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T HE URBAN COALITION ACTION COUNCIL J OHN W. G ARDN E R C HA I RMA N 18 19 l-1 ST REET, N . W . WASH I N G TON , D . C . 2 0 006 July 26 , 196 8 WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE REPORT (Current a s o f July 26 , 1 9 6 8 ) FROM: THE STAFF THE . STATUS OF SUBSTANT I VE LEGI SLAT I ON The Emergen cy Emp l oyment an d Tra i ni n g Act of 19 68 Service Emp l oyme n t ) (Pub l ic The me asu re has ~ot been reported by the Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee . The ext ension o f the Manpower De velopment and Train i ng Act h as been o rdered reporte d by the Committee, and ac tion o n t h e measure h a s b een de l aye d . Ma j ority Leader Mansf i eld h as indicate d h e wi l l call it u p i n September . When the bill is considered by the f u ll Se nate , a bipartisan co a lition compris e d o f Sena tors Clark , J a vits a nd Prouty will attempt to amend i t by adding the Emergency Emp l oyment Act to i t. The House Se l e ct Subcommittee still has no plans t o mark u p the J OBS bill . . The MDTA extension h as r e c e ived a rul e b y the Hou se Rul es Conunittee clear ing it for f l oor action, bu t it is u n l ikely to be acted on u nt il Congress returns a f t er the po litical c onventions . The House bill contain~ an a~endment by Congr~ssman Goodell which would disallow the reallocation of MDTA funds by the Departme nt of Labor until th e e nd o f e v ery fisca l y ear . · The Departme nt presently can r ea lloca t e at t he end of six months. This could seve rely handicap those states which h ave s ub stantial manpower programs. T•ELEP HON E: 202 293·1530 ® �-2 Housing and Ur ban Deve l opme nt Act of 1968 . Senate-House c onferees f il ed their report on the HUD Act o f 1968 on July 23 and it was a cc ep t ed by the Se nate July 25. It is e xpected to be acc e pte d b y the House tod ay . Signing could t ake place next week. THE STATUS OF APPROPRI AT IONS MEAS URE S The propo se d sch edu le of a ction on Ap~ropr iation bills concerning l eg islation of i nte re st to the Action Council is: 1. The Housing and Urban Dev e lopment Appropriations bi l l for Fisca l Year 1969 passed the House on May 8 and the Se n a te on July 12. It wi l l now go to the Conf erence Committee, but no date h a s be e n set for a mee tin g . The confe re es may wait unti l th e HUD Ac t o f 1 968 cle ars both Houses si nce some of the items in the appropriations bill r equire authori zati o ns included in the Act. 2. As reported last week, the Labor -HEW (including OEO ) Appropriation s bill passed the House on June 26. The Whitten fa.me ndment , p asse d by a Teller (unrecorded ) vote , prohibits th e use of fund s appropr i ated b y the bill to for ce busing of school child ren , to abolish any schoo l o r to for c e s eco n dary school stude nts to attend a particular school against the choice o f p aren ts. The House appr oved serious cu ts in T i tle I of th e Element ary and Se c ondary Education Act (aid to schoo l s -in i mp o ve rish ed areas ) , the Te acher Corps and the Office of Economic Opportun ity . The Sen ate Appro p ri a tion s Subcommittee on Labor-HEW The Sub(including OEO ) h as marked up th e bill. c orr~ittee did not restor e mu ch of the edu c at ion fundin g . The follo wing li st indica t es how the Subcomm ittee acted o n t he re quests made.by the Depa_rtment of Health, Educa tio n and We lf are to restore funds cut by th e House . Title I, ESEA Drop ou t Preve nt io n REQUESTED APPROVED $1 26 mil $5 0 mil 30 mi l 10 mil �-3 REQUESTED Bilingual Educ a tion Teacher Cor ps $ 5 mil 9.6 mil APPROVED $ 5 mil 3.2 mil In addition, the Subcorrrmi t t ee k ept the OEO appropriation at the low level approved by the Hous e and the Whitten Amendmen t. The full Cormni ttee mee ts to mar k up the bill at 10:00 a . m., Friday, July 26. It may be t aken up in the Se nat~ during the we ek of July 29. It is very important th a t every effor~ be made in . the Senate to restor e the House cut s in t h e HEW and OEO r eque sts, and to d efeat the Whitte n Ame ndment. If you wish more inf orma tion on the spe ci f ic cuts in the HEW a nd OEO appro pri at ion s, pl e as e contact The Urb a n Coalition Action Coun cil office. �