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December 3. 1969 r . Norris H rudon 587 Univer ity Plac e , N . W . tlanta~ Geor ia 30314 De r Mr. Herndon: I ould like to ppoint r . Jesse Hill as a member of th Metropolitan Atlanta R pid T ran i t A1.1tbority. I fe l that Mr. Hill is minently qu lifi d to fill this position nd bri not only to the po ition rso al l ader hip but tron ii ci 1 kno ledg hich is tly n d i tbi proj ct. I ould appr date v ~y mueh your a.dvi in me o1 the vailability of Mr . Hill to ,cc pt thi ppo' tm .ut, With be t wis for th eomil1 holid y eon,. I am Sincer · ly yo r • I an All ayor , Jr. IAJt:lp Hold for B epl y Original sent h o me and c opy s ent to c o mpany copy sent to Jesse Hill. �