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A NATIONAL RADIO TELEPHONE CALL IN SHOW ON VITAL ISSUES 475 Riversi de Drive, Suite 420, New York, New York 10027 Telephone: 2121663-8900 Del Shie lds, Host for NIGHT CALL, will continue to serve as Executive Secretary of the National Association of Television and RRdio Announcers (NATRA), which has a membership o f 500 Bl ack broadcasters. For two years Mr. Shields has hosted a daily 4½ hour radio show on WLIB-FM, New York. The program combines interview and listener call-in. Shields was Director of Special Events, WDAS, Philadelphia 1963-1965 and Producer and Host of a daily 4½ hour record and interview show , 1959-1965. He s e rved a s Program Director for WEBB, Ba lt i more, 1955-1957. Mr. Shields' Television work includes Co-Producer and Host, "Del Shields Summer Showcase", WRCV-TV , Philadelphia, 1962 As sociate Pro ducer and talen t, "Who Speak s for Negro". WCAU-TV, Philadelphia, 1962 Producer, Writer a nd Host, "Taste of J azz " , WCAU-TV, Ph iladelph i a 1957 -1962. As Execut i v e Secretary of NATRA, Mr . Shields de ve lopes programs t o increase responsibj.lit y sta ndards of et hni c a ppeal stations. He represe nts NATRA on t he President's Council o n Youth Oppo rtuni.ty, the NAACP Pupil I n centi v e Program a nd Gov. Rockefeller's Committee on Minority Employment Opportunities in News Media. Mr. Shields has five chil dren and lives in Philadelphia. Released in cooperation with the Broadcasting and Film Commission, National Council of Churches, and the Nation al Catholic Office for Radio and Television (NCORT) Prod uced by TRAFCOITelevi sio n, Radio and Fil m Commission of Th e Un ited Meth odist Church, Harry C. Spencer, General Secreta ry, �