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NEW YORK; N "Y" Ma y 2 8---Beginni ng July 8 ,- a. b a.s ic cour se in reading skills wi ll b e t ele•ised from c oast to c o a st in 30 lessons of one-half hour each " This th e latest o f a se ri e s o f pro j ect s initiated by the Manpower Education: Institute to enable wo r ke r s including the O unskill ed employed and the unemployed . to advan c e themselves. in the ranks of American La bor " While designed t o benef it vi ewers of all a ges 0 from school dropouts to college g r adua tes, the co~rse is be ing timed for maximum availability to the 1,000 , 000 young men and women who wi ll be participating in summer youth p r ograms including job t raining in business , industry and gov ernment offi ces " The National Broadcasting Company, cooperating as a public service , h as scheduled the program to run Mondays thr ough Fridays from 9:30 to 10 Ar. M, f o r si x weeks on Channel 4 in the metr opol i tan area a nd from outlets in other cities . It will make the program a vaila ble to other affiliated stations wherev er loca l c ommunity participati on is indica ted " This city 1 s f o rmer Commissi oner o f Labo r 0 James J . McFadden, national dire cto r o f the non - p r cfit Manpower Educa tion Institute , announce d that th e reading skill p r og ramp along with the summer youth job p r oj ec t , h ad the f ull suppo r t o f th e un ited l abo r movement, business o r gani zations a nd the city administration . Harry Van Aridale, Jr . , pres ident o f the Central Trades and Labo r Counci l , AFL-CIO is chairman of the Manpower Education Institute . The television s eries, to be k now as "Read Your Way Up", will include b asic reading skills, speed an d compr ehension in reading, word mastery; readin g for pleasure, and effe c tive use of libraries .. �READING SI<ILLS . 0 and re ferenc e materi 3.ls , said: "2 ln ~nno·J.nc,.ing t he. p :rog :r a::n , M.;:·, McFad de n !!Almost everybody - :r·eg-:J.:-d:-ess of hew :-:ff':-:.h o ::::- how l i ttle formal educ3.tion he h as h ad can impr.c·•.;e h is readi.n ·; ek:..11 and ge t gre a ter benefitE frc :rn the p r i.n t ed wo r d , skillsr i mp r ~ '-.rement wi l l On ce h e has ·:J-3.~:r.ed the reading co.:ns e ver.y d,::ry wi t b. prac:::ice ~" Fo r many of t he u nemployed o.nd the unsk i l .1 e.d r readin g defi ciency has blo cke d the wa.y to emp:Lo ymen t and job a d vancement. This l-_1.appens when job 3.pplicants a r e ·J:1.ab l e to c omprehend readily t he p rinted ins t. r~.c:tions f o r op e r a.ting p r ::::icedures p safety cautions o r other material. The National Alli ance o f B~.sinessmenf coope- ::: a t..ing wi th the Insti tute 5 h as circul ariz e d a 1 l employers co:)pe:·a-t..ir..g i n the natio nal summer you.th job p r og:::-amf askin·g t hem t e> p rovi d e viewing f ac i l i ties on the job to Fe :~mi t hou .... progr::1 ms . their t rainees · t


watch the half- I n Ne w Yo . . . k, where the Comme~~ ·e and Industry Associat i o n has calle d t he p r o gr a."111 t c the at tent 1 on o f 3 u900 companies r such bu siness leaders a s Equi. table L.::..re c New Yor k Telephone and Ch a s e Manhattan Bank a r e among t h e m.~ny- t h a~. wi l l no t only enable t h eir summer trainees to. view the c o lo ::· pr•_ 3ra!C1.s b ut wi ll p r o vide supplementary i.ns t r ucti o n b y s ta ff members o r other educator s. The Ci ty a dmin ist~ation h ere, wh ich is p u~tin g 1 5 , 000 youths in sum.1'1le r munici pal jobs P i s p r o v iding te l e vi s .:..·::m ,riewings · f o r all of t h.e m e xcep t those in s catte:red fie 1-:3. c.ssi ~n::r.en c.c, , as i n pa r ks. The Ci ty 1 s Ur b an Co r ps . c:msisti.ng o f 3 f 000 cc l .:'..e. g e students, will gi v e an additiona l hou r o f supp_ementa~y assistance fallowing each t

.. �READIN G SKILLS " " , ·, 3 hal £ -hour TV p r og r am t'J t he tre.i ne e s i n c ity o..qeE ci eE " Mayor John V. Lindsay i s tak i ng meas ure s t c b r!ng tte benefits o f the i mp r o ved rea.ding skill s t o tho·c..sands who a:.:-€ o u ·,:.si.d e the summer job t raining p r ogr am " He has d::. rectcd the Ci ty O s H "...1:.11:,.n Re Eour ces Administra- tion to i n form all wel f are clients of the t.ele--7 i s .i.·::m. serie·s and t o notify t hem that they can obtain , free of cost , ~ r eadi ng k i t with cour se o u tlines , lesson. r eviews and supplementa.:::y r eading i nformation o The kits will be giv en out at all welfare cent ers. The p r ogram will b e made a vai l able also to patien ts in munici p a l hosp i tals, and inmates of houses of d e ten tion and o the r institutions . Ma.ny of the companies in the summer job p : : ·. Qg:!am a.re pro rid i ng the re a ding kits free to their trainee s " Indivi d ual home ·n·iewe r s may obtain the ki ts by sending $2 . 50 to Box 31 0, Grand Centra Po st Office 1 New Yo r k 10017, f o r the entire 30 lesson s . The curri culum h as been prepar ed f o r the ·Manpower Education Insti tute b y some o f the nation's leadi ng educators a nd spe ci a l ists in readi ng skills . of edu cation o f The consultan t s , headed by Dr. c -yde Weinho l d , Director t he New Jersey Department o f E:l. >J.~3. ~-i on and Robert H. Co ates , Di rector o f School District of Phila d e l phia r a = e Dr. Nila B . Smithi Di s~inguished Service Professor , Glassboro ; ta t e College; Eleanor T . Smi th , Library Services Program Officer o f the U. S. De p artme n t o f Health , Education and Welfare; Be:-ni~e A. M.o.c.Donald c Coor dinator of Adult Services, New York Public Library; ChLis Mc Hone y, Director of Education fo r the Department of the Ar my ; Gladys Alessi o f the mu.nicipal Welfare Education Department, a nd Professor Ann McKillop " �READING SKILLS , o 4 Th e p r og r am will .be given by Dr , Melv : .n H~',;,,a.z:ds f Ch a i r ma n o f the Re ading Departme_n t p and Dire ::; t or of the . Re'3_d :;_ng Improv ement Center, No r theaste r n Un i versity, and fo r mer professor at New Yo r k Univ e r sity ' s readi ng cen te r n �