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\ -- ~ MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE New York, New York October 9, 1967 Co-Chairman Andrew Heiskell opened the meeting by welcoming Mr. John Johnson, President of Johnson Publications and Mr. J. H. Allen, President of McGraw-Hill P~blications to the meeting. They are Co-Chairmen of the Communications Task Force. By unanimous approval they were added to the Steering Committee. In addition to this, Mr. Heiskell said that the present limited religious representation warranted additions from that segment. REPORT ON BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATION Coalition costs are running slightly in excess of the approved budget. It was suggested that a finance committee made up of members from the Steering Committee be set up. Mr. Heiskell appointed Mr. Asa T. Spaulding, Mayor Jerome Cavanagh, and Mr. Theodore Schlesinger to that committee. They will oversee the budget and fund raising activities. To date, contributions have been received from the mayors and the business members. The labor contribution is expected shortly, and the contribution from religion is in the process of being worked out. PROPOSALS ON ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES The Report of the Special Working Sub-Committee on Organization was brought up for discussion. There was some disagreement as to whether the National Coalition· itself should take a public position on legislation pending before the Congress or whether this should be done on the local level. It was decided, however, that any statements released by the National Coalition would be seen by all members of the Steering Committee before being made public. Specific changes were made in Paragraphs 7 and 8 (see attached) and the public policy position was approved. PRESENTATION OF TASK PROGRAMS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Over fifty cities have indicated that they are interested in setting up their own local coalitions. To assist these communities, as well as others, a one-day planning session will be held on Tuesday, October 17, in Chicago. This session, hosted by Mayor Daley, will be attended by representatives from several hundred cities. The Co- Chairmen of the Task Force on Communications will be recruiting ten leaders in the various areas of communication . Contact has been made with both the Magazine Association and the Advertising Council. Both have expressed an �• -2- interest in working with the Coalition. It was suggested that Urban America might serve as liaison between the Advertising Council and the Coalition. The Co-Chairmen of the Task Force on Reconstruction Investment and Urban Development have met and have agreed on the expansion of the Task Force. They have assigned their working committee to develop r ecommended goals and a task force program. The full task force membership will meet on October 19. The Task Force on Educational Dispari t ies and the Task Force on Equal Housing Opportunity are in the process of holding working committee meetings to develop task force programs. The Task Force on Priva te Employment is scheduling meetings in three cities with local private employment task forces in preparation fo r a national private emp loyment conferenc e. REPORT ON LEGISLATION Mayor Lindsay reported on the Task Force's activities on behalf of the Cl ark-Javits Amendment . He noted that the Prouty compromise failed by five v otes . He a lso noted that a new effort would be made in the Senate and an additional effort in the House to pass an emergency public employment meas u re. He said that the l egislative committee fe lt that two other pending measures related directly to the employment problem. One was adoption of the poverty legislation; the other was defeat of the Welfare Amendments to the Social Security legi slati on. There was intense discus s ion relative to the position of the Steering Committee on this legislation. A consensus was reached that there shou ld be prepared a positi on paper on the Welfare Amendments to be distributed to the Steering Committee members to determine their reaction. URBAN ECONOMI~ COUNCIL A committee wil l be made up of members from the Steering Committee to work with Urban America on setting up the Urban Economic Council. Next meeting of the Steering Committee will be at 7:30 p.m. on December 18 , 1967, in Detroit, Michigan. �