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DRAFT - Minute s - Hous ing Resources Executive Committee Me eting - May 4 , 1967 Membe rs of the H ou sing Resources Committee Executive Gr o up m et on Thurs day, May 4 , 1967, at 10 : 00 a . m . in City Hall. The followi ng members were present : Jvf.r . Dale Clark, Public Information Pane l De an William S . Jackson., Social P roblems Panel Mr . J . E . L and, Land Acqui sition Panel Mr . Archer D . Smith, Ill, Legal Panel M r . Edwin L . Sterne , Public Hous i ng Panel Mr . Hall Ware , Finance and N on ... Profit Funds Pan el M r. J ohn C. Wilson, Finance and Non - Profit Funds Panel Mr . Robert Wirm , Construction and Design Panel The Business Participation Panel was not ·r epre s ented at the meeting. C ol. Malcolm J ones pre s ided in the Chairman' s abs ence . C c l . J ones explained that this was the se cond in a series of monthly meetings designed t o bring the C ommittee members up t o date on the p rogre ss of the p r ogram. He then asked each of the panel representatives to make a repol"t on the action taken by their respective panels . Fin nee and Non-PrQfit Funds Panel .. Mr . Wilson and Mr . Ware explain d that the C ommittee ls ctively engaged in developing a local funding group to provide " seed" mon y to promote low cost ho\ising . have been held and material from other such o rganiz tion Preliminary discussions is b ing reviewed. S ocial Problems Panel • Thi s panel has met to organize their group and has discussed some of the broad ar as to be main decisions c m out of this meeting: ncompasaed by th panel. Two �Page Two (1) The panel should have repre s entati on from the community itself and, thex-efore , two new members have been added . (2 ) The panel felt it w ould be helpful to develop some guideline s as to what is anticipated as goals for adequate living. Dean Jackson a dde d that one os bis classes is p resentl y c onduc t in g a survey of the attitudes of families living in the area j ust north of Bedfor d - Pine to be c ompleted by the end of this month. If anything helpful comes wt of the study it will b e s hared with the Committee . Land ti.cgu.isition Panel - This panel is still in the process of thoroughly organizing. However, as a result of the fi'.rst meeting it was d ecided that two or three r eal estate men would be added to the group and this is in process at p resent. Meetings a:re planne d with the Atl ntn Housing Autho rity and the Fedei-al Housing Administration. Con truction and Qesign P . ~el - Three architects have been g ined to work with the p nel in carryins out its functions. and h v Th pa.nel m mbers have o r ganized scheduled regular monthly me tings and are b g inningtto pl n their program . Legal Panel - Two the pan 1. Th panel member ttor neys have been add d to re working in three sist in the work of re s at the present time: ( l ) Research and examinati on of the laws d aling with FHA hou ing, particularly the requisites fol' obtaining FHA grants and loans; (2) Study of comp! ints and probl ms concerning the enfot"cement of the Hou in C od ; and �---

~~ -- Page Three (3) Research into the pa.rt of the law particula:dy concerned with the Grant and Loan Program being restricted to urban renewal areas . Public Housing Panel - This panel has met on<?e and at that meeting the membel's were generally acqllt..inted with what is going on in public hou ing . Mr . Sterne told the group of m · ny of the programs the Housing Au.thority i s p:resently engaged in. Public Information Pane~ - The panel membel' have met with C ol. Jones and Mr . Alex:andel" for a briefing on the overall progJ."am. This panel ' e function i.s one of informing the gen ral public and to ~eport fully through the news medi what the Committee is doing . Until some definite the function o! the Comrni e is u to really move forward on th ction is taken by the Committee little better focu ed, thl panel will not be nd ble pgog!'am. Col. Jones di tributed up to date copi s of the inventory of the v rlous which proj eta/have been proposed and provided m.ember-s of the press with a ummaty of this report . He :reviewed th detail som.e of the und rway. Th oblem summary with the cor.n.rnlttee and disc11ssed in the C ommittee b encountering ln getting thes p1'oject m jor probl me includ : ( l ) Attitud of ho own rs toward apartm nt unlt (2} Zoning; and ( 3) D t rmination on the location of bou ing. housing not be loc ted in i-ea. FHA prefers th t such cone ntrat~d with one gl'oup. �Page Four The group di scussed possible solutions to these p:roblems but no positive decisions were reached . C ol. Jones also told. the group of a meeting Mr . Alexander has requested for a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen for the purpos e of inviting builders and developers to appear before them to discuss theit problems from their points of vlew. He added that It would be helpful to have some members of the Executive Group at this meeting also, Mr. Land of the Land Acquisition Panel said that his p nel would definitely be represented at the meeting . C ol. Jones :requested e ch of the panels to elect permanent chairmen and vie en h-men as soon as possible if they have not already done e . Mr . Clark told the Executive Group members th· t his panel (Public Information) is always open to committee members for any suggestions or recommend tions a to how the public information program. can help further th goals of tne committee . He also recommended to Col. J ones that the infoi-mation cont ined in the summary of the problem areas be m de v 'lable to the press . C ol. J on s agl"eed with Mr. Cl rk and advised that he would take up thi matt r with Ml'. Alexander . Theb being no f _ather· business the meeting w s djourned t 11: 30 . m. �