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THE SECRET A RY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP M ENT WASHINGTO N, D. C . 20 4 10 Oc t ober 16, 196 7 Honora ble Ivan Al len, Jr. Mayor City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 near Mayor Allen : An invitation i s being extended to all rec ipients of financial assistance under the Urban Mass Transportation Act to participate in the 1968 Design Awards Program conducted by the Urban Transportation Administration of the U. s. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Awards will be given in System Design and in Item Design, including rolling stock, stations, and rights-of-way. New and rehabilitated works will be judged, as will planned projects. Judging will take account of how the design is related to comprehensive planning and of the entry's contribution to the physical, economic, social and aesthetic development of the metropolitan area, the central city, and the neighborhood. Consideration will also be given to excellence in function, and to economy and environmental harmony. Entries must be received no later than January 15, 1968. A distinguished jury, including persons in the fields of planning, architecture, engineering, sociology, and graphics will evaluate entries and reconnnend awards. A limited number of Honor Awards and several Merit Awards will be given in System Design and Item Design. The Department also plans to prepare brochures and other printed materials describing the award-winning projects. Detailed information is attached, and in this inaugural program of Design Robert Enclosures that you will participate Urban Transportation. c. Weaver �