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• WORKING COMMITTEE ROSTER September 27, 1967 Mr. John Feild Mr. Ron Linton (202) 293-1530 Co-Chairmen Mr. Andrew Biemiller (202) 628-3870 Mr. George Meany President AFL-CIO 815 16th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. Mr. Jack Conway (202) 393-5596 Mr. David Cohen (202) 393-5581 Mr. Walter Reuther President United Auto Workers 8000 E. Jefferson Ave. Detroit, Michigan Msgr. Lawrence Corcoran (202) 332-2730 Archbishop John F. Dearden President National Conference of Catholic Bishops St. Aloysius 1234 Washington Blvd. Detroit, Michigan Mr. Jack Davies (212) 552-4415 Mr. David Rockefeller President Chase Manhattan Bank New York, N. Y. Mr. Alfred Eisenpreis (212) 679-0800 Mr. Theodore Schlesinger President Allied Stores Corporation 401 Fifth Avenue New York, N. Y. Mr . Walter Fauntroy (202) 387-2090 The Reverend Martin Luther King President Southern Christian Leadership Conference 330 Auburn Avenue, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr . John Gunther (202) 298-7535 Mr . Patrick Healy (202) 628 - 3440 ' Honorable Joseph Barr Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh City Hall Pittsburth, Penn . �WORKING COMMITTEE ROSTER (Page 2) Honorable Milton Graham Mayor of the City of Phoenix City Hall Phoenix, Arizona Honorable James H.J. Tate Mayor of the City of Philadelphia City Hall Philadelphia, Penn. Mr. James Hamilton (202) 544-2350 Dr. Arthur Flem ming President National Council of Churches 475 Riverside Drive New York, N. Y. Dr. Roy Hamilton (617) 523-1100 Honorable John F. Collins Mayor of the City of Boston City Hall Boston, Mass. Mr. Tom Hannigan (202) 265-8040 Mr. Joseph D. Keenan Secretary International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 1200 15th St . , N. W. Washington, D. C. Mr . William C. Hart (212) 751 - 1311 Mr . Gerald L. Phillippe Chainnan of the Board General Electric Co . 570 Lexington Avenue New York , New York Ra bbi Richard Hi r sch ( 202) 387-2800 Rabbi Jacob Rudin Pr esident Synagogue Council of Ameri ca 235 Fi fth Avenue New York, N. Y. Mr . Richard Idler (4 12) 553 - 4555 Mr . Frederick Clo s e Cha irman of the Board Aluminum Company of Ame rica Alcoa Build ing Pit ts burgh, Penn . �WORKING COMMITTEE ROSTER (Page 3) Mr. Vernon Jordan (404) 522-8764 Mr. John Wheeler President Mechanics and Farmers Bank Box 1932 Durham, North Carolina Mr . Jay Kriegel (212) 566-6934 Mr. Peter Tufo (202) 223-6694 Honorable John V. Lindsay Mayor of the City of New York City Hall New York, N. Y. Mr . Conrad Mallett (313) 963-0566 Honorable Jerome P. Cavanagh Mayor of the City of Detroit City Hall Detroit, Michigan Mr . Allen Merrell (313) 322-2687 Mr. Henry Ford II Chairman Ford Motor Company De troi t , Michigan Mr. Clarence Mitchell (202) 544 - 5694 Mr. Roy Wilkins, Executive Director National Association f or the Advancement of Colored Pe ople 20 W. 40th St. New York, New Yor k Mr. Cha r les Moeller (212 ) 578 -2011 Mr. Gilbert W. Fitzhugh President and Chief Execu tive Of f i cer Metr opolita n Life I n surance Co . One Madi son Ave . New York, New York Mr. Paul Parker (612) 330-2100 Honorable Arthur Naftal i n Mayor of the City of Minneapolis City Hall Minneapolis, Minnesota Mr. Guichard Parris (212) 751-0300 Mr. Whitney Young, Jr. Executive Director National Urban League 55 E . 52nd Street New York, N. Y. �WORKING COMMITTEE ROSTER (Page 4) Mr. Joseph Rauh (202) 737-7795 Mr. Arnold Aronson Executive Secretary Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 2027 Mass. Ave., N.W. Washington, D. C. Mr. Bayard Rustin (212) 666-9510 Mr. A. Philip Randolph President Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Room 301 217 W. 125th St. New York, N. Y. Mr. John J . Sheehan ( 202) 63 8 -6929 Mr. I. W. Abe 1 President United Steelworkers of Ame rica 1500 Connnonweal t h Building Pi t tsbur gh , Penn. Mr. Will iam Slay ton ( 202) 265 -2224 Mr . Andrew Heiskell Chairman of the Board Time , Inc . Rockefeller Center New York, New York Mr. James Rouse Pre sident The Rouse Co . Village of Cros s Key s Bal t imor e , Md . Mr. M.A. Sloan (919) 682-9201 Mr. Asa T. Spaulding President Nor t h Ca r ol ina Mu t ual I nsurance Company Box 201 Durham, N. C. Mr. Philip Sorenson (812) 379-6331 Mr. J. Irwin Miller Chairman of the Board Cunnnins Engine Company 301 Washington Street Columbus, Indiana Mr. David Stahl (312) 744 - 3307 Honorable Richard Daley Mayor of the City of Chicago City Hall Chicago, 111 . �r WORKING COMMITTEE ROSTER (Page 5) Mr. Dan Sweat (404) 522-4463 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta · City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Mr . Anthony Weinlein Mr. Richard Murphy (202) 296-5940 Mr. David Sullivan President Building Service Employees International Union 900 Seventeenth St., N. W. Washington, D. C. Not yet designated Mr. Roy Ash President Litton Industries 9370 Santa Monica Boulevard Beverly Hills, California �