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GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION GENERAL MOTORS BUILDING DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48202 GAIL SMITH GENERAL DIRECTOR ADVERTISING AND MERCHANDISING August, 1968 From One Involved Businessman to Another: The CRISIS IN OUR CITIES campaign is the newest public service effort of The Advertising Council, and in many ways it is the most significant project the Council has undertaken in a number of years. The advertising is straight talk. It deals with the hard realities of life in Urban America. It is not a 11 scare 11 campaign, nor was it meant to be . Rather, it seeks to inspire, encourage and move Americans to become involved in the urban, racial crisis facing our nation -- to do something constructive to help solve the problems of our cities. Unfortunately, until now too many of our citizens have been bystanders in this vital area. As you will see from the encl osed materials, the campaign puts into clear perspective the . aspirations of those who live in the ghettos. And it calls f or action, individually and collectively, from all of us who are -- or should be -- concerned. We are conducting this campaign in cooperation with Urban America, Inc. and the Urban Coalition. You and your associates will be interested in the enclosed letter from John Gardner . Ketchum, Macleod & Grove, Inc. is serving as the Council's volunteer advertising agency for the CRISIS IN OUR CITIES campaign. I think you will agree that they have created outstanding advertising about a very complex subject . I have learned from first-hand experience here in Detroit that effective communications are absolutely vital to any successful effort in dealing with the problems of the city. In my opinion, advertising can make a significant contribution in these critical times. But we need your hel p and the help of all media. I am particularly hopeful that your medium can,persuade millions of Americans to send for the free booklet, 11 The Turning Point 11 , which is offered in the advertising. I know that you will do everything you can to give this important campaign the maximum exposure which the urban, racial crisis demands. Everyone concerned with these problems will be most grateful for your valuable help. Gail Volunteer Coordinator CRISIS IN OUR CITIES campai gn �