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Systetns, Inc. ADMINISTRATI VE OFFIC ES 606 STATE ST. · L AWRENCEVILL E . ILL. 62439 · TEL. 943-3311 Manaqement. Actuarial and Pension Consultants 38 SOUTH DEARBORN · March 17, -1969 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Mr. Mayor, I would like to call your personal attention to the seminar described in the enclosed brochure. In view of your involvement with THE URBAN COALITION, I believe you will want to attend or send someone to report to you on the conference. I'm tired of going to conferences on Negroes and youth where all we have is white adult speakers and a couple of name Negroes. I and about Negroes want to hear about youth from youth from Negroes. The rules for this conference were that it had to provide direct interaction between adults and white youth and black youth. It is the youth that make the program good. For the first time, business and educators and students will be in one program o this subject . '(77 IP ~ President ES: mt Enc. Roon y 372·4648 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS �