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Maroh 21, 1969 nonorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta · City llall 68 Mitchell Street, s.w. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear f.layor Allen: If the mail balloting of the Atlanta Area Transportation Policy Committee for establishment of a 60-man Citizens' Advisory Committee results in this resolution being passad, I would like to be considered for member3hip on this Citizens• Advisory Committee. My qualifications include nine years experience in the automotive industry, fifteen years residence in the City of Atlanta, the application of computers to the solution of business problems when I was employed by IBM, and a strong lay1uan' s interest for a number of years in traffic and transportation problems. You and I know that Atlanta is the finest city in America. Frankly, though, Mayor Allen, I feel that this all-pervasive transportation problem is the most significant cloud on Atlanta's horizon. I want Atlanta to continua to be a wonderful place to live for my children and grandchildren, and I know that proper traffic and transportation planning will help assure this. May we meet personally to discuss this? Very truly yours, Bernard A. Mcllhany Marketing Representative BAM/dd �