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Rot-1~! ~1 JJ:c 2 f !: This ~e~orandu~ describes an action process for improvir.s :he transportation serving Atl2nta Ce::r,ter City ,.fr,ich n2s been developed jointly by Atlanta age~cies a~d che Ce~ter Gities Transpo=t2tion Project Team. T'he process is called O:?ER./1.TIO~ E ·::'f ;:RCi::?T ai1d wi ll hs.ve a r.umoer o~ steps, sta:c~ing wich initiatio~ cf a new shuttle bus service on Dece~ber 1, 1969, which ~ will lead in successive steps to the eventual develo?rnent of a complete trans~o rta tion syste~ for the center city as part of the region's basic tr~n s?or t a tion system . 'i'::..·0r·::,; tKn:- ta::i.or:. an<l the Ur b:m Hass Tran:;port:1::ion J\u1,1in:i. s trator for u.ction ' to h0J.p solve r,roblc:ns brought Oil by t he ::_;ro·~.·th c.ncl C:,p~nSi0!1 of CC: nter c::.:: v . co;.1bine the. cn -:::cgy .'.:!;:d resources of AtL.:nta 2~d th e Urb,::m Mass Tr ~rns it ,\c- · r.1inL;::,ration to c!ch j_eve / 2. ser ies of specific action g.93-ls ove::r ti:nc. �CLNTI::R CITY Gl{Ol·JTE: ATLA:,TA, THE CENTER OF TEE SOUTHEAST ·:, Since 1960, Atlante:' s Cen ter City has gro,,m bey·ond . a:;_1 predictions. __ Duri::. ,> . t;1ese past nir.. ve.:11,·s .,. c. e · almost eight million sa·uare f ee t of office spac e has been added co t he Atlar.ta Cent er Cit cent. .r u-' an increase of 175 per- The t rend i s expected to continu e , with both ple'1ners and dev e lopers fo~esceing rapid urban ~xpansion -- p~rhaps at a rate leading all o ther citi2s of compa rabl e si ze . Planners anticir~te that emplo y.~cnt in the centr a l city will doubl e within the next t wo decad es , a nd with redevelopment spa c e contiguo'-:1 s to the already hi~h2.y developed core, build ers a re actively keeping p2.ce ,,ith their -e--,. p f- ~ ~ "{1,-01J"$ -~·--=t .: 0!16. Sev e ral reasons for recent growth also insure it s ccntinuati6n. Atlanta o:: te:1 cor: s i cl 2red )< t he natior. ' s next frontier for accel e ~a ted deve l o p2ent and eco nomic growth . The city has beco~e the gatewa y to this rc g io:i. ' of vast potential,- a,1d. re·;, tain s a position unpa r a lleled, in fact unchalleng'2d, by other_ c:::;:-eas of u rba niz a tion.

1ore tha n four-fifths of the nation's 500 1-:: r gest ~orpora-

tio ~, s r-,ave est a blish2.d b2. ses in At l anta for operc.tions i :l.. the So1..'.theast, --~ ... and a re. expecr: ed to incr ea s e 'their de;:1an~s for space as the r eg io:c ·dev_~-1:ops. •· As in the pa s t , location within th 2 reg ion ha s a posi t ive ef fect on gr6wth. The c~ty i s neariy mid-center i n the Sou thea st Reg ion, ~nd with the exc~~tion o i wat er, enjQy s exc e ll ent s e rvice by all fo rm s of t rans portation~ As a c ent er for t j~ di stribu tio n o ~ scrv ic es and t he rc:;ion. Unl ess unfo r2scea bl e ev en t s occur, i ts l oca t ion wi ll beco::-.e i nc~e2sing l y sig ~ific ant i n loc a tion d ec i sion s fo r bot h business a~d gov e r n·8ent growth ;)rog r ams . �, . ·t-. i::ost si<:nif ic«nt 0-:>:ro,;,,i t11· catal:,•st -·, tl1e r0 1 i.1L~ J..onsnip · · · or~ 1 oc;1:;_ bus :i i1L~.;s _ .L::; ancl gove:rn::-,ent 2.nd how they \-mrk together in direct i n~ cont:im.:~d ce~teT city ccv.:::::top~2nt . In &bstr.:1ct i on t:his is o f ten stated as the ,:busin0 s::; spi ...: rit o f . :.\tla'Qta .

' based on. ~ o pti~ism ste~:~1ing from a proud .ar1.C. S!)C:Ctcicula~

g:rl!;b"..:h record -- a ser..s-2 of certainty that ).tlanta h olds a key to the futu r e ·o ~ the Southeast. !ri reality this means a stro ng and 2r t ic u lite bcsiness Q-0\ CO:!'.:::t.:nity ,-mrking uitl: ~v erv.r:-.2nt to provid e _directio~ and coo :rdit:.aticn f o r ---._:nticip a ted l ev -2ls o: grm-1 th. No ~here is the bus i n2ss-2 overn~ent relati on- ,.___ ~ ip nor 2 e v i d e nt o r vi a bl e than in th e c e ~t e r cit f , f or a l l acknowledge tha t i f this are a is to ~bs orb a doubli~g in s iz e of th e alr6 a dy h~~ hly ci ,;:v2l op e: d core, st.:ch a pa :::-tnc:. s h ip is 1~2 q_t.::i.s it e fo-::: its prop e r g u i d e,!!~ . r esa i n th e e c onon ic Pl ac ning efforts a cce:pt thi s as a given . m0 t rooo li t a n re n ion. a n d h'O rk for it s continu ::it j_o r. with a n .'.lv o wecl d is tast e for a V.:ls tly d e ce n t ra l iz ed c i ty. The " Re:g io nal DC:!ve l o:_:;:,1e nt Pl an '~ (1962) c a ll s for a str-o :1g . r, cen :: ra l 2.r ea , wi t h th e City o f Atl 2n t a 's "1 98 3 Land Us e ? l a n" spe cii" ic a lly ci t ir,g the c 2n t:r al a r ea es 11 • so complex i t r e qu i r es a w2 ll con ceived, well d e v e l o ped, 2nd we ll execut e d p lan of it s O h'i:1. " S'.:) C:Cic:! l t rans? o r t at ion s t t.:dies h2.v e a l s o ackno,dedge d i:he c e :1ter ci ty as urri c u e &n d r e qu1t·ing ·-.__.; - .-2 c::. f ic d e t a i l ed enal ys i s o f it s o wn . To f u lf ill t hese spec i 2 l n eeds f o r c e ,1 '.:er c i ty ? l a r.n ing , a.n eL:bora tc stLldy de s ign ( t h e CQ-;-,cral are a st1.:dy) h a s ·c2c:1 cl e v e l oFed as a j oin t c ity- bes:;..,1cs s co r.-,r::u nit y atte:-;,p t to c h aY t th e· cou -::: s a 2~d needs o f center city gr o wt h ~ PRO:iT.:-:~,; O? CO:;Gf.STION A?( D ACC ESS Cente: r c ity growt h h as not, o f c o u rse, evolv e d wit t ~~ t c r e ating ? ro bl e~ s . . \ ' itb few c.:-:cept i o,1 s d c v c!lo1; i:1.::nt h;..is t 2 kC!lc pl a ce upo i1 ~ lit t: l e ch;, ;·::-c-e J i,1:d �sit r~EcrGndu~, agencies are busy at revising a plan which should win enthusinstic a2?roval. Mayor Allen perh2ps best sums up such concerns in his state:i:ent that, "We cannot accon..-.odate any ~ore traffic on our ·:.::·:isting street ~atterns. And there is not enough money on God's green earth to change st:rect patterns i:1 Atlanta." G.:=ri,.~ lo:--:; rc.:·.::;i-. :~l2.::-.::-.~.::..::,- :~r~- . efforts have no~ included coordinated interi=~steps for relief of center city conge:stio:L Such steps are critically needed, and this progra~, along with the Central Area Study, are designed for ju s t th~t purpose. ?rol>l e:'rr,s of co::g estion · a::d access are not jGst 2nticipat ed; there are s2v ere proble~ s now. A ;oo<l exa:.1 pl e c..t,AS Go~ ~- :J

