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Sundby, Journal-Constitution,11/23/60 Atlanta . In ' Excellent Position' For Federal Funds, He Says By BILL COLLINS ) The U.S. secreta ry of transportalion says Atlanta will b~ i ' ra n excellent position ., to get two-thirds of the money for a rapid ~a~sit . tern from the fede ral government. - · .John \ olpe. former governor of i\1assachu etts and one of the front_-runners for the vice presidential nod at r~.&'.=:.{' the 1968 Repub- i"" · ~if~~· lican presid n- 1 i.::,::, .,. ial convenli n I _.,;:t~ ·. I ":1~,/;at ~'.;~~ '"';:&,ti -::::..,.:..1 '.;r..i.i.Y'~.- lo address the l l th a n n u a l ~!~i143.215.248.55I o~ ;l~~ H,M Al ~-1{/;ff>: ;]f fere,1ce of State ,/ ~~l J\.,M;.~ i ~-- e g i s 1ati,-e r~-~-~/1 lNtbil Leaders. John , ·011,c The secretan:. at·a news conference before: his speech, explained the :'; ixon administrali n's SIO billion. 12-year public transportation bill and said Atlan ta "ma~· gel the jump on other cities· • fo · funds under the bill. if the measure is approved by Congress. · He said the bill would author- . ize him to make '3.1 billion 1 available 11nmeciia Lei_ LIJJU" ii.s I being sign ed into law. The iederal money would be spent over five years. - He a l-o aid-Atlanta-;-~uld be "in an excel! nt position" to get a federal grant totaling twothirds of the cost o[ -a rapid transit system because of the planning (t ha done and also because it is one of ftve...'.'~eqJer cj!i~s." VOLPE POl:'\TED OUT, however, that under the proposed bill no one state could get more than 12 1~ per cent of the total appropriation. He also told newsmen the Vietnam war i not draining fund s he ha s requested for hi s department and ad ded. "The administration and the di r ector of the Bureau of the Budget have approved the hrn transportati on bills l ha, e requested." Volpe a'.I· the two mea ures he would like to see enacted include the 10. l-billion public transporta tion bill and the ai rport-ai rwa>·· bill which would provide S2 .5 billion for air-traffic control and $2.5 billion for construction of new airports and explansion of existing fac,ililies . He said the ad ministration is concerned about in-fli ght crashes and f -c l. th airport;iirways bill would h Ip diminish th e po ibility of futur collisions. ¥. ith $2.5 billion of the airp.orl-airn·;:i>·s bill, Volpe explained. the fed ral government " ould work towards d vclopmcnt of a fully automa lrd system e iJ.:.:lU! ffic control s·yst m. "THE OTHER . 2.5 billion "\ould be used to help build 900 . ~1rports and expand 2,700 airfields around the country" Volpr said. ' Thf . secr~tary said the ixon adm;f's(rat1on ~opes to restrict the ~umber of mcomin g flights a~ f 'e of the nation 's busiest a1rpor_ts and to better control .the fl _1ghts at 22 other airports rncludmg Atlanta· . ' I_n his remarks to the 800 legisJati:'e leaders attending the fou11-day conference. Volpe _c~lked ~bou_t the need for federa1-srace-1oca1 government cooo- ! • I I eration in solving the nation's problems. I "Much of the glamour power and I prestige that once surrounded state Capitols shifted to Washington in the pa st 25 yea rs," he said. "And when the power went to Washington, man y of the talented young men went also. I Washinglon has been the mecc.a forfyoung A m e r i c a n s who wa 1ted lo dedicate their li ves to ful jillment of the American · dr ~a m, " he added. I \ OLPE A10 there has been ! a trend towards reversin g the I gro wing depcndenc on the fed- I era! government in the past few . year!:#. "This new trend first became stron e ly evident und r President J.ohn son," he added. ' 'But P residenl 1 ixon has gone a slep furth er. He ha s proposed a prngram of revenue sharing betw en Lhe stal s and Wa shingto n. And, although it is a mod es! beginning, it wi ll be stepped up, Volpe said. �