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CITY OF .ATLANTA HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE CITY HALL Room 1204; Ext. 430 March 10,\) 1967 ATLANTA. GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LAN DERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison Dear Committee Members: Enclosed for your file is a copy of minutes of the organizational meeting of thi s Committee in the Aldern\anic Chamber at the City Hall, February 14. Several members who were unable to attend that meeting have requested that minutes be sent them in order that they could keep abreast of developments . Also enclosed for the benefit of those who did not attend the meeting is a copy of Mayor Allen ' s address at the meeting. The guest speaker Mr. Ferd Kramer of Draper and Kramer of Chicago related in a very interesting manner, some of his experiences in working wit h a group of private individuals in developing a much needed community housine project in Chicago which contributed in stabilizing a declining neighborhood and at the same time providing much needed housing for the staff of Michael-Reese Hospital and Illinois Institute of Technology. The project involved the purchase of badly deteriorated homes and t enements and construction of new apartments, together with the rehabi litation of the better structures. Mr . Kramer emphasized the importance of group action and support in projects of this kind, including cooperation of owners of existing properties and participation by lending institutions, builders, sub-contractors, labor and the City. It is hoped that this may inspire similar projects in Atlanta. Mr. Kramer stressed the importance of using Section 22ld(3) of the National Housing Act in connection with financing r ental housing for medium ·- low income occupants. The 3% below market interest rate, together with FHA's waiver of the¼£ mort 6age insurance fee allows the sponsor to provide housing at lower rentals, or in the case of cooperatives , lower monthly payments. This helps to close the rental gap between conventionally financed apartments and Public Housing. He also stated that apartment sponsors could usually obtain a substantial tax writeoff through the use of limited dividend corporations. Mr. Kramer indicated that mortgage funds are now available for needed housing projects in all of the larger cities and stated that financing discounts have dropped 4 to 4¼t in moat areas during the past three months. ·--- - ..,.. --···-r::r=-r:- - ·-- �- 2 - Mr . Kr amer' s talk was extempor aneous , so unfortunately copies are not available . A copy of news rele ase by Committee Chai r man , Cecil A. Alexander, on Februar y 2h, as to activities and accomplishments of the Committee has been mailed to each member . We will endeavor t o keep you inf onned through periodic r epor t s of this nat ure f r om t ime to as t o progress of the program. On February 24, HUD announce d appr oval of f und "reservi:ltion" for 3000 additional uni ts of Public Housing f or Atlant a . The Housing Authority r eq~est for t hese unit s t o help meet i t s shar e of · the accelerat ed program for l ow-cost units was approved by t he Bo~rd of Aldermen, December 20, 1966. · This will be quite a boost in providing st andar d housing for many of Atlanta's f ami lies i n the l owest income bracket. On March 7, bi ds were opened by t he Housing Authority for construction of 140 uni ts of Public Housing as an extension of Perry Homes, South of Proctor Creek. These will cons i st of 78 t hree bedroom units , 46 four bedrooms and 16 five bedrooms . Panel meetings were held recently by the Soci al Problems and Public Information Panel s . Dr. Edwin Harr i son has been elected Chairman of t he Construction and Design Panel and Moreland Smith, Vice - Chai rman . Virgil Milton has been elect ed Chairman of the Business Participation Panel and Edward L. Simon, Vice -Chairman. Dean Williams. Jacks on has been elected Chairman of t he Social Pr oblems Panel. Lee Burge has been elected Chai rman of the Finance Panel and Gordon Jones, Vice-Chairman. Acting Chairmen of other Panel s ar e urged t o report as s oon as possible the names of permanent Chairman and Vice-Chairman of their Panels. During February permits were t aken out for construction of 11 single family houses to cost under $15 ,000 each; 23 such houses were compl eted within the City; permit was also is sued for construction of 95 apartment units to cost under $10,000 each. · Due to the shortage and high .price of l arge suit abl e tract s of land within the City for development of low cost hous i ng , i t appears that a substantial portion of the accelerated program r equirements will have to be built on small tracts and individual l ots scatte red throughout the City. Builder s .should be encouraged in this direction. �- 3 - On small l ots , of which there are many in the Central City, where dilapidated structures are being demolished under the Housing Code, if such lots are zoned r esidential and were of record at the time the Zoning Ordinan ce was adopted in 1954, a single family residence can be r ebuilt on t he loto This is not generally known by property owners. Cooperative hous i ng, spons ored by non-profit organizations taking advantage of the · 3% FHA insured mortgage s , at 100% of FHA appraisal, including the land, _-is becoming a very popular t rend in the Atlanta area. · This provides an incentive of ownership by t he occupants which greatly r e duces abuse and vandalism, so prevalent in the past in low income areas . ~any fraternal, educational and religious organizations are in a position to t ake advantage of this approach and should be encouraged to do so. Additional information on this technique is available at the Housing Resourc~s Commit tee office in City Hall. Any member learning of new or projected developments in the low cost housing field is requested to pass such information on to the Housing Resources Committee office which endeavors to maintain a record of such developments and their status. Sincerely, Encl: Minutes of February 14 Meeting Copy of Mayor Allen's Address ,, • .... -:·

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