.· c~'-e.~

vr.:.C.,fD G. in ti:e Atl"'":-.t:a JO\.!l·c, a l- Co~~::: :i.t ui::io ,'l ~:--t icl e f ollo{,_,i ng the mid - day t r2£ f i c tie- up l a s t July 3. Thu r s~ay , chok ing int e:--sec iions and clogg i ng ma in art er i e s in the c i ty . ~~ d out of . manr publ i c t ransi t sc hedules wet e wrec ked as some bu se s .c ,... i '"' J.V~ a s long dS a n how.r in ~otio nl cs s lines of si::-L":).e r i ng c a rs Fr2eway p:co}:i;:1ity, t hen, and im~rovec1. ou ter c:::::-ea ar t erial st r ee ts hi ve ·--- v ast l y i ncreased the p~o p~nsi ty f or u sa3e of the automob i l e as a r::eans of tr a n s~ortation t o t he c ent ra l city. Center c i ty pa r king ~a c i:i~ies have been g:cm-,ing to acco,:Lrno clat e th0 d er:,-2nci, yet s tree t pa t te'!:'nS rema in fix ec., often un~hl e t o pas s ~the high v ol u~es o f both v ehicles ana p~Je s trians . v Over -c.::.i)Dcity i s e l-. , c ( <./ ;., I< "'b,,~ a f.J.ct c:.nd me2.sura ble in ho;,irs per day . Given the c:z- pected . growth :i.n the center ci~y with no :i.r::p rov<:;:nent in c:ccess1 t¾a~-:?..'.;~ , (./) ll"-1\e.. ~......-dc7""0V~'.::1C2'?2'C-:.=-t y coulcl be a r ea lity . Cc,P1/11:9 tiecl a I/... cfcy C,c:)Y'._y e..r/-.1:ri-, ,; �Of S?~C~~l concern ar~ access pro1lens of ccnt~r city residcncial ~cig~bor~oods, ?articulrirly thos~ in ~odel city and NDP project are a s. Alt~cugh public transit is available, most resi2ents a~e considered _captive riders wi.t:1 -specic.-1 ne2ds and der.~ands on _center city transportatior:.'. _,. technic.::l gr.2.:-:..: a?plic.2. t ior.. is now pe.-,din:; (EOA-:·Li\:{TA) :for study of neighbor~,ood access proble:~.s not only within tl1e ce!lter city but to suburban e.::!_)loyz,e:nt cent e rs as well. It is anticipated that thi~ program. of interi~ steps ~ould be inst~u~ental in resolving thase problems. The rapid transit program will of course r2lieve problem s of center city access, yet an operational status is ye ars away. Until -the~, congestion

mW-.d t',•l-1-4-},,1, .

con.tinu e s to ~oun~, and interi::-t progY.s.!::s for- i Lrpro'\1 :.:-.12r1 t ~ ov. e r shc. C.o;-;2d by the desire to see the prim.:?.ry ra~icl trc.nsit system app r ov ed a nc oyera-_ tiona l. As ?r ev i ously s t a ted, At lanta is currently cx? e r i2ncing sever e cent e r city acc ess a nd cong2s tion proble~ s. T~e rapid tr a nsit progr2s has yet to b8 approved by the vo te rs, and is at leas t eight to t e n years awa y f~o~ an o f r e:l i ev:;.n 6 c en-t e r_· city co nges tion probl err..s . to t his nee d f or a n i n ter im pr o~rara ha s ~een found t hro~sh the .........._____ DO':c' CCT? • Uncoor2 i na t ed ~nd un nr ticul c. t ed i deas c.nd c oncept s for inter i ra .................. _ solution s faun~ i n various pl ann i n3 and trEnsi t 2geccies have with t he ~i- " rect ~elp and inspir~tion cf the c ~~ter cities consottiu~ been rl ev 2l cpei �' ' .. ccnt2r city access and nl!cvi~tin~ cong e stion prool2ms. The first s:cp ,,,, e~ploys existin~ transit tech~olos y, local equipra~nt, and lo c~l'~ina ncin~, (M/10-~ ~~ 2.n c:pplicati_or: of ne.F technology anc hardware as q p2r::canent cen- ter city dist=~-~tion syste~ co~?lernentin; the proposed prisary rapid tran~ sit systes. Inter8ediate steps er:,ploy_ irc1prov2r.1e,,cs on tcc1molo~y, harch,•arc, and application, with v ar iou s arr&ngements of local-fc ~e ral financia l suppo:ct. . A key element, ne&rly re~uisiie for thC:-! succe s s £0:c ~ , will be the developrr:eni: of the wa y. 2. Of'E ?MlON \NTl_'.:-~l:,fT t*•"'·*·.::.~·::_; ; ~ ~ - !;iOnitorir.g process for each step along In thi s wa y the p& rt icula-.c charact eristics o.: : e2.ch step c 2n help rl2~ermine the program =or the ~ext. \ NTf /:G c; ?'t°" G_/4·:e c::::.o::-. ::::.·,-ce:.:.:..e::.¥.: is C?F'S(~T Ic:, }J d i vided ir,to three ;ener&l ste~)s , eac~1 b-..: ilding u p0~-. the succ2ss of t he o:1e(s) b efo re. By mainc:a i!1 in 6 the non icoring syste:~1 i n c1 cl, stl!p , l arge qu an tit ies of ·inforr.,2tion ~-. 'ill b e: avail2b lc for ;lan~ing the n ext. Thu s , co~tinuous feedbhc k will s hape zr.d d i r ect: service c haracteristics f rom i nitia l steps. The initia l step i s divicied into two phases . The fi rst ,_. _a 1 00% loc2.l e f: or·t, i s S?onsored by both Qity a nd bu siness ccn~unity . s ervic e by Dcc e!T'.ber l 2 high f:c e qu ency shutt l e bu s op e ration roi:ted t:htoi.:gh the ce.ntcr city· and t er;-'.:inating a t existing 1forth c.,nd s··ou th par k.ins f2cil iti es located just ou tside the c ente r city. The. service result s from a jo int effo ~t betwe~n t he City of At l ante , Atlanta Transit Cornp~ny , and the busi1")_ess cor.:::1ur.it y to pr ovid e i f.'2.ediate relief f or ce·.:1ter city co:lr,estio:1 . The se::::-vice is aim2d prinarily at the ctiver co;;::::~1t e.r , with hopes of inter- cepting hi3 a t the periphery parking f2cilities (both locat ed on the 2xpr2ssway systE::n) c:.nd bussi!:':g hin to cente:c cH y cJ:)loy::i.e.nt. The shuttle service .· �·s 1. I'OLL \,•i_ LL't·.-ott t • pr··c••, ,~11~. _ _ ~ _ _ Curr· cn~.L-)• , - ~... and have proved most successful -- one, •..,o ~ ~·r,,1Ltl~ · opc143.215.248.55ion . L c s~?\'. ~L -ices arc in 3 special application, is nuurly an identica l service conce pt as this first ph2se of Step·r. The service is beir-g o:-;er2t2d betx,.::en Georgia State U::1ive~:sity, a· dow:1tow11 school uith very limited parking facilities, and tbe sa2e south p2rking facility as proposed in this first phase of Step I. The other shuttle operation is the

