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N I GHT CA L L July, 1968 GUEST LINEUP FOR THE MONTH OF JULY .. DATE GUEST GUEST Is TITLE 1 2 Mayor John V. Lindsay Dr. W. A. Criswell Mayor of the City of Ne w York Pre sident, Southern Bap t ist 3 Eldridge Cleave r 4 H. W. Glassen Ralph McGill Bl a ck Panthers and Aut ho r of "soul On Ice" President, Nat'l Rifle Assoc. Publisher of Atlanta Constitution 5 ISSUE What Happened t o the Kerner Repo r L? .Is the Southern Baptis t Church racist anymore? Bl ack Panthers and Black Power Can Laws Prev ent Gun Deaths? The South, Race and Tomorrow

8 9 10 11 12 Stev en J . L e dogar William Lederer F. Edward Hebert Colonel Corson John Mecklin Vietnam Wo r king Group S t ate Dep t . Author of " Our Own Wors t Enemy " Congressman - Louisiana Author of "The Betrayal" FORTUNE Editor What are we doing in Vi etn am? The Dea f and Dumb American Vi e tnam: A Ha wk' s-Eye Vi e w! The Other War a nd How we ' re los ing it . Vietnam, A Balanced View.

l ;J - ~ 16 ,- .L ' 18 19 Bill Cosb y James Baldwin John Conyers, Jr. Winton Blount Rev. A. D. King Come di a n Author Congressman - Michigan Pres . U.S. Chamber of Commerce Bro. of the late .M. L. King, Jr. Humor and the Black Bag The Christian Black Be trayal The New Black Politics No Riots Allowed I s St. Pet ersbu rg Ano t her Memphis?

22 Rev . Je s sie Jackson Che st e r Lewis Roy Innis Robe rt Sorin·y Carson Ron Karenga Dire ctor o f "Opera t ion Br ead Bask e t" - SCLC The Young Tur ks, NAACP Acting Nat ' 1 D.i rec t o r o f CORE Brooklyn CORE Leade r President o f "us" Organi zation What ' s Ne x t f o r SCLC? • The New Mili t a n c y in t h e NAACP Has CORE Gone " TOM"? What's the fu ture of CORE? Cool It Ba by! x~x~ ~** **************************************************************************************************************** 29 S aul Alinsky 30 Dick Gre go r y 31 Morri s B . Ab r ams Exec . Direc tor o f I ndustrial Are as Foundation Come dian P res . Ame rican Jewi s h Commit tee a nd Pre s.- e l e ct Bra ndeis Univ . How t o make Bl ack Power wo rk for Black People. The Red Man ' s Got It Wo r s e than the Black Man . Violence ma~ be Ame rican, but it i s n't any good ...

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"'J uly 24th - Scheduled g uest changed due t o Clev eland r io t s. Gue st : Rev. Ralph Cou sins - Chairman of Communi c ations Netwo1~ of Cleveland Council of Churche s Is s ue : Cri si s in Cl eveland �