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TH F. cv ct-JI G STAR \Va~hi ng ton, D. C. Sc: urday, Dc :em bar 73, 1969 _.., NEW YORK TIMES, SA T U RD A Y, DECE M B E R. 1-1, 1969 HOUSE BARS SHIFT Or,: POVERTY PLAN Lib erals Block G.O.P. Move to Giv e Ru le to States By MARJORIE HUNTER S ptc!a! to 'fh e :-.:cw York T ;mes W AS HfNGTON, Dec. 12 Dem ocrati c libera ls s ucceeded toni g ht in blockin g .a Rcpt.:blican m o,:e th a t w ould s hift contro l of a key antipoverty prog ra m to the states. The vole was 23 1 to 163. The aCLi on m a rked » stu nni r,g defea t for a powe rf ul coa lition of Re publi ca n a nd Southe rn Dem oc rats seeki ng to give Governors con tro l over the co mmunity ac ti o n programs. , Earlier, Democ ra t ic lead ers ha d sent up a loud cheer w hen th ey learned they had defeated the sta te-control pla n by a nonre cord ed vo te of 183 to 166. Backe rs of t he state-contro l pl a n then ma de a fina l try, fa iling this tim e on the 23 1- to- 163 roll-c all vote. '.i"he ui ii -calling for a twoye a r, $2 .343-b illi on ex tens ion the ant ipove rty proof g ram v ir tu a ll y unchanged-th en passed the !·louse by a vote of 276 to 11 7. The bill now goes to con fe rence with the Se na te, w hi ch passe d a simil a r meas ure earlier thi s fa ll. Throughou t the day -long debate, Demo cratic libera ls all but conced ed tha t th ey did not J1 ave th e votes to turn bJck the u s ua lly domin ant coali tion of Republ ica ns a nd So uthern Demo crats.' Yet th ey scored a double victo ry, not only b lock in g th e sta te-control p la n, but a lso succe_edm g in reta ini ng $295mlll 10n ad ded in comm ittee to th e Adm inistrat ion 's p roposed $2.048-billion bill. It _w_a s appare nt th a t· ma ny Repu olt ca ns, con fide nt of v ic1ory, had decided t hei r votes wou ld not be needed a nd h ad 1 left fo r home before t he crucial v ote. · For days, Democratic libe ra ls J13d ins isted · th at Pre si de nt Nixon a lon e he ld the key to the futur e of t he anti p(wcr ty prog ra m. He ha d ca ll ed for ·a s imple t wo-yea r extens ion of the prog ram, wit hout c ha nges. Howc,·c r, w ith t he Ho use Republica n leaders hip fi rml y committed t o shi ftin g cont ro l lo the · sta tes, th e Pres ide nt did not personall y seek to lin e u p Repu blica n s upp or t for a s imple two -year extensi on. · In st ead, at hi s n ews confe ren ce on Mo nd ay, l\'lr. Nixon said he ho ped t ha t hi s a nti - 1 poverty dir (;c tor, Donald Rumsfeld, coul d take so1o1c kind of " accomm oda ti on;: wi th cri ti cs of the progra m . · Heedi ng the Pres ide nt's ad vi ce, spon sors of t he state co ntrol pla n m odif ied t heir earlie r propc:sa l by perm itting the direc tor of t he Ofiice of Econom ic Oppo rtu nity grea ter leeway in OYCrriclin° \'Clocs of Go ve r'no rs ove r ioc":i! communi ty action progra ms. Th ey a lso provided the O.E.O. dire cto r with severa l meth ods of by-pass in g s ta tes th a t fa il ed to adequ ate ly fu nd loca l p rog rams . Even .wi th t hese m od ifications, . r.-rr. Rum sfeld spo ke out tod ay · a ga in s t th e Republica n substitute proposal. Exemptions Pile Up . In h our after hour of drbate toda y;. severa I ~node rate Rep ub- I li ca ns and Democ ratic li be ra ls st rip ped th e state-con t ro l pla n eve n ·fur the r. T h<! Head Start progra m of pre-school t ra inin g for th e poor was exem pte d fro m st;; tc contro l by , ·oice vote. The fami ly pl a n nin g progra m w as a lso exe mpted by a vote, of 75 to 26. And th e House voted !)6 to 41, to exe mpt fr om sta te control all com munit y ac t io n prog rn ms on India n reservat ions . in the e nd . th e proposed s t ae -co ntro l pl a n was limit