'Shoppers S;:,2cic1l: 1 routed within the cer.ter c·ity, serv"ir,g m2.~or ratail

outlets. / . �i r: i n th e fcr 8 o= a G~a nt. D220. or additional routes, , ::-. -:~ ,- 1 ' - ...... ,r .... - · ; At th e us e o f n or e par~ing f acilities. tioi~s of S t: .::? I, and i s expc ct .:::d to ::-e qu i;:-e: cons id 2r 2.ble c apit.:11 i:1ve::s t::-.2nt. I t i s :::.n t his step t h a t r,c,., t c ch::1ology will b e: er,:;_) lo y cd a r.d a 12.r ge e :q 2:1siori of services ::,ut i:1.::0 c::.:2.:: t . Ki~d ':r1e nc\·i tech nology will r:-.0:.:-e t h an of i ~~rovements t o b e dev eloped • .-"" ·.:·; ·•.-,1 , ·_; .-- .,_ - ~·_ - i On'-' ~ f o·~- f "-r.,d ,"'r.. ~" -l ~ c. - ~ ·.::c1· .· c-<· ·s ·· r- ',, ~ ~- '-'· · -· ,.1·i.1. , . .., - l DC.· "1.· o ·r.~ , ; r.·, 1·.., - Ll·.cc··. •. ·"-"·6 . , t hi s 1 s t 2?) and wil l incl uJe not only C2pital s~ants for constr uction , bu: tec~~ i ca l study gran ts a s we ll. See p II c an a l so se e t h e init iat i on o f s ~2cif ic acce ss- l i~k-ups t o · __ t he ~od2l Cit ~es en~ ND? proj act a r eas , if the i r st~di2s find it desir~bl~ . i n ooe:r at i on is a Model Ci: i a s s~ut t l e bus . / ~· Hhich The 2oni t oring pro gr 22 2 s deve lo?ed by t ~e CCT c eau will i n St 2? I ~ give ~ over t o loc a l agencies f or opera t i on ; whe~e it wi ll ~ot o ~ly be Dain~ a i nsd , bet revis2d i n ant i cipct ~on of and pr eparat i on £or St2p I I I. ... 0 • S;::ep III ~i: l bcco2e a par t of t h e lo ~gcr r ange transit ? l arin in~ .· c~~ �I .., criei:.t.:!t~on. the ~ltimate ~cal is to see ir~to cpcr2tirm c, permanent s2co~dary distrib~~ion ~yste~a within the center city in full cor.~pli_?::!el,t of the regicn-=.l r .~ pid transit · sys-c.e:,·:J'{.. , z.rcd er,,bodyi:1g those -successful service a:pplic:ition~ of Stf:ps I ai,<l II. The Step II monitoring operation will be oriented ~ow~rds this St e p III systen conce?t, an2 the St e p III planning tim e frame ccc;atible with the lon~ ra~ge prim2.ry syste:~1 progra:n such that cc;-,~ plii::entary, syst2r.1s ccc~ 02 insurec.. -- . ..

~ �I different facets. l. B.::.si c Policv ~-r~~ing :::1d Coorc.: iP..ation O?er2tio:.1. L:tercept h.:,s been considered es part of the basic transportc.ticn progren .of the Atlante- erea. It is being d::SC:ussed and reviewed by tl-.e ?Olicy 1 1 -r:-..c:. c- - .-:- i1~• 0 1 a~ta c.-n.d coo··a.:,-,"t1·n° "'~.: -' ·L,_._ .-:..e Po".1.i·cy Co-.-,:"'_,_-i~._r..-,e" • • -'-••L.;, or·~ -oc.;.. ,- ·--·t--"c,.._.,,,;., .<, c..,__ .•-,,.. _ u . .--,, •• ) i·nclu..:i;no ' ~ •(..:._. 0 \..'1 a '-"0 and i::he_ Pl2.nnL1g c.!1.d Developillent Com:--:1ittee cf the City of Atla nta's Bo2.rd of P.l<len:2n, a ::e:. the Bo~rcl of Directors of Ce ntral Atlanta Progress. . The t e ch nical op -2::-.::.tior,,s of th2 .Atlc.nta R23~0T! !-:8 t~opolit2:1 Plan!Ling Co-r.-:..~ission. 2. ':i.'h e Ce n t re. ::.. ope r at io:: . 1 sponsore d ' by t he City o f Atlan t a and Ce ~tr al Atlacca · P~ ogress a~d t he Metrop o lit~n At l i n t a t\.u t hority, c:r~~1 the St2t2 }:i gL1\·J 2:y De pt. c.~er..c ies prir:,2ry r2 s p o:-:.si':> ili ty, u:1.d e r t his ove:.:-a l l poli cy fr ar,:2uork, f or t h e sp e: ci fic lo r:;_; rc.-,,is plan:1ir.g o f p ub l i c t rc::us p o :?'.' tc:tion fs c i l i t ies 2.:id se:.---v:::.ces z.s the y a ff ec;: ce~te= ci t y. .,f\~ OIJcra t ion I nt erce) t wi l l b e tied i n to ~, g oir:g pla ::1n i:.:g p rog r ~~s o f tnese ~gencies. 3.

