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26 Jw1e 2 b , 1967 SUMMARY Estimate Avail able No. Units Firm 5,244 Probable . 2,965_ _

Total In Sieht ~209

Be~1g Considered 1967 196 8 1969 ( 2084 ) (271 2 ) (448 ) ( 53 ) (2137} ( 6 3 7) 133fa9 ) ( 815 ) (126 3 ) 1970 1971 ( 760 ) 760 ) -r-100 )' ( 700 ) 8,003 2)830 Doubtful 19;0&2 _ _ Lost 3,152 Tota.l Proposed 22 ,194-- of wnich 8,183 uni ts, cons i dere d appr opriate , are c ur r e ntl y in serious d i ffi cu lty , due primarily t o obje c ti ons fro m var j_ous sourc e s a s to loca1.,ions ( b , 713 units in i:.i1e Be ing Con0idered Category ancl 1,L(70 uni ts in the Doubtf ul Categor y . See s e parate list of " Problem Are as ") . In addi t ion, 3l..J.2 7 uni ts have been rehabili tciteJ t!, rou 6 h the Houuing Code :.Evi3i.0;1, l~.3 w1its by the H.l\. . in the West F.ncl U. H. . Pro j e c t a .cl JO units vol untarily by private entcrpri se o -i:-Incl udes 1140 units of P. ,I . + 1125 units ;mder Turnkey f or P~H o + lb2 ur1i t s lea.,ed for P.H . Respectfull y Submitted, Enclosures : 1. 2. No tes on Related ;'1att ors Summary of Public Housing i n Atl.:mta �. " 27 June 28 , 196 7 NOTES ON HE UTED t'IATTE RS Sin e co m iling · he previous re po~ t ( Ap ril 20 , 196 7), 23 addit iona l prop os a ls have been made . Tot-3.l is now 95. However , lJ oi' thr;SC proposals c onstituti. g 315 2 units, whi ch we re orig inally expe cted to be a p pr ove d , have been r e j r; c te d a nd are no,·1 cons i dered a s 11 Lost 11 • In addition, propos als cons i:,i tu ting 8 ,HlJ ur1i t s are in sc r i0110 difficulty du e pri,, arily t o obj e ctions from v arious sources a s to 1 cx:ations, lo The 1• ounu tion for Cooperative Hous ing , which de veloped E:astwyc h Villa ge and Cambridge Square ( bo t h in De;~alb Cm:nty ), no,1 has a fu ll t i :ne rE.pre ::,entat j_v2 in Atlanta and is sE:ekine cliGnts . They are sponsoring the 200 unit London Toeme House s deve lo pment in !\tlanta ( Item F-5 ). c. Saul Gray :is a partne r i n a Co rporat ion 1-:hich O\ms 280 new units off Bankhead at El br idge St. , which he want s t o sell , + a potentinl deve lopr~e nt on the site for ;;12 addi ti on a l uni ts . Area is aln:a dy z oned A- 1. D. Proposed l ocations .fo r lo'.v cost housing are b eing co ordinated with the Plannin g Dept. , whe n initi ally s ubmi tte d J for adequacy of Conun.unity Pac ilit ie s 1 existin g or pro posed. Proposals are also r e vi ewE.d perio dically with the .School Dept. for adequacy of s chool f a ciliti e s. E .. Re i abilit2.,, ion by Hou::,ing Coe.le Di visio o.f BuJ.l cling Departmen t on Boul evard in Bed.ford Pine U. R. Pr ojec t ( approximatel y 700 units i nvolved. ) co iru ence d •ehruary 1. The U. FL pro j e ct is sti ll i n s urvey a nd plan ning s t:.age . A list i s avai l able in Housing ReSOi.L"'.."C t:_ s Committe e o :.f:i.ce of lOJ un Hs on Boulevard 1;hich t he own ers state d they Hish to sell, r ather than r ehab ilitate . This list hati been made ava .. labl l ,O t hr; H.A. and to a t!at:.ion.J.1 concern i ntereste d in d eve l oping a Re ha bi litatio n Demonstration proj e ct in that a r ea . In view of di .ficul t i es encou..rite:::·e d in zoning and gett ·.ng appr o vrrls on s i tes p r opo .sed for l arge mul t i --family development , it is apparent that the l or-1 income housing prograrn wi ll have t o l ean heavily on Developers and 1uilders :pl'o v i ding a subs tantial po r t i on of the pro gram on small sea ttered si ,:,cs . Thus f a r, 445 sin;-_l e family house s ( Ite m F-14) and 82 2 uni ts in dupl exE,s and smnll apar ti ,1ent. cievelopir.ents unde r c onventional financing are a lrendy in th is c ategory. G. lJo proposal h;:i.s yet been r.i.ade for construc tion of units ( even effici ency or 1 b e room ) to rent f o r as l ow as $SO.GO pE- r month . great<:. st nu,cl is in the ~>30 .00 - $SO. OO pe r mon th rental range. !!. Charlr::s A. ,·Tueller Compan i e s of J onesbo r o i s promoting the S,,eat Equity Program ( fif!