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MINUTES OF THE FORTY- SECOND MEETING METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY JULY 1 , 1969 The Board of Di r ectors of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority held its regular meeting on July 1, 1969 at 3:30 P . M. in the Conference Room, 619 Glenn Building, Atlanta , Ga . Mr . Roy A . Blount , Vice Chairman , presided . MEM BERS PRESENT M. c. Bishop (Ful ton County) Roy A. Blount (DeKalb County) s . Truett Cathy (Clayton County) Rawson Haverty (City of Atlanta) K. A. McMillon (Gwinnett County) L. D. Milton (City of Atlanta) Richard H. Rich (City of Atlanta) John c. Wilson (City of Atlanta) MEMBERS ABSENT Sanf ord s. At wood (DeKalb County) John c . Staton (Fulton County) OTHERS PRESENT Me t r opolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority H. L. Stuart , General Manager E. w. Nelson, Chief Enginee r King Elliott , Public Information Director Edmund w. Hughes , Auth ority Secretar y H. Ne Johnson , Administrative Assistant Consultants w. o. Sa l t er , P BQ&D, San Franc i sco Je A. Co i l and Ra y Gus tafson , PBTB , w. Stell Hui e, Hu ie and Ha r land Atlant a Others Jan Richey, Georg e Brown and John Mil l er , City of Atlanta Planning Department Andy Springer , Great er At lant a Traffic & Safety Council Dona l d G. Ingram , Central Atlanta Pr ogress , Inc e William H. Par r , Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Jerry Cour sey, Atlanta Region Met r opolitan Planni ng Commissiono - 1 - �I Before taking up the regular agenda, Mr . Blount stated that he was presiding at the request of Mr . Rich. Mr. Blount expressed regret in behalf of the Members over the recent resignation of Mr. Rich as Chairman of the Authority. Mr. Rich had tendered his resignation to Mayor Ivan Allen on June 23rd, advising that due to the press of other essential business he felt that it was necessary that he leave the Board. The meeting was then called to order by the Vice Chairman . Minutes Minutes of the June 3rd meeting had been mailed prior to the meet ing . Upon motion by Mr . Bishop , seconded by Mr . Haverty, they were unanimously approved . Financial Report The Authority's financial report as of June 30, 1969 was before the Board. Mr. Stuart asked for approval of the statement in order that it might be mailed to the Local Governments, as required at the close of each quarter by the MARTA Act. He pointed out that tbe budget was closing out for the first half with a balance of some $14,000.00 due to lesser charges to Counsel and PBTB . Financial support from DeKalb County and Gwinnett County had been assured for the balance of the calendar year. Payment from Clayton County had been received for the entire year. Meetings had been held with financial officials of the City of Atlanta and Fulton County concerning their contributions for the second half of 1969. Attention was called to the Bus Lease Account financial s tatement . Mr. Stuart stated . that the apparent deficit reflected in this account was not an "out of pocket" deficit and was due to the differential between interest and depreciation charges and that the two figures would even out within a few years. Upon motion by Mr . Bishop, seconded by Mr. McMillan, the financial statement was unanimously accepted , and Mr. Blount directed that a copy be forwarded to heads of the Local Governments and financial officers. The financial statement is attached and made a part of these minutes. Report of General Manager Mr . Stuart stated that at the June meeting the Board had authorized him to proceed with the preparation of an application to the Department of Transportation (DOT) fo r financial suppo rt towards a proposed technical studies work progr am . He sta t ed this program had been presented to the AATS Technical Co o rdinating Committee (TCC) at their meeting on June 19 , 1969 and subsequently the TCC had p a ss ed a resoluti on a pproving the filing of the appl icat ion with DOT and recommended its appr oval by the AATS Policy Committee. · - 2 - �Report of General Manager (cont ' d) Afte r some discussion the Board agreed that before lengthy and expensive engineering and cost studies are made , various transit proposals should be analyzed and taken to public meetings to determine their general acceptance and political feasibility . The Board instructed its General Manager and Chief Engineer , working with its consulting engineers, Parsons Brinckerhoff-TudorBechte l, to analyze the mass transit recommendations of the Voorhees Report and to compare them with the regional rapid transit system proposed earlier by MARTA. They are then to produce a recommendati on for a s y stem which will include t he best elements of both proposals e The Board asked that this analysis be completed for presentation at the MARTA Board Meeting on August 5th. Following this meeting , it is expected that this analysis will be presented to the AATS Technical Coordinating Committee , the AATS Policy Committee , and at public meetings. In assigning this work to the engineers, the Board agreed that this approach is in agreement with the resolution of the AATS Policy Committee of May 22, 1969 in which MARTA was asked to develop f u r ther specific information in connection with those r e commendations o f the Voorbee s Report involving rapid transit. Resignation of John C. Staton Mr. Blount advised the members that Mr. John c. Staton had also resigned from the Board because extensive t ravel commitments mad e it impossible for him t o attend regular Board meeting s e I t wa s with regret that Mr . Staton had found it necessary to take this action since he had contributed tremendously to the rapid transit p r ogram .. Mr e Blount advised that if it was a g reeabl e to the Members he would be glad to serve as Acting Cha irman of the Authority unt il an e lecti on c o uld be held after the two new directors are appointed . This action was enthusiastically approved by the Membe rs present. Report of Counsel Mr o Huie stated that several legislator s had asked him if MARTA was plann i ng to seek a n e w sour ce of loc al f unds f o r a llocation to rap id transit . He s ugg est ed tha t the Board c onsid er a study of possible s ources with the view of eventually r ecommending a speci fi c source b eing earmar ked for rapid t r ansit . Ad jou rnme n t Mr . Blount adj o u rned the meeting at 4:20 P . M. Next Meeting August 5 , 1969. 3 - �