 :onito!:"i n '.!, -

During Step


of O;:i2.r2.tion Int2.:::ce pt , fr~2 CCT Tea::: -..,ill b e r es pc nsibl e: for the t e chnica l wa r~"( r e ~ui::ed to r.:on i tor ope rati on u·:-,d er ·t:2 d i r e c t io,1 of a Wo rki n:3 Co::·,mi t tee c 0t-:.sis ting o f t he Cicy o f A:.: l a nt a , ~-:ARTA , C2:.·,..::.·al _L..tlE:-,t a P rogr ess , a::.d the Atlant2.. T:::- 2..nsi t Co:;:~-:,2:;1y . In subsequ ent · s te?s , t h is tech:1ical worR wi ll oe 2.:0s orbsd by _·l o c2.l agE.nci.:::::;, r.--,os t ~ 4. likely b th e Ce:1 tr 2 l Ar -22. Stucy .:ecS!. Ini t iall y the City of At l a~ta will b2 t~e applicant ' f o r fade::al applications co~ing .. I· --¢~ c.irectly out of- Ope:c&:.:io:i Interc2? t, �• I:-"\ The AtL:nt a Trc:nsit Syste:-.: will opera te t he service in t Le. first step of Opera~ion Intercept. The OJ eration of subscque~t s~rvices will d~~en d . on the ~esponsibilities as s ~gned to v£~ious of the:: operating e.sen cies cm;,::.ng out of the b us ic tr 2nsportatio:1. plar:;.-.::.ng process. -... __ .. / �I. I. AC':.' I\iITIES 7.G DATE A. The idea for this projec t was generated out cf the in~ craction ~2twe en the Center City's Project Team and various groups _in Atlanta during Phase I of t he CCT Project. Officials of tte Atla~ta Transit Sys~e~s, the C),~l!f-5

Cer.:::r2l Atl..::nta ?:::-og-:-e.ss, the City Pla~n~ng Depart~en t, a::-..d 4"-~.;t..~ began --- to develop ideas on quick ac tion projects to hsln solve so~e of the center city's i r::o,edia te transportation ··. :.co~le::ls . B. W½e n Phase II of the CCTP ~es £nnounce d by Secretary Volpe in Se~Y~c~1ber 1~69, Atlc.nt.:?. was ready to r.,i:!ke 2. specific p:.-oposa l for 2.:1. i:,.;;-:c- dia tc ac tion prog r an to nrovidc ah nll-~uy shu ttle bus se rvic e connect ing ter to cli:iv e:!.-s o ff the c:<~n-essw;:y conr,e ctor- 2 n d downtm-m arteri2. ls before the y r22c~2d the mos t congest ed areas. The CCT Cafe Tea m me t 1~ Atla~ta on Se; ~2reb2= 24 , were present ed with t ~c p:.coj cct conc ept , made fi 2ld i nS'.)ec cio,1s o f the propo s c-d r oute , ri-.1d gen-2::-,:lly cc1dor s cd t he ;_:n:oJ c~t a~_4= suitable expe riment ·for Phase II of the CC~P . C. A ~orki ~g t eam from the Atl a~t~ 7 r a n sit Company , the Ci t y of Ac- · l a ~ta (?la~n i ng Department ) , Central Atlanta Progress, a nd the CCT? began to put tog2 thcr a co~pl ete progr~~ for thi s opera tion. 1. This inclu ded:. ?r0pa ration of an opcration2l plan by ATS f or a fiv2~bu s , a l l - day s ~ut t lc s e rvice, ope rat:.~g &t 10-~ i c ute headwavs l r om the t wo ?ark~ .


