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THE URBAN COALITION ACTION COUNCIL JOHN W. GARDNER CH A IR MAN 1B 19 H STREET, N. W. Jul y 19, 1968 WASH I NGTON, D . C. 20006 WEEKLY LEGISLAT IVE REPORT (Current as of July 19, 1 968 ) FROM: THE STAFF THE STATUS OF SU BSTANTIVE LEGISLATION The Emergenc y Emp loyment and Train ing Act of 1968 The measure h as not bee n repor ted by the Senate Labor and Public We lf are Cowmittee . The extension o f the Manpower Deve lopment and Training Act has been ordered reported by the Committee, and there is no schedule at this time for taking it up in the Senat e . When the bill is con s i dered by the full Senate , a bi partisan co aliti o n comprised of Senator s Clark, Javits and Prouty wi ll attempt to amend it by adding the Emergency Emp loyme nt Act to it . i / The House Se lect Subcommittee still h as no plans to mark - up th e JOBS bi ll. The MDTA extension was not tak en up by the House on July 15. It is more li kely th at the Senate will act first. Housing and Urban Deve lopment Act of 1968 The bill has passed both Houses and ~snow in Conference Committee. The conferee s have been meet ing this week and intend to complete th eir work today. The Co nference Report will be filed on July 22. The Senate votes first on the Report and wil l li ke ly do so on July 23 or 24. TELEPHONE: 202 293· 153 0 · @ �-2THE STATUS OF APPROPRIATIONS MEASURES The proposed schedul e of action on Appropriat ion bills concerning legislation of interest to the Action Council is: 1. The Housing and Urban Developmertt Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 1969 passed the House on May 8 and the Senate on July 12. It will now go to Conference Committee. 2. AS report ed l ast week, the Labor-HEW (includin~ OEO) Appropriations bill passed the House on June 26. The Whitten Amendment, passed by a Teller (unr ecorded ) vote, prohibits the use of funds appropriated by the bill to force busing of school children, to abolish any school or to force seco n dary school students to attend a partiGular school against the c h oic e of p arents. The House approved serious cuts in Title I of the Elementary ahd Secondary Education Act (aid to schools in impover ish ed areas), the Teacher Corps and the Office of Economic Opportunity. The Senate Appropriations Subcomrni t tee on Labor-HEW (i ncluding OEO) has been unable to meet to mark up the bill. It may do so on July 22. Thi~ delays the timetable on final Senate action by at/least another week. · rt is very important that every effort be made in the Senate to restore the Hous~ cuts in the HEW and OEO requests, and to defeat the Wh itten Amendment. If you wish more information on the specific cuts in the HEW and OEO appropriations," please contact The Urban Coalition Action Council office. �