ed pri ma'ri ly to non-In dian co mm unity act ion progra ms a nd to Vol untee rs in Sc r, ·ice to America (VISTA). Of ·all the a nt ipove n y programs_. enac ted fi ,·e years ago un de r a De mocra ti c Ad minist ra tion, comm unity ac t ion h as d rawn th e most fire , pa rti c ularly in urba n areas whe re t he new ly orga ni zed poo r hav e staged ren t st ri ke s and other demons tra t ions . This year, the an tirove r ty a ge ncy h as fun ded 969 comm uni ty act ion programs se rving abou t s ix m ill io n poo r in so me 2,000 coun t ies, both urban and rural... Th e co mmun ity progra ms va ry.fro m place to p lace, offering suc h a.id as hea lth services, e merge ncy food and mc!dical s ervi~s. aid to m ig rant wo rkers, legal serv ices a nd cons umer. coun se ling. H. Quie, H-Minn. , ind Edi th Green, D-O re ., that would ]ia·;e sh arply ch anged O:CO's cours;,o . lp to the mome nt when Hou,~ m embers fil ed down th~ ce:·1tt::aisle in a n un official " tel ler vote. fri enrls and foe s of OE :) alike were p redicting victory for the substitutr,. A}Tes, who acted as floor 1e,.1der for the Qnie-Greeu biU, S?.id he knew they were losing when · cbsters of Renublicans and cc:nBy SHII LE Y ELDER s er Va t i V eDemo-::rats ioined Sta r Slaff Wrilcr • · OEO suppor ter s. The "teller" In a n upse t that s tartled nea r- i vole was 183 to 166. ly everyo r.e in volved, the House J Ayres called the vote personhas vo ted to g ive th e Office of I al t riumph for Rumsfeld w 1..i E conom ic Opporlunitv a two~ent him a . !elcgram : "T~0 io P 1 _ • l" ,

,ua~feld Raider s rode agai-1.

Yea r , ··0~.,·i bi!J ' • ~ase 11 '. , <::. I· · Ccm~i'alulations. Good luck on It was a rebut f ~., t-l ous~ Re- · the m ess vou inherited but don't pub lica n lea der~:, a victory for . : s ay you did n' t ask fr,r it." former m cmtc:r , O -:n Di rector , Ilep. J oe D. \Vn.ggonner , Donald Ru msfcid . and a m ixed l D-La ., a leader of the ~outhern blessing for President Nixo n. 1 • fo rces, s aid niany congr,.s:3men The ke_y vote c ame yesterday 1: · from Border States broke mv?._ on a m otion lo subs titute a bi ll shif ting m os t OE O pro grams to Ifrom the su!.Jstitute bill, e,·en 'thou;:;h critical of OEO, becm1se the s tates . lt los t, 231 Lo i63 . they did not want to turn auti'l11e anti poverty measur e the n programs over to poverty was ap proved , 276 to il7, a nd sent to a conference with the publican governor s. He rnenlioned Arkansas, West Virginia , Senate . Oklahoma , Florida aud Kentuc"I am pleased a nd darn gr a te- ky. fu l," Ru m sfe ld s aid after the ·. yr es s a id he had assumed vo te. that nearly all n epublicans, long He said he would war!: for c 0.,unitteci to dec:entraiiiaw.on cit continued r efor m withi n OE O and :aid the bill 's ap prov3 l ic, .cral pro~rams , wo uld vote fo · the substitute. Iu the end . 63 shouldn't be in terpre Lcd as full Rep Jblicans voted a gainst it. · j approval of what has gone on in ' , A breakdown on the key vote this agency." ~hows those 63 Republic~ns jmn- • mg 168 De mocrats against the Allhou~h Nixon had asked Con gress for a simple two-year , s 1bslilute an d 60 Democrats voti.;1g with 103 Repub!kans for it. $2-bilikn-a-year extension oI Both Reps . Joel T . Broyhill, OEO, his support in recent days R-Va., and William Scott, R-Va. , was _cen as less than enthusias1;o~cd against extending the antitic. At hls ·press conference last pc,vcrty r,rogram. Reps. La\\"Monday the Presi<leut s·1id be 1r c-:ca J . Hogan, R-!IId., and Gilbacked Rumsfeld but urged him ibv t Gude, R-Md ., voted for it on to se~k an accommodation with fir1~l. passage, although Hc·;;an vot e-a for the earlier sub titute, . House leaders . Credit for the OEO vi ctorv There was no eviden e that als0 mu~t go, Wag!ionner sa\d.,· the White House took an active lo OEO itself and it.'