,: lo t s t h::-J ugh th e ho2art c £ the COi·rn t oi-; n a rea , includ i ng pl ans for �I ,.J ?3iking lo t operations, oper utinJ costs, fares, uua r ev e nue c s t~ 2a tos. 2. Cle arance by the city for use of the t ~o publicelly cwne::<l pa~kin~ facilities. 3. Tht: dm-: n::own business co77,:;:e:1ity, th-rough the ir org~ni z2tior-, Ce:.1tr::::l .'-',.tl &,:ta Progress, . have 2greed to S'upport the p:roj-2ct fir.2.nci2: :..y in the in~ e rin betwe en the time service will start on Decern~er 1 and the ti;;,e lJXl'A will be 2.bl e to su·;)'port the project throu:;h c!2~onstr2tion .s.r:.i c2pit.:1l grants. 4. Pre~ a r at ion o: thi s OPERAT IO~ IKTS~CE?T seraor&nden by the worki~g group which is designed to obtain ill~A support a ~d g uicance for this D. ·--...- The r:,2 ct ing with Ad.-r,i ni s tra tor \'a ill' a rre.::.l on :tfove:rrber -' i s exne ct ec! to be t he l 2 st of the i ni ::ia l phase s o f the O? Cr 2 : ion. ---a r e r- o ~-1 We r e2dy to roll. --·- ,I I. 1969, ·-._"!;- P 2·:':::D:CXl'E .\ CT IO:N / A. On Dece2ber 1, At lan t a Transit will b eg in t he new shut tle bus t hroug~, c e::ntr2 l c ity ;::ro:n the Stcidiu::: ~:-,d Ci vi c Cen ter- parking fifty' c er:t f2"{"e will be c harged :f or this servi c e. 1 · .., • A I nclud ed in th i s ,-, ill be the co~t of a l l-d2y pc:rk i ng 2nd rou~d tr i p bus fare . Those p2sse~~ers who use the bu s service wih:: ou t pa~~i~g will be charJed 15¢ ~er ride . �ousiness cor.1ic:unity \1:1 0, in .2dditio11, v.'ill pick ur, the costs of pror:,o tion. P.:irkin;; will be provi~l:!d by ::he c ity . lks.::s . .:ind o;,cr2t ion s \·! ill DC:: pro- costs o:;: publicity' a re eX:J2Cted to run about \ !2 Th2 net c0sts of O? e ration_, 2re expected to be 2.bout $~ , OGO per vic:ed . by AtL1nt.:i. 'Tr3nsit. $ 'fl1e mcm:n initially. E. J12st prior to begiuning i:r:e s 2.rvice, the CCT ceari , working with the A:la~ta age~cies, will develop a pro3ra~ of son ito r i ng the shuttle bus s ervice . This pro gr am will include: 1. s ~udi es of th e O?erations of th e s ervi c e , i~cl~ ding 0-D and arterials :o d eccr~ine irnpac i:s. 2. Studies of the c ~rr 2ct anrl ~o : e~t i a l market for th e service, i~cluding e nalysis o~ the char acter i s tics of t he current riders .. 3. Aualysis of the eco no::1ics o f the opera tion i nc lu d i l1i ·-cos~-s:,;:: and r ~venues , us er attit~2e towa r d fares , abili t y to pGy , br eak-even co s~ s for se:rv ice, etc. / Lf. Stud~es of other .::,re2.s a:id ro:.iti:.:-,gs wheore simil ar shuttle s ervice could be applied inc l uding an inv2ntory of fringe pGrking si:es; route loc&ticns, new central city ~evelopraents, etc. 5. Analysi ~ of the oppc:..c-. : Llnities fo:::- new U :chl~olo g iu, l ilnova- t io ~ a t s~b s c qucnt s tag es of the pr oject , includ i ng new v2hicl 2 s, s2p2r 2 te �1-J·.,.•,'·. ·1 ·,·-·..;• l, .( \,1.·1~• , 6. J)'-.'l1':) l- ~ •' .•·. \l1\l•·r· .,.-., ~ <· t··1L •• ., 1'01\ <.. , •,1,! 1 •1·ll·'t'-C>t· ·" J. • 1\ l1 ,I -- ,·1l]l. ·'t· I I :• ', Jt>J 11' l 0 J • 0 Assistance to ~:lanta in preparing applications ~or fE:cleral For this ,:i.on itori,,g opcratio:.1·, the CC'I' At lan-ta tear:1. h a s requested a bu-!get of $75,000 frc::-, the fl.!nds av ..: il2ble to the CCT Project for city ?'l'.'G~ ccts. C. Alo;:1g wi t~--. this ::-. onitorin~ effo :- t, Atlc:.nt a ho? es to have t he Centrel Area Study plann ing progra~ in full operation during De ce~bei. T~e st a rt-~~ of t~is proz r a~ is depend ent on the a pprova l of t ~e t e c~nic a l st udies gra~t a pplicu tion for $300,C JO ( $2CO,COO f rom i he fe d eral gov ern~ cossOnity through Cen: ra l At l ant a ? r o;~ess are co- spo~soring this p=ogra3 ,.,:,.ich i s €=:-: pec t ed , a long with t h2 ?L:nnin3 ac t :i.vit ic:.; of A:·S.P C, A).TS , .:..:-.d ~~R7A, to pr ovirl e the ov e r a ll plnnn i~z f r 2me~c=~ f or sub sique nt s t~ges of O?E:<...-:\.°J::IOX l);'.i.'ERCEPT . The CCT t 1::ai11 expc:: ct-s t o worl< along u i th tl'-.e CAS p::o- ---... prove3 e;:1ts :;_:1 Central Atlar...:a a~G t o develo? syst~ms to o!)t a i:i. b z.si .:L... ~--::-:abo~t t ne co~ditions af[ ~c ting i ts ? rc s2nt ar.d f uture dev elop~ent. 122 CCT Atla n~a t2a~ is re~uesting a t otal of $87, 0 00 fr om ~ ~e CCTP budg2t f or cit y project s f 9r this purpose . As s~~ing the gen2ra l endorser-.ent of [~<TA fo r O?~R..'\TIO:, I :.\"TERC:::?7 , the workin3 g.::-oup ir. Atl2ntc1 Hill b e;i:'. lo prepare -t-~ appl icat ion s f o r- f u::.ds

o car:::-y tte oper atio n pasc .the i~itial three rront h start -up per io6 i n to

t he co~~inua tion of t~e Ste? I and the d 2v eloprn2nt of Steps II ind III. h'e exD~ -::t these a!_)pl ic 2tions to :JC of t ~-10 kines initi2lly: �11 new bus e s tha t c2n be used to expand ti1e shuttle service ~u the l~tter stag2s of Step I co s upplc~cnt or rcpJ.ace t he e x istin~ equip~cGt tha t will ·be put into oµeration i ,!lmedi2tely. We no w esti:n.:ite the cost of the bus(;S and other equip~e~t to be approxima tely $500,000. 2. A de~onstrzcion grant &ppl±cation to provid 2 the funds re- "c;_ui-:- ed to t2st out r.ew a nd inproved ;;; ..c.: ttl e service to allow :or c:-: per:...mentation with f ~rcs a n~ ch arges to provide additio na l ir.duc emen t s for p~~r ons to permit promo tion fo r exp and ed s ervic es , to provid 2 whatever rei ~h urseraen t is re qu i red to the Atla nta Tr an sit Co~pany for un r e covered cost s of oper&ti~g th e serv ic e , a nd to bagir. the p ~ocess of des i g~ i~g new ~q u ipment , ~ ehi clc s , sta tio~s , righc s of way t hac will be need e d f or St e p II of t he o~era t ion . We expe ct tha t t his initial d e~ons t r~t io n wi l l co s t a p- . pc· - -- i·-,-::t- -:-. l y $?8.u'"' 000 - V .o'\. •· • ' - \.- \.:.,: - ) • It i s ?Oss ible t hat o t he r ap; lica tion s nay be f or thcoming fro3 this proc 2s s. I n any c 2. se , ,,Je · wou l d lit 2 t o requ:::s t t h e.t U?·'.'~'A allow O i.l :!'." ,,or:c:.r:.g t ea~ t o k ee p in v e ry clo s e tol!c h with various of t he UXTA s te.E f , to s e c\ '.:he ir a d- ., .. v i c e and guid a~ce on the proper and reo s t sui t ~bl e wa y t o tions . We also a ,1tic:.p a te tha t U:-ff.-\ i t se l f r.:ay want to i.: se the c; .... c- ~ J... - ' L. l. ..... o :E O? : :i:L:\T IOi:\ l:'\TE:lC~PT t o t r y ou t so:ne new types of _v ehicl e s t :·.2t r ent l y ~va ilabl e a nd sui t able ~or this s erv ice. 2 ::-e cur - ~ e f eel tt ~~ cl ~s e ~orking rel.~. t i on s with L: -:TA s taff wi l l be esse:-ttia l dt,ri ng this pr o.:'.: e ss . E. Dui·ing t h:'..s sa2e per io d we expec t t"ha t ~-:..\RT:\ will b egi:-. '.: :1.:; te ch- ni c~l wor k req uired to d e t a il the reg ional r ap i d t~ansi t iys t2~ p ian~ i n~ .. �VYiT~. !10\·l h2 :5 un der cons:i.<lcr2Lion .:.n appl::.cation for a tech,:ic.::;l stecl:f.e:.,; grant of$- - - - - - for th i s pur pose. J6st a s with the CAS planning pro- the regional transport a tion planning body in Atlanta, th e Atlanta Atea Tra~sporia tioi St ~:dy, and will be reliant on and sup?orted by th e Atlanta

