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MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SIXTH ME~TING METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY NOVEMBER 4, 1969 MEM,BERS PRESENT Sanford s. Atwood (DeKalb County) Roy A. Blount (DeKalb County) M. c. Bishop (Fulton County) s. Truett Cathy (Clayton county) Rawson Haverty (City of Atlanta) Allens. Hardin (Fulton County) K. A. McMillan (Gwinnett County) L. D. Milton (City of Atlanta) ,MEMBERS ABSENT John c. Wilson (City of Atlant~) OTHERS PRESENT Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority .

H. L. Stuart, General Manager E. w. Nelson, Chief Engineer King Elliott, ~ublic Information Director H. N. Johnson, Administrative Assistqnt and Assistant Secretary Consultants J. A. Coil, PBTB, Atlanta Francisco w. o. Salter, PBTB, San w. Stell Huie, Counsel Others Jan Richey, City of Atlanta Pla~ning P~partment William H. Parr, Atlanta Chamber of C:omme,fce Edgar E. Schukraft, southw~st Atlanta A~sociation~ Inc. Newsmen - WAGA-TV Newsmen - WSB-Radio Dick Miles, Atlanta Constitution Bill Collins, Atlanta Journ2 1 I - 1 - �The meeting was called to order by Mr. Roy A. Blount, Acting Chairman . MINUTES Minutes of the Octqber 7th meeting had been mailec prior to the meeting and were unanimously approved ~pon ~ motion by Mr. Bishop, seconded by Mr o Hardin. FINANCIAL REPORT The Financial Report as of October 29, 1969, presented by Mr. Stuart , showed appropriations received from t~e participating governments for the fourth quarter with the exception of Fulton and Gwinnett Counties. Mr. Stuart pointed out that since preparation of the statement, Fulton County's fourth payment had been received, leaving Gwinnett County in arrears for the third and fourth quarters. Staff and administrative costs continued to run within the budget. Upon motion by Mr . Bishop, seconded by Mr. Hardin, the financial statement was unanimously approved ~~dis attached and made a part of these Minutes. Mr . Stuart stated that Mr. Hardin h~d suggested that the monthly financial statement would be more informative if the budget column were pro-rated and if it inciuded a new column for the same period last year. Mr. Hardin's su~gestions had been r eferred to the Finance Committee, and MJ;'. Stuart was directed to set up an a d ditional meeting between the Finan~e C9mmittee , c o unsel , Account ant and Auditor for ~TA, someti me during December to d iscuss the matter further and report back to t h e Boa r d by t he f irst o f the y e ar. Mr. Blount stat ed that it would be necessary to appr ove the p ropo sed 1 970 b udget during December. It haq alr e q d y been submitted to t he Local Gover nment s and f a v o~able comm~nt s had b e e n re c eived fr om t h em. Mr. Bl o unt further s tat e d tha t due t o 9hanges in t he City government as a resul t of the r e cent eleation t p at \he new budg et sho ul d be st!bni tted t o the n ewl y eleqted Mayor, Vice-Ma yor, Aldermen, and to a ny others c o ncerned . Upon motion by Mr o Haverty, seconded by Mr. McMil lan, it wa ~ un~nimously agreed that a meeting should be arrang ed by the General M~nager with t~·, e new officials to apprise them of the proposed 1970 . budget and work program. REPORT OF GENERAL MANAGER Mr o Stua rt repo rted on a meeting in Atlanta on October 23rd with Mr. Jerome Co Premo of the Urban Mass T+ansportation Adminis tration , Washington, D. c., at which meeting representatives of - 2 - �of the Highway Department, Federal Highway Administratio~, u. s. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Atlanta Transit System , Metropol i tan Planning Commission, City of Atlanta, Central Atlanta Progress , Inc., Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc., and other transportation and planning agencies were in attendance. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss MARTA's new federal application , as well as applications filed by the City of Atlanta and Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., and by Economic Opportunity Atlanta , Inc .. It was pointed out that Federal agencies are concerned about overlapping work items in the above applications, as well as that of the TOPICS (Traffic Operations ProgrqITI to Increase Capacity and Safety) Study that is soon to be initiated by a consultant for the State Highway Department. It was noted that these studies should be coor dinated with each other in order to avoid any duplication of work. Work schedules would be submitted to the Federal agencies with an explanation of how these various programs will be coordinated and tied in . Two char ts were presented by Mr. St~art, the first of which showed the wor k schedule for conducting an ~ast-West Busway f .easibility study. Planning projections for this study would be furnished by ARMPC and the remainder of the work would be undertaken jointly by Parsons Brinckerhoff-TudoE-Bechtel and Alan M. Voorhees and Associates. The work would take about nine months but it is hopefu l that early conclusions can be reached before that t ime peri od . Wor k items 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the MARTA application a r e involved i n this evaluation study. The s e con d c a r t p r esented reflect ed MARTA' tota l wor k p r ogram a nd it s howed coordi nation with the Central Area Study bei ng spo nsor ed by t he Ci t y of Atlanta and Central Atlanta Pr o Thi s g ress , and t h e work o f Econ omi c Oppor tuni ty Atlanta , Inc . wo u ld be .a two - yea r p r ogram with the approximate starti ng dat e bei ng J a nuar y 1 , 1 9 7 0 , broken down into two phase s with Pha s e I being t he wor k progr ammed f o r 1 970 and Phase II the r emaini ng work. Upon c ompletion of Mr. Stuart' s p r e s e nt at i on a copy of each chart was fur nished the Memb er s wi t h t h e r equest tha t they be studied , fo ll owed b y any questions th~ ~ oar d mi ght h a v e . Th e Genera l Manager stated that a written monthly progr ess r eport would b e r equ i r ed in or der to keep all agencies fully i n fo r med o f d evel opment s t hrougho ut the wor k p r og r am . .I t was p oint ed out t hat al l wo rk e lements r eflected on the c har ts wer e c o ntained i n the new federa l application being submitted to DOT with the e xception of t h e pla n ni ng p r ojec tion s wh ich we r e b e ing pre p a r ed by ARMPC a n d wou ld be i ncorpo r a t ed i n t he a ppropria te section of t he appli cation wh en r e c e i ved o - 3 - �Mr~ Stuart expressed hope that a new approach to transit, new amendments that would be required, and a sound financial plan would be ready to present to the General Assembly during 1971~ Mr. Stuart also mentioned that Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. had filed their application directly with the u. s. Department of Housing and Urban Development, but HUD preferred to have it filed through MARTA with the Transit Authority being the Administrative Agency and responsible for the work. It would not cost the Transit Authority any funds except for the occasional staff time that would be required to review and administer the work. Mr. Stuart had agreed to this arrangement and planned to meet with EOA officials in the near future o REPORT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION DIRECTOR Mr. Elliott reported that public information activities were being accelerated as requested at the OGtober Board Meeting. Contacts had been made with Editors of the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, and with News Directors of local radio and television stations. Information had been supplied for a special edition of the Atlanta Journal, and WRNG Radio had agreed to provide a one-hour program when the MARTA program is defined. A re-cap of the MARTA program had been drafted and will be put into final form when the program is firmed up. The re-cap will serve as the framework for more detailed informational efforts. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Blount adjourned the meeting at 3:45 P.M. NEXT MEETING December 2, 1969 - 3:00 P.M. diN· H. N. Assistant - 4 - �