\ in sured mor c.gace ) whereby the purchase r E-arn s the bulk of his dm·m payme nt thro ugh clenning, p a intin g and l andscap in~,;. Nati onal :Iorr,e s Corp. of Lafayette, Inc. placed on the maiYet Feb. 1, JSo7, a boo S.F . ( O. s. dimensions ) 3 bedroom, prefabricated, preassernbled p anel, sin 6 1e f amily house plus a 9o S.F. ( I.S. dimens ions) stora;:i;e lY1ilding rnanufact ... red by Arrow He tal Products Corp, to se ll under FHA 221 ( d ) ( 2 ). Pr ', ce incl ude::, pl umbing , elcc tri.cal, heal.inf; ll , i. t, s(,ove ': ...'<'i'1'i1~2r;,tor. House can be: compl e t e l y assemble d in 05 man hours; 53 of those were per111ittcd in J t;ne for enction in t he Tho mas v i.llc !h:ban Renc1.·a l .reU: . Aclrian Ho:ies Co rp. ha.s proposed a prefab L re t ai l .for a bout $7, 5 00 plus l and , foundation, clos.i. ne and ros :-.; 0 .b ly tappint.; f ec' S• I. See So.m.'Tiary ( p. 26 ) for overa ll sta tus o.f the pro gram and Summary of Public Housin r.; ( p. 2d ) for th e oveor.:11 1 Pub1ic pror;r;im . Jo Information is ; e l comcd as to chan :";es , addition::_; or deletion s in matE'.rial conta .inc d in Lhis report . Encl . _,11 (Call 1 The City ' s lousin,: c 1.mLr t bulio1 522-~J:63, 1'°Kt.1iJO) . to L1e �.. .213 ,June 2b, 1967 SUI'lMARY OF PU JLTC HOUSING IH J\.TLJ\.NTA Units in ope r· tion - f illed. 1140 Units in Developn:ent s L.:1ge , a s follows : ( 650 ) Uni ts of f He Daniel St., i n Rai-;son 1.'lashington U. R . Proj ec t ( scheduled f or co mpl eti on by J une JO, (248 ) by Oct . 167 (402 ) by March 168 ( 350 ) Uni ts in Thomasvil l e ( 40 ) 1 Bedroom ( 120 ) 2 Bedro om ( Bo) 3 B~dro om ( 80 ) Li Bedroom ( J O) 5 Bedroom ( 140 ) Units , Perry Homes Extension - South of Procte r Creek . (7 8 ) J Bedroom Bids opened lfarch 7, 196 7. Permi t is;:;ued i.ay ( L16 ) 4 Bedroom Es ti :nate J. 8 months t o co n s truct . (16 ) 5 Bedroom 12CO 300 u-.a. I n hands of architect. To adv,-rtise in Fall. 2-:-·z-3 months a ddit:Lonal before c onstruc tion c an start . 12 months , at l east , a dditional. for construction . Will try to have pa.rt deli ve red before final. 6 7. 1 Uni t s previously all ocated - Pro:r:osed Turnkey; 1125 tenta tively pled 6 ed on sites approved b y HUD (5o~gs 6-21) Units allocated fo r l ease ( Is only possibility fo r additional Public Hous ·'ng unit s in occupancy summer , 1967; can only be t urned ove r for Public l- ousing o ::.cupancy as become vacant) . Total add itional planned , as indic.:i.ted above . J uOO-::- New Allocation - Proposed Turn'.<ey . announced Feb. 24 , Arpr oved by Bd . of Aldermen, uec ~ 20 , 1?66 . Additional allocation r e cently r eques t ed for l e· s ing J,_·oc;ram . -lffoLal add:i.tionJ.l units pro jected (olLiO ) 15,014 Encl. //2 6 ,5) Proj e ct (16 for e l derl _y ) Units unde r l ease 162 (65 units , I-1urphy Apts. _; h8 units , 'I'E-nnesscan Commons j J l units , Si ms Naddox.1 s Apts . at Ca pitol and Vinara, require r e habilitation. ); 18 uni ts on Dargan Place . , 1 Total Po t ent1a l l1escrvat ion by ifUD �