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I . Steering Committee Agenda November 13, 1968 Opening Statement by Chairman Gardner URBAN COALITION ACTION COUNCIL 1. A Panoramic View of Prospective Legislation on Urban Affairs in the 91st Congress Appendix A enumerates specific bills and issues on each of nine fields likely to claim major attention in the next Congress. Discussion will focus on setting Action Council priorities. URBAN COAL IT ION 2. Meeting with the President-elect On October 7, 1968 the Exe cutive Committee agreed that a delegation from the Urban Coalition should meet with the President-elect. We seek the Steering Committee's reaction to this proposal and as to the issues to be discussed. 3. Progress in Building Local Coalitions Appe ndix B, the Report of the Local Coaliti on Task Force, presents a recommendation that the Steering Committee resolve to devote further effort as a body and as individuals, to aiding the staff in stimulating intere st in establishing local coa litions in twelve "target citie s." 4. Cons ideration of Nomin ees for Me mbe rship on the Steer ing Committee The Nominating Committee h as met thre e times and will present the n a me s of individua ls recomme nded f or membership on the Steer ing Committee 5. 6. Administrative Matters to be considered A. Stat u s o f Budget and Fund Rais ing B. Selection o f Audit o rs Other Business .;, �