2t-::-o;,olit~n Reg iona l ? l.:rnning Co,!1;nissio!!, ,-:hich ,-, ill in sc1re coo r dination

of key inp..; t s to bo th ?:?.·oces ses. 'I'h2 CCT te &fil will he l p thc.s 2 2gencies, z.s :requested, to d evelo:J 2.nd syster.-,2 tize v2.rious element s of these work pro; r a~s 2~d o~tputs. III. TP~ LATTER STAGES OF STEP 1 · A. Ey t he fir st o f ::--:.:tr c h 1 970 we 1·-'0"cl:l.d hope to h 2.ve the de::-.0::-,s t-::2 - tio n ;ra~t ~P? li ca ti on ap?roved which wil l a l low ~o r con t i~u&~ion .:.~d improvc:::2r:t of tlic s e rvic e . As s oon as possib l e ' we w::i,1 l d hope to ~12ve the ca~ it 2 l gr=nt a ppl i c£tion a pprov ed in order to. pe~~i t t h2 earli Qs t .no s si-. bl e d.e liv.:::.- y of n ew bu ses . -..... B. Tte CCT tC'.D.::1 wi ll co nt ir,u c its r:·.onitoring opernt ion s on t:-iis prov ed and expancl ed ser v ic e . iii'.:-:- Ptior to _he end of ti s contra c tual oblig a - ,r t ions in J une 1_~70 i t wi ll o.re~_are - - eoo~-L IJ c.l .J- ,. J.. St ep I of OP:-:'.::L".TIOX.S IXTE~CEP'i' fo r .:'~~ J. .s.:1.t a -0 v cl u a t~ ~a E~~ r~su l ts of L.-.:. C:.. _ .. ,..:::, l,')fl'A. • _,,.___ Thi s r epo r t wi ll cont 2.in :re:co:::,::2nda f ions f or Ste p II .s:nd III b f the . O:?E~.ATim~ , and if fca - · sib l e wil l p;ovide a basis f or _supJleffien t ar y or a<lditio~al 2pplic~t iona to G~ITA fo~ de~onstrations and ca pita l grants. These mig~t cover: �I • c:.d3ptabl2 to the n e eds a f this p3. rticul a~. s e r v ice tt:a n co nve:1ti.o·.-,.:::.: buses. 2. Dev 2lop:r,ent of e:-: clusive rig hts of way in central city <llon·~ with S?ecially designed station stops anrl ot h er facilities. 3. Exp,::rnsion of s e rvice to p 2.rk::.ng faciliti es i n othe r locations outside t~e central city bus adj ecent to ex p r essways or major arterials. 4. Re l a tion o f : hi s servic e t o centra l city re sid e n tial na~g n- c·,, 1 (..-., .,..._ 1... y the mod e l cities ne i g hborhoods. borhoo<ls, ,..;-' C::.~ .,,.- ~.; ~- - Ar:. thi s point i ,1 t h e O? C: r~ t i o n , ,-:e s hoi.: ld b e a bl e to d e t er::, ir.e w:.2ther a s iv e l anes , acd s t a tions will p=ov i de 2 syste~ to h a ndl e the c e 2 r -t2r~ gro •.-;th in c o:;:.":'.uter tr c:f fi c to CO\·n,toc-:r:1 ex:::ec ted a s a r esult o f co nt inL,ed c en ter city d e velo pmen t. We s hould b e a ~ l e to d e t ermi n e how a f i n~l f orm o f t ~ is s erv i ce c a n beco~e a b a s ic par t of th e trans?o r ta:ion s y s t em for <low:1t ow"G. . T:ie CCT t e aiT, will a l s o set u p p ro c e c.c!r e s to tra ns f er i t s r..oni- to r- i ng o pero.t ion s to l o c a l o rg2.::i z~~:: i o:'.s b efo r e C. i't i s ter;:nir.ated .--- ·-:_c:- As a r l-su l t oi . t h i s eff o r- t, we ex?ect to hav e ~cicli t i o n2.:=. .o.pi!. i c a - t icns £ o r S t ep r::: c1L,Ju t two y e ~rs. of 0P.F~\TI0N n-:;Tm~c:PT i ,1 1). i.:::-. is a n ticipa t ed to l as t \,:~hi l e it i s too e:n r l y to estima t e c os t s i:o r t,h esc, t lw i r r:10.~1,itucc 1:·ti g h t b e as f allows : Technical St ud ies 2. Dc:i:ons·:: r 2 t ions $8 0C> DOO - $1,500,000 3. Cnp:i.tal gru n t s $2- 4 r.:illion . �- ,·. T" A. Step II would j cgin wi:h :he acceptanc2 by U~~A of thc s 2 s up ple- mcntary or addi{ i on~l grant requests. This would start the process of des :.gnir.g and devclcpil:g nc:w v2hicl.2~, 9 .::: tt:ir.,; up c:,:clu si·Jc r::.3h::s o i: ,_.,;;,.y

Ei:;: - . - tn::..s ' . ?roves Gc::Slrc. ' ~-· . bl_2 ) , putting . . st2 t 1-0;-., . J p_._c:.t·p:,;Jrr:i. , ~r. , 2na oc"e;r rc=:ciin s . -. - . antici:iar:2 Step II ,·7ill involve ::-.ore const::-uction 2nd invest2 ~:1t ::_n faci- Ti,e p;.·i:,.cipal .f ecitu:::-e c f Step II ,,~2-y be the . dcvel o;,:-:i~:,t o f r.:::~; vr:hi- cles esp2ci2.2.ly desi.~ncd for this servic2 -- 1:-1 ith lo,-,e r pl~tf oYins > r:~o r e s.2.-rvice tDc:. t fits i:: tnC:! o~s t ~tc., in ord e r to dev e lo? the kind I n add i t i on , we a~t i c i ?2 t e t ha ; -- ch&~~es mi ght b e made in sidew2l~s a~d s tre ~~s to pr ovide 3?2Ci a l t~ r~ou ts, 2r.d oth2r fc:. cilit i e s t ~a t n 2 y prov e ne c essa r y. B. During the d 2velop~ent and 0 ?2 r 2t ion of PHa se Il~ a ~onitor i ng - ·Th i s coul·d b e---:-- pro gra~ s imil ar t o tha t conduct ed in Phase I wil l g o on . th2 r esr,or1s i bility of th e CAS progr 2;-,1 ,.,:, i ch will have. b e en wo rkir.g wi:::h t ~e CC~ tea~ dur ir.; Step I. / C. D-..i-.:-ing t;, i s s ar:ie pe!: iod , AATS 2~,d ?·L-\RTA will be f i r:..in9 up the b asi c p la~ a nd p~ogra~ f or the reg io~a l ra?- . ~r ansit sys t em . sub- c:.:-ea pl 2r.:-_:!.c~ proce:ss wi ll b 2 c'. ev elo:)i-:1g the S?ecifics c~ty sys t c~ r equi red to suppl e~ent c ~2 0i: t he ce::. tc.r bas ::.c reg iona l s ys ~en. This wo=k w:!.11 TCGvide t he b2 sis fo r a s pecific l on~ te rm plan· ... .. . cS.i.1 G . . p::-ugra.m �l I c0:1t2::- city · circulation, which ':!ill inclucl~ t·J1c b2.sic p20?le r:over syste::,s to C:ist:ribut e trav2l .:.: rs within the do,, ntm-.1 r. are.:i to 0 , . par,o.nz and from rapicl transit stations , -:-· ':) .: l .; ~.; , c..., d - uC.J.._..:.,. .L _ _(:!:-' > (..i,.!1

-:cy · dow,,towr: cente-:..·s; 2nd pedestri2.n, goods, v.:.:hic.:lar · r,1ovc:.,C!r!t, and offstr e et pnrkin~ faci l ities.

This system plan will also i~clude a specific ti~e phase action progr am for imple3 entatio~ and sp e cific plans fer organi.zation3l responsibility. D. This planning will result in about two-three years in re~uests to 1:-iTA for th e i::.::ile2 2ntation of v.::rious p<::.·;: s of Atl2r..t~' s basic plar! . This r:-.ight ir...:.:lude: 1. i CC~n i c a l s tudy gr c nts do de~ailed d2 s ~gn of s peci :: ::_c

a cil:'..ties.

2. Cap ital gr2 ~ . . for co~~ t r uc:ic n b f these i a cilities. 3. ·Demo,.s t r 2. t i on graats fo r te s t i n~ out new "~ eople rr.over" faciliti es re cui r ed as ? c r t of the b ~s i c pl a n. -. . ._ ·---~ Thi s pE.ck~g 2: o f ir.prov2r.:Qn t s fo r a c ent e::- c i t y s yst e.n ( exc lusive o f the sys t en ) will proba b l y c o st in r;-, ill i on (,-.rhi c h sho ul d V. oe o:: che cke d ~vith :-~\:ZTA) . P'."I.,'.,_S::: :i: II OT<' OP2RATIC:-l I };TERC::PT i n to t h2 J2velopment p=o g:::-a,:: :Z or i r. pler. e:n tin3 ti,e h::,s ic pl ai1. 1·:e exp e c t the plc. ,, to b-2 i:,:pL:: :-.,on. t e:d �...... -·---··· ~· . ... .; . ·---~---;:-- 21 in a specif ~c tim~-?ha sed s ~~ucncc so ch2t there will be n conti nuous p::-o~r&!!l of p1:El.sin:-;; in n..3w e~er,,2nts to t he basic do~-;nto,;.;!", clistr ibut i c .·. sys-- · tc~ acd phasing uu t others, ~nclu<ling s~~v ices cstabl ish(::d 2a r li0~ i n · OP~~R..'-1.TIC~; I?\'C::'.RCEPT tlnt \;ill no l'ong e r b e need<:=c. Based 0,1. the ? la:1 , w~ c 1•,·-olo ,,·c_. 'fo' r cer:ter city circulat ion ~-1ill be ci ev e:l o _?ed expect tha t new ~., Li.;;. • ur, 1· c; i. .. - a~d te s ced in t h is p~ase , including po ssible noving bel t s or coa vey0=s to p~r: orm or s ~?pl e~enc the fu nctions of t he shuttle bu s of ?hasa I 2nd t~a more exotic fa cilities oper2t ion in Pha se II. i s viewed as pro c2ss w~ i c h ties t oget he r in a s e n s i ~le way raany pieces of circulation system dev2~op=ent f o r centr a l At l anta . We see t~i s as a uniq~e apprcac~ , bl2ndin~ action ~nd pl 2nning into a m~tu~lly ~o~patib le and supportin~ ?roc ess which i s able to respond to the needs of a growing cen tr al Atlan ta ov.e:::- !::::.r.:2 . success. U:.·f'I'A ' s SL!pport for t :-iis whole oper.:::t:ion will be k2y to it s Atlanta ' s a 6 e~cies have alre ~d y be~un the tooling u p process for

·- - Serv i c e wi ll i ::deed be O?erat i ng b y DecE::-::jer 1. - ·Fro.n···now on , · ~-,e ,-:·ou ld like to rs2.::.ain cl os.:: co:it cct wit':1 the UHrA sta:;: r a h igh l evel of : co0:::dinc1tion in prepa-.::-ing and e:--:ecuting the subs eqcs::-,t s tS?S i ~ t~e process.

�OPERATIO~~ I l'f f D.C~PT m ~f:\ :\ctioi1 on l·b'1ito r ing & Sho ;_-t Rc:.nge n TERCf?T P l a nn i :1-2; E~ s i c ?la n~i:1g Xov 19" 9 Pro3 r2~ sc~o outlin~s 01?Ef<..:\.'.r IO~ . Il':TE?CEPT t: St e p I A7S st.:ir: s slm~tle Gcn e r 1 1 endorsement of approich at mrrA meetings in Kovc::-,ber Ik e 1969 CCT Team st &r~s mo nitoring o~erations ( see work pr ogram) f irst p:coj ect .;; / '61..1 s s2rv1. ce using P. cur re~ t ly &va ila ble \; 1 • ~ · c qu i p;:ie nt Ci t y ~ske s ap~l i c~tio-i1 c:o E ·G'A t o buy n ew buses (including . ! I ·- - - ·I .:.._,_ so?:J.e cxp2ri:-.".er!ta l CAS ?rogr&~ beg ins proc~ss c:C G2,12lcp i 1-!; b 2.si c pl::i:: · 2.:':.d progr.~:n fo -.c C2:1 t !:"&l At:Lc.nta wo143.215.248.55ng wi t h CCI tea2 (l:!t'.IA Tec"r-,,: ical st-1dy) v e h ici2s ) \~ ..... ,. J. .C 1 ..._ ~ew conv e~tio na l i bu s12s d2li'\'er2d and ,...,.-"'_ _J 1970 put i n to c p~~at ion CCl te2ms continu ~s racnitcri~g 2 Qd helps prepar e bas ic p~osr2Ds for Ph3ses I I and III · ( tests conduc ccd on exper i m~ntal vc~i c les )

 :.;.1<.T.\ oc,rs ins 2r:d ~oLr:c.

