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COME TO RAPID TRANSIT PUBLIC HEARING All residents on the West Side of Atlanta are i n vited to atte n d public hea r ings on the p r oposed rapid transit lines . The map below shows the p r oposed location of the i-apid tran sit stations and routes . The rapid transit system would use high- speed trains , which wou l d ru n as fast as 75 mi les per hou r and would average more than 40 miles per h our . Representative s of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid T ransit Authority will discuss ro u tes and locations of all stations . There will be a detailed discussi o n of the West Line, and how i t wi l l a f fect this a rea . They will show aer i a l pho t os, maps, and s lides to sho w how the rap i d tr a nsi t sys t em wi ll look and where it will go. People who live i n t he area from Westlake Ave nue t o L ynh u rst Drive and beyond should t ry t o com e t o th e h ea rin g wh ich will be held WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 at 8 :0 0 P. M. at the AME ZION C HURCH , 38 HIGHTOWER R D. , N. W. �