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The Urban Coalition I Federal Bar Building West/ 1819 H Street, N. w. Washington, D. C. / 20006 Steering Committee Co-chairmen : Andrew Heiskell/ A. Philip Randolph NATIONAL LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION FOR URBAN COALITIONS The Urban Coalition will provide leadership of local coalitions with a weekly summary of information about the status of national legislation important to solving the problems of the cities and particularly legislation bearing on the primary objectives of the Coalition. Javits-Yarborough Bill Would Increase OEO Funds: Senators Jacob Javits (R-N.Y.) and Ralph Yarborough (D-Texas) introduced a bill last week to tack $150 million for OEO onto a FY 1968 supplemental appropriations bill already passed by the House. Javits, along with Senators Edward Brooke (R-Mass.) and Fred Harris (D-Okla.) also testified in support of the measure, as did Mayor John Lindsay of New York. The Committee will meet in executive session Monday, March 4 to decide whether or not to add the extra funds. Attached is a fact sheet prepared before the Javits-Yarborough measure was introduced which gives further insight into the need for a supplemental appropriation. HUD-Agriculture Cooperation Proposed for Rural Development: '11he President's farm message (February 27) reveals a move to settle debate over responsibility for federal urban development programs in rural areas. Apparently Agriculture will not be permitted to expand its own kit of community development programs, but will coordinate other agency programs in the country's more rural areas. HUD, for example, will enter into agreements with Agriculture for Agriculture t o admi nister certain HUD programs in rural areas in accordance with HUD standards. Similar arrangements will be developed between Agriculture and other agencies. '11h e message called for increased federal assistance in providing housing a n d employment in rural areas. It recommended reducing inte r es t r ates and expanding eligibility fo r rural housing loan prog r ams a n d insur ing that rent supplements are available outs i de urba n a r eas. It a l s o p r ovided for c r edi t p rog r ams and cons truc tion loans for firm s loc a ting in rural r egions, a n d a broaden ed job tra ining. Housing and Urban Developme nt Act of 1968: Legislation to imple ment the President's Cities Message was introduced February 26 and 27: S.3029 (Sparkman, D-Ala.) and H. R.15624 (Patman, D-Texas). Hearings begin in Senator John Sparkman's Senate Housing Subcommittee March 5, National Coordinators: John Feild / Ron M . Linton Telephone 293-1530 �National Legislative Information For Urban Coalitions Page 2 and Rep. William Barrett's (D-Pa.) House Housing Subcommittee March 12. Mayor James H.J. Tate of Philadelphia, will testify before the Senate group March 7 and before the House Subcommittee March 14. Hearings will also consider riot insurance bills: The National Insurance Development Corporation Act of 1968, S.3028 and H.R.15625. Details of the 1968 program will be the subject of a forthcoming analysis. House Appropriations Subcommittee (Evins, D-Tenn., Chmn.) will open hearings March 18 on HUD FY 1969 budget requests. Several mayors representing NLC will appear March 27. �