of cetail0J r,:2~~ in8 of basic rapid ·c r ansit syst e_:1 CL--:.-~Ti'l( ':'.2chnic2.l Study ) 'I ! \ ( I J..: ,1e 197 0 , ' ,;·-- - -I t o E -',T,\ for 2. d:::.~.:onstrat i on program t o I t es t out n ew h& r dwa re &cd =ou tings 2nd I ~, ..,. St ep CCT E?{CS exD2.c::l servic e I ,-:;_r ATS o:: :.:.:.":.'."fi'A expand £. :. ::.·\ 1 :ice a s de terD~ned ~n t ~~ Ge2onstr2.tion proj ec t . c:l??lic2.tion / <---------··--·> -c:!7 J~:; e- 1972 .., _ _r Ste:p II I . . 0?..:··:.·~·,tio:: of per,1.1a·~~n~ sy ~te:~ ~or Cen- - At lants agenc i es car=y on with nonito :::.:.,:.i ectivities and interire pl &nning . . . ---... C1~S-~-:..~:..~~·~- d2cj_Q2 0:1 b2sic pl 2~ for Ce~~ ~il. Atla~ta, i~cluCing l in2 h~ul ~~d dist~ibut:ioi:1 syst2::: C:i.ty ( or ~1ARTA) r!1ctl-;.es ~~pl i c atio~ f or capitEl gran t s f or constrectio~ of Cent~al At lanta di strib~ tion syst2~ ( inclcding peopl e: .:::ov (:rs ) I •1-·-.J ..

-: �. OPERA'l'IC:-;: I ~TERCEPT J t!/tJ &!/l1 C //c'7 P-7 1. Progri.'1.'. } :2rr.o outline s w~ole str2tegy for OPER.~L~J~ I~TERCEPT Xov. 2. m-:TA enclo!'."scs bc.1si~ progra:n ~ov. 10-20, 1969 3. ATS st;;r ts s h~:ttl e bu s s e rvice with currently SV 2. il& Ole e qu :!..p,,1ent Dec. l, 1969 CCT ~ea~ st s rts mo nitor ing opera tions (first )rejec t s in wo r k program) Nov. 24-~0c l, 1$ 69 4. 5. CAS p~c g r a n p=oc2ss o f deveJ.o?ing ba si c pla n and prog r a~ f or Cc~ tra l Atl a ~ ~a working with t e··.,-, ( l,s

·l'.°'\'i7 S r·,

q--., .~ 'J_1'.._..;' l.,~1-: , : ; " ·\ T ~ i -:,.,T) (:.~T ._ ..:.;_J. :. l lJ.;.L .J ~1r...,;"'"'7 !.}.,_ F::: _ _. ._, G'~ .1,'. \_~:_'\ U 6. 7, 1969 .1. ; l.. 1 .. _ ... .... \..,e'.° ~ C~ ty reakc s a ; ?li c~t ion f or c u;i t a l and de~onst rs iion fo r Pha se I t o C~~A t o buy new bus e s (i"i1c:ludi:!g e:::~?eri:aent~:l vehic l e s > if -:.·a.;. SO -~, - ~ A de s ires ) 7 • D2 c . · 1969 . ,-ot1·1ci or ,.:; .,, -., ·,] r. --l ·:-·-o.~ " Cl l 1..::L ]111l .. '-- '-* ....._ s ~ud i es r eqJi r e t to p lan ~ ~ d ~c cid2 on b a s ic r :iJ id tr~"1s it sys t 2:n ( AS SC;:~i":: S U:-:T.-\. TECrl~I CAL · v",..,-" .\ .. ..... -1..\. .J. ... h1,..11..::. nr:-• ,:.:. i,· ~ ~ -.:-:- ? -n· - G'. 0 J... 1 \,,,,;, - ......,_.._ (._,. _ .1-.....\.... J z.n- ~1~r 1970 ST UD~ES GRJ:u-;;'i') 8. - As re s ul t o f. 6, ATS g et s deliv ery o f n2w bu s es ar..C :_:, u ts thi::~:1 :I.."r:to op er .::-~t i or.. 0~1 s :-..u ::t l e s cr- ·u..-~ .-i ~L.b0 v .:..L~~e (.;-- "Cl -- · 9. 10 . 1· - e s ~-; ,._ - -"" · .~ (!'·10 · ,.,._ "'" ~- 1 .'\. _ ,~ ..__ -i. i • . . IC l,.• ~ l.. <.;....._ ' V".._ " t.. 41 i· cl c ~~) ~fa r - :,:;, r 1 978 CC'!' c: 02.~ contir.uc s r::or,it oriug a _n d he l p s pre pz,.re b 2s ic pro,;ram for Phases II 2nc: III c..: 0:i?:ER...\TIO~ Ci t y ( o r :-IP.n.TA) r.cc:~""2s a pp l ic:::tion to 1I'.1TA f or . a trat i on proj e ct for ?~as e I I of INTERCE?T - - p r o;; r 2.:.1 invo l ves t 2 st s of n2u :,2.rdu2re , ro~tings, serv ic e expansion, i i f2asi~ le Jun2 197 0 11 . CC1 p:oj e ct e nds Ju::e 1 97 0 12. At:; (o:- NMff).. '.) c ,~:10.n d s shut t l e sc:r-v ici':! u pon rec e ip t of dcno~st!'."ation gran t , begins operat i ons wit h new feacu=es Jur.c I 13 . lL.-. 1970 t o Ju ~:e 19n An nro~riace Atlanta agencies ( CAS ) continue monitoring activ ities as par t of t he d c~o~stracio n project grant J t: ne 1970 to June 1$72 C.--'.S-~·fARTA co~:·!_)lete i-. .)rk on o ,, Ei.c pL.n, incl;.!ding· syste::1 for· Cc:1t~.:"!l ...:lantc=c 1-: i:::-1 line h .:::ul c:.. ;.1d d~s~ r~bJ ticn :eat~ ~2s (su~w~y , pe ople movers, J2.1:-Jun('! :'..972 �n2lls, street, pedestrian goods ~ov22ent systcns, 15~ 1.)';")onn ,,, ( ~-:..~ ~ l\. \..Ji\..c'-:1-'! appc::rt~:r.::;, etc.), incJ..udi:1g TI:·~E .L._., .. ~.:oval t,y loc&l 2.ut:10~:ities) .1. 15. 1 ,. _o. Ci-ty ?-!AR'I'A ;;;,::.:-:-:: c.!?plica::ion for C2'.")it..:: grants for constructio~ of basic Ccntrnl Atlancn distri-,-,, ~,., ·b <..:.!':iC'--6 - - ·· ·' o ,.... -·- C-:.' · "l)n,',G"' .< b .,-;on ~L..L ~./-..JI...Cf:1, ... T~~rr. _ _Li, JL "0 .... '~ l-C... U....J .. .1.\.\.J 1\....iU.l Jur:~ 1972 Operations bc;ia on con~truc~ion &~d operation of parts o~ system, incluciing p~ople movers~ etc. 1973-1975 -. . ._ ·---~ ' \, �