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�A city must be a community where our lives are enriched. It must be a place where every man can satisfy his highest aspiration. It must be an instrument to advance the hopes of all its citizens. That is what we want our cities to be. And that is what we have set out to make them. Lyndon B. Johnson The modern city by the volume and rap idity of th e movements of its people and goods can in large part gro w or atrophy depending on the efficacy of its transportation systems. A transit system has to be more than vehicles and tracks. There are also social and political dimensions. A forward looking transportation system can inject new economic vitality into a failing and deteriorating isolated area. It can be the means of directing and encouraging new and untapped areas of metropolitan gro wth. In short, it can give the city a new image for urban design. Robert C. Weaver Secretary U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Federal Govern ment has a responsib il ity to make clear the positive potentials of well designed transit for meeting the needs of our urban people. There is a national need for a stronger concern with the urban design features in urban transportation development. For much of the future of the quality of urban life hinges upon transit development. Design components in publ ic transit play an extremely important role not only in shaping ou r citi es - but in making them more attractive and stimulating places in which to live and work. Charles M . Haar Assistant Secretary for Metropolitan Development U.S. Departm ent of Housing and Urban Development The life blood of the city is carried through the arteries of public mass transportation. Indeed, public transportation can be the most important single force in shaping the development of the Nation's metropolitan areas. We think it is exciting to be tackling such a huge and complex problem; for the goal we have in mind is a most important urban design goal - that of meeting the human needs of urban life. Leo J. Cusick Director, Urban Transportation Administration U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development program The 1968 Design Awards Program in Urban Transportation is initiated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to recognize superior design in public transportation. Awa rds will be made for winning entries in two categories: systems or major portions of systems, and components such as stations, vehicles, and trackage. Judging will consider how design is related to comprehensive pl anning and the contribution of the entry to the physical, economic, social, and aesthetic development of the metropolitan area, the central city and the neighborhood. An nounced at the HUD-sponsored Design in Urban Tra nsportation Conference on May 22, 1967, this program will stimulate awareness of the affirmative rol e of good design. It will encourage active exchange of new ideas and broader concepts in urban transit development. eligibility Public agencies which have received financia l assistance from HUD's urban mass transportation programs are el igible to submit one or more entries. The entry itself need not have received HU D assistance. Total systems or major segments thereof, and individual items (including rolling stock, stations, rights-of-way) may be entered. Eligible projects include those comp leted after World War II, or planned by January 1, 1968. form and method of entry Ma il entries to: '68 Design Awards Program in Urban Transportation Department of Housing and Urban Development 1626 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20410 Insert all material in a standard Ful-Vu Economy Binder containing ten 9" x 11" transparent Mica-film window sleeves for displaying up to 20 inserts, back to back. More than one binder may be used. The identification sheet shou ld be completed and inserted in the first transparent window of the entry binder. Category must be specified as: System Design (Completed project or plan) Item Design (Completed project or plan) The entry will consist of a descriptive statement, supplemented by such photographs and plans as are necessary to fully evaluate the project. Photographs must be 8" x 10", glossy finish , and reproducible. They may be in color or black and white. Photographs should completely convey the qualities of the design. Plans should be folded to 8½" x 11" size. They may be in any medium. Scales must be shown graphically. Descriptive data must be limited to five typed pages, 8½" x 11" , and be inserted in the entry binder. The statement should include all information relevant to the evaluation of the project. The following factors will be among those considered in judging entries. system design 1. System impact on immediate environment (right-of-way): Urban development patte rns (contribution to futu re community development, control of factors disruptive to neighborhood stability, preservation of historic sites and open space, urban design considerations). User needs (attention to scheduling, travel time, accessibility, orientation, comfort, safety). Comprehensive traffic flow (effect on congestion at coll ector stops, distributor stops, along right-of-way; ease of transfer among modes). Efficiency (social , environmental , economic costs and benefits in meeting transportation needs). 2. System impact on total environ ment: Urban development patterns (stren gthening of business districts, promot ion of group interaction, respon - siveness to changing area needs, urban design considerations). User needs (service for those without autos; access to hospitals, schools, employment centers, etc.). Comprehensive traffic flow (interfaces between transit, auto, etc.). Efficiency (social , environmental, economic costs and benefits in meeting transportation needs). item design 1. Rolling stock (buses, rail transit cars, etc.): Planning (inherent design features , attractive display of signs and information, lighting, noise, ability to see outside, innovation in color and design of equipment). Safety (incidence of property damage, �personal injury, fatal accident). Comfort and convenience (temperature and circulation, seat size and leg room, ease of boarding and alighting, provisions for handicapped). Economy and efficiency (present condition of equipment, freedom from breakdown, cost of operation and maintenance, flexibility- adjust- ment to peak and nonpeak periods). 