> constiluenrole in lobbying fo1• the bill. c_y in urban areas where opposiR umsfeld c arried the fi ght in dozens of meetings wit h con- twn to the substitu te was oro-a. nizc-<l hur riedly over the l~st gressmen, fr equently urging th a t he be g iven a chance to week. Te legr ams, letters an d tele-· correct OE O problems on his phone c a lls from mayors all ovm. added up. "After the prP-5 m e Vote for Substitnt.e was on, we. neve r had a On the House floor , t.he opposi- chance," he s aid. tion was led by GOP Leader Gerald R. F'ord of Michigan and William H . Ayres of Ohio, the top R epublican on th e Education and Labor Committee. They joinr>d forces with South- , ern Democrats behind a substi~~1te bill drafted by Reps. Albert i 0 l i· · ? re-- I I I CONTI NUED NE XT PAGE: I �20NTINUED FR . PREVIOUS PAGE: Head Start Funds The bill that passed leaves OE O as it is and authorizes $295 million extra for Head Start, job train ing and health services. The bill now goes to coo.fer6nce with a similar Senate version passed Oct. 14 tha t authorizes $4.8 billion over two years. Joining in t he end-of-session rush , the Senate Appropria tions Committee went ahead yes terday and put nearly $2 billion into an appr opriation bill for OEO even though fin al a ction on the authorization cannot come until : some time next week. Snturdny. Dec. 13, 1969 THE WASHINGTOl\ POST I Began A Week Ago The pressure began. more than a week ago whe n Quie and Mrs . j Green unveiled their s ubstitute bill. Debate was scheduled for the next day but Educa tion and Labor Comm ittee Chairman . Carl D. Perkins, D-Ky., yanked the administration bill off the calendar to barga in for time. As yesterday's long day of poverty talk began, OEO critics were optimistic and its defenders gloomy. Both Democratic whip Hale Boggs of Louisiana and Majority Leader Carl Albert of Oklahoma said they did not have the vote-:,: to win . Perkins s aid strong Republican support was essential for victory. He urged at least 55 Republicans to "come for ward and support your President." No · one expected that a ny where! near 63 would answer the c all. · The tone of the debate reflected the preva iling a ttitudes. OE O backers offfered little r esistance to t he substi tute. A few re latively minor amendments were adopted. There were fr equen t shouts of " vole, vote" to keep the action m oving. The substi tute would have given governors a veto over VISTA and community action progra ms and would have permitted s tates to establish separate agencies to operate the anti-pover ty pr ogra m . ~~,.,/1,,!..;i!.J r,,..,~ (Jyr:u AJ.L.i.! f( _j/'1 . v 1 f ~- 'j , . I ~" 'r, f.J 1 · ' . 1/ ~ 40. 1~-.' .I f! / ,~ • u .. R 7T ,<YJ q9 f- /t~,r JL v./4 ili v /?J I t.il .L J . . By Richar d L . Lyons w a,'lln ~to n Pos t St a !! Write r The House voted to extend the wa r on poverty through mid-1 971 last night after r ejecting-in a spectacular up set- a proposal to giv e the states control ove r most anti. po verty pro gra ms. Th e state-co ntro l plan , supported by most Rep ubhcan s and Sout hern Democ rats, was defea ted 23 1 to 163 on :t roll i.: <1 11 vo te. The House went on to pass t he bill exte ndin g th e life of t he Offi ce of Economic Opport unity by a vote of 276 to 117. Th e bill now goes to a HouseSenate confere nce where t he m ajor di fference is a Sen ate a me ndment giving gove r nors a veto ove r lega l services fo r . th e poor . Re jection of th e slat e-co ntro l pla n was a sho ck to bo t h supp orte rs a nd op pon ents. It.s approval h ad bee n co nceded i n ad vance by