bacl l'o1mL; thai:. i:..1e ki:.lanta Chambe r of Commerce had r;i v£i1 us l1tgh priorj_t:r on t 11e.ir a e;enda.

nr. Alexander then asl~ed . r. Jo1ws to Kcplain the reports listed on t he

ar;encl.a • .hr. Jonrn s t .:..tE:c. that the first was a periodic inventory- re:port of low and

-11cc1.iu.m cost i1ousing in 1-1.·a an·ca which 1-ms revisc-d J t:ne 2 ,;, 1907. de e :;q:,l ained

t i1e J11eaning of the ab fJrcvia·i:.:i.ons cmr. . t i1at soi:l.e L!ni 0s ·,:.rLre not as fir .-.1 as t h£f ht oe. HE, then c ·,pla.ined the ,Swnr,1;;1.17 and t~e Notes a t t .-1c end of the inventory; also the rel at ed paper entitlul II Proble1., .t\rr,.as 11 • ( ':;e:. e co ~;y of 3wnmary attached to t ,1ese mii1ute s.) l i'i:i. i.fr. Alc: :ander at t nis poi nt statE:o that he had m;gle cted to as 1-: if the Busines s Participation Panel had an~rt:1.:i.n to rEport an.d t he:: did. not. Hr. Jones t llen stateC:'. t hat not lon;: ago, as a 1~E·Sl,lt of requ E:s :L by thE: Land Acquisition Panel, he h :J/. as 1<et:: t.11€. Plannin:; DeparttiJCn t to provio.c hirn , rj_th information concerni n G va c ant land i n f'.tlanta Fhic\1 1;a s zoneci f or apartr:.ents • .:ie reportE..( t hat he ha..:;_ recent,ly rE.c c-ivcd a zoning map ~-i t h orange color8d ar(; ;:.::; s 1.'.pcrimposc. d ove r t he r,J_a p, i :1e:ic i:.,. ·.·• ·L;he vacan-c land. (e s ·ca tec.:. that the-.. exac t si ze= of tiHcSt p a·cels F as not ...nown ( Est·].1;;2.tE'd. only ) ano. U1at he h ad t,one over t :.J e entire map and co.,1~ iled a l ist of t:ic v a c an t land s l.lmm zoned for apa.rtment,s . ~IE:: "i:.~1c.m explai nE::d ·t,hE: s Luci · anu r E.11ortE.d L ,s findin s lli1d conclusions. ( Jee cover s11(..et, P-. celiirrn ar r j~al] s is, a ttac hec'. ) t r. : 'EcltnE:r d S .:~f . d -;,;1e nwi1ucr of v aca:1t acre.s no i.- zoned i or ap.?.r t 111ents? figt11•e ,.; a s not a:v~ 1.lable. T ,1£: i1r. Buri.;€ as;.c; .. ,:'. ,. -_1 L; t V1E- qna..·1:Lit~y of o the.r v a c ant land, zoned Industrial or otheri,rise. 't he fi 11r cs w~1·eo not. available. Lr. /\l c..,,ancl.er statec•. that, t ru:: Land !',cq u.isition Panel F aG now going to get t o reviev thl Land Use :3t ctdy . He as';:ec.l if thEre °!'JaS any otner business b1c:fore ad journin,? l'.ir . Jones as.-{ed that t11e . Cowmi ttu. give him some i dea as to action to tarn about the ab ove ,,ien-cionE. cl s ·i.;uc.:y on land zoned f or apart ,,;ents. 1·i:r. Ale,~an6.er stated. that l1e felt the. re were tt-ro steps whic h could bf; ta:~en: 1. That t11e fi gures i ·i r. 'cltner and i'JI'. ·;c-u r E rer~ue:st.cd be obtained from the Planning Department. 2. That this Colllmittec. i;o to run \-i i.th this study and relatE.d figures and snow them wha. t ,,'<:.. a::..·e up against. �- - - ·--- - - - -- 5 The: only otl1e:r thin whfoh ti1is Commil.,teE.. could act upon no-. is to urge the Plannin;, Department w get more zon_:_ng c.:1ane;ed in both th€ Fulton and DeKalb porti ons of P:i:.lanta.

x • .·t ltner

as\E::d vrii.at about the ~ent Sur:plemcnt item on the ar;e:nc1a? 1-tr. Joms sta l-t \..i. that t,:1e Hous e ol' H.epresrmta-LivE;s rejcctt d. it this year; the i1a;:;-or has ':JE..en callu~ u pon to [; O to ' ~ashingtoa to ;- ive 'i 'es ti.E.,on.y- nex t ,-rce ·. before the 3 enat,E. Appropr i ations Commi tte e in ~ up··,ort of try jni to [~et the program reins,;atcd; t hat i1e, ,."r- . Jones, has bEcr1 callE.:cl upon by :Jan SuE..at in the r;ayor's of fice to prcpa:i.'E:: st. Vt-ra l sta i.,cl "E:11 t- G in S L'-, J ort of the pro Lr am. i"lr. Ale x nnd.cr as:cE:d if it would ,,c,e:;i"it the .a 7 or if this Co,•m.tit vE: € pn. p 2i c d a report or sta.tem.ent also support:i.n ;,:-, the ..,'.£nt Supplement program. 0 l'::r. t.l tm;r inovecl "t,ha t tllis Co :r.L, te: c P~'epa::.:·c, a m0;;iorial to ·i:,bat efl'c-c "l,. Er. Jackson s e conc,ec~ the mo tion ancJ. it F c>.s c 2..rr i cd 1manb ;ously . As the re was no flll"thEr business,., t i1e

r£.· et:1.ng

adjourned at 11:45 a.m. R.€ spcctfully sub1ni ·Gted, ilicls: Summary of Low-cost Housi.11 6 Tnv€ntory qeport Prel:u inar ." .:·.nalysis covE..r shee t, �