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~ ._.,..._,.., .,.,_..,,,.,.,~,...; .. •.;:;:.~.. fc-,......,_,.......,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....__ _ _.....,.....,_.....,.._ _..,..,._.•,.., ROUGH ~~x~,·- -~----=-7 DRAFT By .......~~...~:....~~.o an Date .... ~/.?.~/~~.. . Page ....... .. ....... ..~.. . WORK PROGRAM FOR ATLANTA - CCT PROJECT, Oct.-Nov. 1969 I. CAS Program - objective, to develop a work program with analysis planning components: CCT role - assistance to CAS to start process, not develop complete plan. A. sketch plan - develop ideas on: 1) land development - review all hard and soft areas 2) circulation - including parking system - put into time frame _ ,3) B. short range before subway 4) long range - after subway 5) alternatives if no subway -- f analytical base - for testing 1) develop initial variables needed to test sketch plan ideas 2) review data base from existing sources - including travel data 3) · work program for t data collection operations systems development - reports, etc. ~ II. Shuttle bus demo - objective, have appropriate applications ready for DOT approval in November A. Service operations - prepare capital grant application to buy new buses B. Monitoring operations - CCT work program - (tech. studies - supplement) C. Second phase demo program application , I II. ,. St r ategy on ,Feder al Applications fo r Atlanta - obj e ctive , to get an expl a inable p icture of Atlanta's planning and operationa l structure WW ·~~-\ ~

.3rthur 1llJUttldJnc. ADL 116- 768 �ROUGH DRAfT By ......1':.:....~.'. ... ~.1.?an D ace ...9/29/69 .... .... ...... ..... . ?..... Page ...... ....... .... Work Program f or Atlanta - CCT Project , Continued II I. Continued i n t ransportation f or us e in Federal applications to DOT, HUD, HEW A. Paper des c ribi ng r ole of variou s agencies B. Dec isions on what kind s of appli cation s should be handled by which agencies C. IV. ,"j I; cap i tal grants 2) technical s t udi es 3) demo . proje ct s 4) 701 planni ng 5) others. Strategy f or timing of current app l ications Financial Study of Atlanta Transit System - needs more thought V. I' 1) Busway s Experiment - hold f or time being Time Allocations: I. ~ II . II I. IV . v. '""" WSA , Gammel 10• CAS Pro gr am A. Ske tch planning B. Analysis base 6 wks. Oct. to Nov. 1 5 ' SOM Courtney RERC Hen s en ADL Sl oan 10 5 3 5 5 10 3 Shu ttl e bu s demo 3 1 2 3 Fede r a l Ap plica tion Stra t egy 1 1 2 5 ATS Financ i al Study ..... 2 2 3 Busways Demo --- ( Mi sc. pr ogr am <level ; organiz a tion and adm. ) ~ 1 TOTAL 20 18 3 21 21 2rthm D.11.ittkJJnc. ADL 116- 768 