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TELEPHONE CALL IN SHOW ON VITAL ISSUES 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 420, New York, New York 10027 Telephone: 2121663-8900 ROLE OF THE GUEST ON NIGHT CALL The basic idea of NIGHT CALL is to get callers and the guest into down-to-earth dialogue in a way that helps the audience participate in the discovery of new information, new ideas, new understandings. The role of the guest is dual: 1. At the beginning of the program the guest enters into a brief and informal conversation with the host, Del Shields, to sharply focus and clarify important points. Because this section sets the give-and-take pattern of question and answer for the entire show, it is essential that this be an exchange between the guest and host, not a capsule swmnary of points by the guest. The key word in the NIGHT CALL idea is the word "Conversation." 2. The next step comes four or five minutes into the show when the host takes the first call. The caller puts his question or cormnent directly to the guest. Here again the idea is an exchange between caller and guest. If the guest keeps his answers short and sharply focused, the caller can respond with new questions and ideas. Thus, we begin to achieve what the audience is really looking for -- the chance to hear an average person putting his questions, coiunents and concerns to the expert, almost as in normal face-to-face conversation. Some guests, fearing important points will be overlooked, tend to unwrap several ideas at a time in the early part of the show. We have found that audience interest and caller response is much higher when the guest deals with one idea at a time. The natural progression of the show soon moves us on to new ideas . At thr ee poin ts in the program - - every 15 minutes - - there is a break for station identificatfon. The guest stays on the line during these breaks. Released in cooperation with the B roadcasting and Film Commission, National Council of Church es, and the Nation al Catholic Office for Radio and Tel evision (NCO RT) Produced by_TRAFCO/Te levisio n, Rad io and Fi lm Comm ission of The Un ited Methodist Churc h, Harry C. Spence r, General Secretary , �