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TIME THE WEEKLY NEWS A-\AGAZINE August 23, 1968 Vol. 92, No. 8 DAVID GAHR ROOERT LI GHTFOO T 111 GUEST ALINSKY MODERATOR SHIELDS Just call collect for an argum ent. The Cool Hot Line The hot-line show is one of the most discredited forms of radio programming. What could be more µnedifying than know-nothing listeners phoning in their philosophies to know-it-all ex-disk jockeys? But this summer the United Methodist C hurch is making judicious use of the format. It is sponsoring a radio dialogue between the races that is more compelling than any heard on the sudden multitude of such talk shows, including those produced on TV. T he name of the program is Night Call, and it is carried live (11 :30 p.m.12:3 0 a.m ., E .D.T.) five evenings a week on an ad hoc chain that has grown from 21 to 57 radio stations in less than three months. Listeners anywhere may phone collect (Area Code 2 12: 74933 11) and argue racial issues with an influential national figure who is guest of the night, say James Baldwin, the Rev. R alph Abernathy, Muhammad Ali, Sargent Shriver or A rthur Miller. The most provocative visitor so farjudging by the number of callers totted up by the phone company-was Stokely Carmichael, who was dialed by 64,440 Americans. In custo mary form , Carmichael told one listener who wondered about the impact of nonviolence on whites, "You should ask Martin Luther King that question. " A wh ite guest who stirred a big switchboard jam was New York's Mayor John Lindsay. Quizzed on the wa r in Viet N am, Lindsay replied ·that it was " unprod uctive. unwanted , end less, bottomless, sideless, and its cost is unquestionably affecting the problems in our cities." Another night, White Radica l Saul Alinsky, in sympathy with black callers, blasted the Job Corps as a "payoff to stay quiet'· and categori zed m uch of the rest oi the poverty program as ·'a public relatiops gimmick." Ranting Nuts. Thanks to a specially built phone link-up system, the program's guest generally participates as the listeners do-by long-distance from his home. A Manhattan staffer receives calls on three phones, screening out ·'the drunks and ranting nuts." T he twelve or J 5 most pertinent questions are put th rough to the show's moderato r, Del Shields. In case the conversation gets li belous or licentious, Shields can push a cut-off button, but he has not yet had to use it. T hough the discussion is freq uently fiery, about the roughest language used to date was Rap Brown's dismissal of civil rights legislation as "intellectual masturbation." Shields, who is a radio veteran and militant black, got into the debate himself once when he felt that a Negro caller was unfairly attacking Guest Jackie Robi nson for Uncle Tomism. Often, Moderator Shields, who hits fungoes to the guest for ten or 15 minutes before turning him over to the phone-in aud ience, is the toughest interrogator of the night. Roy Innis, director of CO RE, should know what is in store for him next month. Shields plans to as~ him " Has CORE gone Tom?" �