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TO THE H)NORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF AI.DERMEN OF THE CITY OF ATLAl'\JTA: Ge ntlemen: I am writing t h is letter asking you r h e lp along with the supporters and concerned citizens for the right of young girls to live as a f a mil y toge t her . They live on the same bas i s and principles that ou r colle ge s and u ni versities operate their hou ses. Thes e c ollege girls live on the west side in various places in t he communit¥ in numbers together when they find there is an overcrowded si tuation on their ca~puses, and this has existed for a l ong number of years. Bec ause of the shortage of living space in the City of At l anta , we have the evidence in writing of genuine support for t h es e girls from our leading citizens. J,01 Therekras an unjustifiable complaint made concernin g o ur hous e onAhurgood Street, s.wo, where some of these girls live d . It has been called to my attention that the person who made t h e complaint suffers from a degree of jealousy, evilness and envya I do n ot like t o i nvolve others, and I will call no names unles s a s ked to do so. But exactly four doors from this h ouse in q ues t i on there is a home for girls owned by a fellow comp etitor . The girls l ive and get along fine in number so 'Be tween 8 or 9 doors from t his s ame house in question, there is another house for girls b e ing conducted in the same mannera If a p erson creates a commotion, I think it is pr o per to c al l the p o li ce - that's what they are for. At Harvard, when t h e s t uden ts c r eat ed a commotion, they did not close down the university; they trie d t o cor rec t the s ituation . When a bank gets robbed , it is no t c losed; they try to catch the robbers and continue t he ir business ope ration. There might have been some loud music or v o i ces over a l o ng period of time, but this could be and was c o rre cted. COMPLAINTS FROM THE GIRLS: 1. The se g i rls her husba nd who They have proof on occ asions i s have h a d sever al complaints about this lady and live next door and who instigated the chargeso t h a t t his lady d r inks heavily and that her language a t roc i ous . 2. Her husba n d ge t s nervous when she gets on her benders and he starts shooti ng a t bi r ds and r ats in their back yardo The o ther day a distinguished citizen that signed the manifest o in support of these girls was inspecting this house whi ch is next to the complainanto This complainant comes from her front yar d up t o my c a r with her liquor glass in her hand and her breath reeking wi th a l cohol asking me i:f I wanted to sell the house. I stated t hat it was not for sale. I was courteous, kind and polite o This d ist ingui shed citizen will confirm that while on his i n spec ti on t our, t his did take place. (He just shook his head.) We recogn i ze t hat t wo wr ongs do not make a r i gh t . This lady and her hus b and have been s ucc es sful in getting a person in a high position t o inst r u c t one of t he police of:ficers of the License Department to s end o ne of h is men ou t t o ma ke a c ase . .,. �-ro On one occas i on an officer came out and asked one of the girls~let him in~ The young lady stated that he would h ave t o get i n touch with my office. He then asked for a p a rticular young girl; again the young lady stated t hat that person was not ino He then asked this young lady her name. She did not want to become i nvolved , so she stated that her name was not important since he wanted s omeone else. The of:ficer then said: "You give me your name or you're going downtown with me., " This frighte ned the young gi rl and all of the other young girls in the houseo She gave him her name , and he then left two summons to court in the mailbox. Out of the two cases that this officer made, both have been dismissed. However the Judge stated that the charges were improperly drawn and that he wanted this officer to get with the City Attorney and see if there were any violations. Because of this officer's belli gerent attitude and tone of voice, these young girls were frigh~enedo On account of his arrogant statement, these girls were so frightened that they moved out at night with no place to go . They stayed in cars all night, and some had n o place to go up to three dayso We ask the Honorable Mayor and the Board of Aldermen to use their powerful of:fice to issue a directive or order to whomever is in charge to see that such tactics cease by this of:fi cer or any other office r, and that these girls be allowed to live without being harrassed by someone who might not like the color of their skin or texture of their hair. Allow these girls the right to live together as a family. These girls ask your supporto The Concerned ·Citizens ask your prompt support and help for these girls and others so situated. Help t hese girls and concerned citizens today and they will help you tomo rr owo I remain, =- �