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HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE Cecil A . Alex ander, A rchlt e ct, Chairman D r. Sanford S . Atwood. President. Emory Univers ity. Co - Chairman Dr. Benjamin E . Mays . Pre s ident. Morehou s e College, Co - Cha i r man Legal Honorable Charles W ltne r, Atto r ney and for mer Congressman Donal d Hollowell, Regi on al Director, Equal Employm e nt Opportunity Commissi on Honorable Luther Alv e r son , Judge , Fw.ton C ounty S upetio:r C ourt Constl."udion and Desi&!': Dr . E dwin Harrison, Pr id ent, Georgia l nstitut of Technology Herman Russ 11, Contr etor Morel and Smith, Southern Regional C owicil Rev. J ohn A . Middl t on, President, Morris Brown Colle g Henry F . Alexand r. Buil de r J m.es Moor e , Pre id nt, Atlanta Labor Council Finance Dean H rding B . Young , Atl nt Univei-s tty Le Burge, Pre i d nt, Retail Credit Butl r T. Hender on, A el tant t o Dr. May , Mor hou Coll ge Non-Profit Fund A. B . P dg tt, Dir ctor, Atl nta M tropolit Fund H milton Dougl , Attorn y Rev. William Holm a Bord rs , P tor, Wh t Str t B p ti t Chu.1ch Dr. Rufus Cl ment, Pr id nt, Atlanta Univ; r ity John Wilson, Dlrec:toi-, Atl nta Ch_mb r of Com:m rce Alb ri Love, Executl'\l' Vic Pre id nt, The McCall Corporation �Public Housing E . H . Sterne , Chairman, Atlanta Housing Authority Dr •. Albert Manley, President, Spelman College Leonard Reinch, President, Cox Broadcasting Company Clarenc e Coleman, N tional Urban League Land Acquisition W . L . Lee , Preaid nt, Atlanta Gas Light c. R . Yates , Pre ident, Yates-Milton Stor s Vivi n Henderson; Prosident, Clark College Social Problems Charles 0 , Emmerich, Director; Economic Opportunity Atlanta , Inc. Duane Beck, Director, Community Council of the Atlanta Areai ,lnc . Sujntte Crank, Director, Sw:mn rhill-Mechanicsville Nei ghborhood Center Dr. T . J ohnson, Prof ssor of Political Science , Morehouse College William Jackson, De n, Atlanta University Bp.aln ss Participation Vivgil Milton. Retir d Atlanta Group Manager, Sears , Roebuck & Company E. L . Simon, Atlan Lile ln uranc Comp ny Harl e Bra,nch, Southern Company C. A . "Art" J nkins, Dh• - ctor of Indu tri l R 1 tion , Lockheed Rol nd Maxwell, President, Davi on' Dep rtment Storee1 Public Information

r mee Town end, Atlant Mag zin

Dale Cl rk, Dir ctor of P .lblic Affairs , WAOA•TV Moor , New Dir cto7, WSB-TV

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