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I FREDERICK .J. WAl. T.::RS 441a DAv1osoN Avc:r-uc: l ATJ..ANTA, GEORGIA 30:518 May 21, 1969 Mr. Everett Millican, City ..A.J.derman City Hall 56 Mitchell Sti·eet, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia. Dear Sir: Each tirne I arn involved in one of Atlanta's now f amous t raffi c jams on the expressway, I remernber your vigorous battle to defeat the Rapid Transit program in the elections last fall. When I further contemplate the tens of thousands of hours that are l ost daily by irate motorists in Atlanta, I wonder how in clear conscience you could have opposed the means of alleviating these frustrating traffic situati ons. At the time of your op p os iti on you promised an alternative, but I have seen no alternative and I think the people of Atlanta, · from everything that I can judge in conver sati on, are f ed up with the procrastinating, do-nothing policy which you have pursued. You may be sure that the mer.nories of these people will be long at the next election. Perhaps I have rnisjudged you - perhaps you have presented a workable alternative. If so, I would certainly be glad to know ab out it or any other plans that you may have as an elected representative of the people of Atlanta to try to save the one thing that can stifle Atlanta I s growth_ and progress toward a brilliant future. Yours very truly, FJW:eh Dear Mr. Mayor : . u erb efforts toward makin.g Atlanta one of the In view of your lively i~t~re s t and s:: u should have a copy of this letter which greatest of American c1t1es, I thoug t yo .. - - 1 1 ~ • ~ ,;,,a-I have addressed to M r._ Millican. vV~ ~ , , - 7 -- - - ~ �