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L. . ..... . ·. ·..:, •.'• 1815 H Street, N.W. Washin gton, D.C. 20005 Telephone: 347-9530


CHAIRMAN: John W. Gardner CO-CHAIRMEN: Andrew Heiskell/ A . Philip Randolph November 7, 1968 The attached material was sent out this afternoon to the members of the Steering Committee for the Urban Coalition and Urban Coalition Action Council: Included is the following: 1. 2. 3. Agenda Legislative Summary Report of the Local Coalition Task Force. As indicated in Mr. Gardner's telegram to the Steering Committee members, the Steering Committee meeting on Novembe r 13th will be held at the Madison Hotel, 15th and M Streets, N.W., Wa s hington, D. C. A reception will start at 6:00, dinner is planne d for 6:30, and the me e ting is sche duled for 7:30. Again, please call me at {202) 223-9500 if you have any questions about this mate rial or the me eting. Thank you. ~ IWlo~ £ AJu71 Timothy E . Wir th Assi s t a nt to the Cha i rman Attachments TEW:rw �