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Notes for Cecil Alexander Executive Group Meeting, Housing Resources Committee April 6, 1967 a. Establishment of regular dates for monthly meet~s . b. Insis.t on determination of Chairmen and Vice Chairmen by all Panels: Not yet reported: Legal Non- Profit Public Housing Land Acquisition Public Information oci.al Problems (Vice Chairmm) c. Comment on need for form tion of Housing Development Corp . d. Combining Financ e. M t rial from Planning Department on availabl ( quested by Land Panel Harch 24) f. As result of Housing Code enforcement, several property owners on Boulevard o.re reported to be anxious no to sell to Housine Authority for Public Housing . g. Discuss difficulti a in g tting sites approved. and Non-Profit Panels . land in City. Land FHA Planning Neighbors } These problem . are becoming very serious. Are placing entire program in jeopardy-. NAACP (See ott chod she t for p cifio xampl ) Promot r and D vlopora are becoming discour g d. A new Wld positiVi pproach is urgently n d d to cope with thia situation in ord r to o~ r c e current dif'ficulti a. �