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H I S T OR Y NIGHT CALL was broadcast for eleven months in 1965/66 -- 230 one-hour programs. It grew from a three-station hook-up with three hosts to a 25 station network with one host. Produced by the Television , Radio and Film Com- mission of The United Methodist Church, NIGHT CALL was presented as a program of the National Council of Churches. I Issues which were d~scussed ranged over a broad spectrum of personal problems and national concerns -- from abortion, drug abuse, the Klan, to Vietnam , gun control, and adult morality. NIGHT CALL was terminated because of technical difficultie§ : ther e was not adequat e equipment available to handle a national telephone talk program. Equipment now has been designed which permits a national call - in show of h i gh technical qua lity. On April 9, 1968 , TRAFCO co- operated with Rad i o Station WRVR- FM in establ i shing a 36 statio n n etwork f or a "di a l -in for n on- v i olence." 3-1 / 2 hour show was b r o adcas t The l ive i n such c i t i e s as New Yo rk, Boston, Washington, D. C., Philadelph ia, Buffalo, Cl e veland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee and Minneapolis. "dialed in" from every market. Listeners NIGHT CALL began . broadcast nightly Monday through Friday on June 3, 1968 on over 21 stations. Station affiliatiQn has grown rapidly. �