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The Urban Coalition I Federal Bar Building West/ 1819 H Street, N. w. Washington, D. C. / 20006 Steering Committee Co-chairmen : Andrew Heiskell/ A. Philip Randolph March 8, 1968 LEGISLATIVE REPORT SENATE HEARINGS ON HOUSING BILL CUT SHORT BY CIVIL RIGHTS DEBATE: Senator John Sparkman's (D-Ala.) Banking and Currency Housing Subcommittee opened hearings March 5 on the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (S.3029 and H.R. 15624) but important votes on civil rights legislation kep the Subcommittee from hearing anyone other than HUD Secretary Robert Weaver. Senators quizzed Weaver on whether or not the proposed bill would meet the needs of low income families. Weaver suggested the President's 10-year program was designed to do the job and he believed the Riot Commissions proposal to accomplish the goal in only five years was unrealistic. Hearings begin before the House Banking and Currency Committee's Housing Subcommittee (Barrett, D-Pa., Chrmn.) OEO SUMMER FUNDS APPROVED BY SENATE COMMITTEE: The Senate Appropriations Committee has reported the 1968 Supplemental Appropriations bill for floor action with the inclusion of $75 million for OEO summer activities. No problem is expected in securing Senate approval. The real difficulties will be encountered in the House. CLARK SUBMITS EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT TRAINING BILL: Senator Joseph Clark (D-Pa.) has introduced a bill to provide jobs and job training in both public and private sectors for 2.4 million hard-core unemployed during the next four years. The bill, S.3063, is similar to Senator Clark's emergency employment amendment to last year's OEO legislation which was narrowly defeated. It puts in legislative language the job opportunities in the business section (JOBS) program announced by President Johnson in his State of the Union and manpower messages . Last year the Urban Coalition led attempts to get Senate approval of the provision for public sector jobs. National Coordinators: John Feild / Ron M . Linton Telephone 293-1530 