2. Right-of-Way: Planning (inherent design features; signs; landscaping; compatability with adjacent development, including other rights-of-way). Safety: Economy and efficiency (cost of construction - use of materials, maintenance, durability). 3. Stations: a. Building: Planning (inherent design features, aesthetic and functional consistency with adjacent development, access to other transportation modes). Safety (police protection, areas hidden from view, adequate lighting). Comfort and convenience (cleanliness, stairs-escalator, capacity, seating, weather exposure, heating, facilities for handicapped, attractive display of route and scheduling information, covered and heated wa lkways). Efficiency (construction, ma intenance, durability). b. Site Area: Planning (inhere nt design featu res, landscaping, aesthetic and functional consiste ncy with adjacent land use, accessibility from roadways; separate access routes and facilities for feeder bus, park and ride, automobile drop-off, pedestrian access). Convenience (sheltered waiting area, protected walkways leading to station). Safety. Efficiency (construction, maintenance, durability). jury and judging Entries will be judged on the basis of aesthetic and functional design of the project with consideration given to both current and future impact. System Design will be evaluated in terms of impact on the immediate- envir-onment - and -total environment over a fifty year period. Item Design will be judged with particular refe rence to user and community benefits. The time frame for performance will be 10 years for bus, 30 years for rail transit car, 50 to 100 years for buildings and rights-of-way. A jury including distinguished persons in the fields of planning, architecture, engineering, sociology, and graphics will be appointed to evaluate entries and recommend awards to the Secretary. Ralph J. Warburton, A.I.A., Associate A.LP., Special Assistant to the Secretary for Urban Design, will serve as Professional Advisor. awards A limited number of Honor Awards will be given, and in addition several Merit Awa rds will be made. Award categories are System Design and Item Design. Suitable cert ificates will be presented by the Secretary to each entry receiving an award. The certificate will include the names and affiliations of all those participating in the project design. publicity The Department plans to prepare brochures and other printed materials describing the program and award winning projects. Therefore, all material submitted for award must be cleared for release upon submission by the entrant. No responsibility will be assumed for copyrights or photographic fees. All photographs and material submitted with entries will become the property of HUD, and will be actively used in program development efforts. time schedule Entries must be received no later than January 15, 1968. Judging will take place in February 1968. The date of the Awards Cere mony will be announced. for more information Additional information may be obtained by writing to: Mr. Robert H. McManus, Chairnran Committee on Design Awards in-Urban Transportation Department of Housing and Urban Development 1626 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20410 or phoning: 202 - 382 -5374 . MT MP-59 �check list The following list is provided as an aid in the proper preparation of submission. Full instructions on the preparation of the items noted will be found in your program announcement. O Remove all white sheets between (not within) transparent window sleeves. Identification: O Information is. complete. O Information is accurate as to credits, spelling and punctuation. O Insert in first window sleeve, .facing front cover. Descriptive Data: O Type. Insert in binder, beginning with second window sleeve. Photographs - 8" x 10" - Glossy: Do not glue, tape, or otherwise adhere photographs to any backing within window sleeves. D All photographs and plans are cleared for publication. D At least one photograph is reproducible. Horizontal photos D All such photos are to be placed in window sleeves so that the bottom of the photo is parallel with the right edge. (In relation to the inside back cover). D No transparencies are included. D Plans: D Folded to 8½" x 11" size. Mailing: O Allow sufficient time to reach the Department by January 15, 1968. /""'•,, U.S. DEPARTMENT O F HO USING !* I II*: AND URBAN DEVELOP M ENT \,,,,_,...... W a s h ingto n, D.C. 20410 �© 1968 Urban Transportation Design Awards Program (Please type) Category Date Completed _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Entry Submitted By: Authorized Representative - - - - - - - - - ---- - - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -Name of Agency - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - Address Phone Number _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ Signature Please submit the following information as necessary: Arch itect Transit Consultant Name Name Address _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ Address Signature _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Signature Transit Operator Engineer Name _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address Signature _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ Signature Urban Designer Urban Planner Name _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Name _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address Address Signature Signature Graphics Designer Additional Participants Name _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ Name _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Address Address Signature Signature �