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THE URBAN_ COALITION ACTION COUNCIL JOHN W . GARDNER CHAIR MAN 181 9 1-1 STREET. N. W. July 19, 1968 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE REPORT (Current as of July 19 , 1968) FROM: TH~ STAFF THE STATUS OF SU BSTANTIVE LEGISLATION The Emergency Employment and Training Act of 1968 The measure has not been reported by the Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee. The extension of the Manpower Development and Training Act has been ordered reported by the Coromittee, and there is no schedule at this time for taking it up in the Senate. When the bill is considered by the full Senate, a bipartisan coalition comprised of Senators Cla rk, Javits and Prouty will attempt to amend it by adding the Emergency Employment Act to it . ' / The House Select Subcommittee still has no plans to mark up the JOBS bill. The MDTA extension was not taken up by the House on July 15. It is more likely that the Senate will act first. Housing and Urban Developme nt Act of 1968 The bill has passed both Houses and is now in Conference Committee. The conferees have been meeting this week and intend to complete their work today. The Conference Report will be filed on July 22. The Senate votes first on the Report and will likely do so on July 23 or 24. TELEPHO NE : 202 293 -15 3 0 @ �-2THE STATUS OF APPROPRIATIONS MEASURE S The proposed schedule of action on Appropriation bills concerning legislation of inter~st to the Action Council is: 1. The Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 1969 passed the House on May It will now go to 8 and the Senate on July 12. Conf erence Committee. 2. As reported last week, the Labor-HEW (including OEO) Appropriations bill passed the House on June 26. The Whitten Amendment, passed by a Teller (unrecorded ) vote, prohibits the use of funds appropriated by the bill to force busing of school children, to abolish any school or to force secondary school students to attend a particular school against the c hoice of parents. The House approved serious cuts in Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (aid to schools in impoverished areas ), the Teacher Corps and the Office of Economic Opp ortunity. The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-HEW (i ncluding OEO) has been unable to meet to mark up the bill. It may do so on July 22. Thip delays the timetable on final Senate action by at)-east another week. It is very important that every effort be made in the Senate to restore the House cuts in the HEW and OEO requests, and to defeat the Whitten Amendment. If you wish more informa tion on the specific cuts in the HEW and OEO appropriations, please contact The Urban Coalition Action Council office. �