almost e ver yone, : espe cia lly afte r its spon sors of f e re d las t-minute con cessions. P res ide nt Nixo n h ad asl;cd , for a simpl e exte nsio n of t he prese nt p ro gra m . But whe n the b ill was t nken up ycsl cr·· ; · day after six mo nt hs of ma- j ne uverin g. his princip al .;. up· port cam e fr o m libe ra l De mo · cr a ts who d is tru st th e ab iiit y or will of t he states to ope r ate meani ngful antipoverty progra ms. Do nald R umsfold . direc tor of t he Office .or l~con omic Opporl un il:v. wl u ch run s t he pro- 1 gr am , slr on ;;i ly opposed t h•: ! sta te-con t rol pl an . At h is news . con fe re nce i\ Ionda y m ght. thr Presi de nt ex pressed supp ort for Rumsfcld, but also expresse d hope th a t an "acco mmod a tio n " could be reac he d. This made it see m even more like ly t ha t some vers io.n of state co ntrol would pass t he House . · Sever a l re ason s we re off er· ed for defeat of the sta te-control pla n. One was th a t the week 's de lay De mocrats won wh en the su bstitute was introdu ce d las t wee k allowe d t ime for a ma il a nd persona l lob bying ca mpaign. I I I

Ji ,1 t , ·1,cn · K. c p. 11 u1 1;;m u . 1

.\ n umbe r or con serv;n i1·e . 1 A~Tc:s (R-Oh io), a lc:icl in i_; co;;- j ' Dem oc rats fro m sta tes with Re publican govern ors Yole d · no n~o r of the st atc-con! r ol i p la n, \': as ask ctl by r e po rte rs ii j a :!ai ns t turni ng Lh e pro gra m it wouldn 't lake ;;1·, a:, most of l 01·c r lo the m. Some Rc pu bli· OEO 's nutl!ority, he sa id: c ::i n votes prob ably we nt t o "We a r e onl y tabn g away lium s fe ld , the ir form e r colleague, as a personal matte r. ' hi s mum sfeld's) cnnoe . lle 's . r;ti il got hi s p:idcll c." And several mcmbrrs who I In an effort to nt tracl vo les had roted a gai ns t a s lron ~ 1 of moderat e 11cpubli ca ns sup- ;\ voting ri ght s bill Thu rscl :iy : port in 6 Rum sfclcl , a for me r sw itche d to o ppo., c s!:ite con. ; m embe r of the House. th e I !r e l, perh a ps n ot wi shin g to r s, c1tc-control forc e~ offered cas t 11·ha l could lJ~ reg ar cl cr! : ,·cs tc rcl ny to m a ke co ncess ions as ,· otes n;:nin st th e poo r o n , ti i :tl would .[!:vc hi m some i con secuti ve cl c1 >·s. power to ac l if s t:i tcs did not i On th e k <'y n 1tc·. J G8 Dc mn- · o;:ic i·;i te ci fcc\.i ve pi-o gr ams. j crats and G:l Hc publi ra ns , Dul He p. Carl P c r·kin s (D. 'j Yoted a ga in 5t s tate co ntrol, : K y .), ch a irm ap of th e House 1 !Eclucnti o n and L abnr Co mmi t- ; whi le 103 Hrpublic an. and GO I ' t N· nn d flo or ma na ger of th e Demo crats voted for it. I ,acim inis lr::i lion 's exlr mion b ill . O EO d ra ls directly wilh J ca lled t he r ev ised s ubs tit ute ro mmnniti cs. with a m inimum i •·a., cl e lruclive ·· :i s tlle o r igiof s tate su pc n ·i s ion. T ll c sub- i na l sta te -co ntro l !)Inn. st itutc proposa l would have , S peake, J oh n \\'.

\lcpermitled gci\-c rnors lo take : Corma ck CD-:'l l ass. ) urged decon trol of mos t of th e coutro- ' feat of th e subs titute, sa~·ing

vr r sial pro r, r ams th at com e it hc iss ue wa s one of '· money unclcr t he umb re ll a of comm:.i- j · 1·alu es ver s us human vnlu es. " ni ty acti on on tiic loC'a l lr ,·el. 1 I lt was rhi cfly a desire to gc t j f li ghter co nt ro l over lhc loca l prog r:im s, which the poor them se lves h elp r un . th at moli vatccl lli e ca mpai gn for sta te contro l. Support er. of s la te control in s i5lccl th c1 t t hey 1•: ere not l tryin .; lo di sm antl e OE O. but , r a ther were 11·.vin ;'. t o give nul ho r ity to sta le officials who , have a bett er gras p of prob: le ms in their sta tes. I ! I i ...-.. ' • ~-. "' ~ · ·~•• TT �