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The Urban Coalition I Federal Bar Building We s t / 1819 H Stre e t, N. w. Washington , D. C. / 20006 Steering Committee Co-chairmen: Andrew Heis kell/ A. Philip Randolph March 8, 1968 NATIONAL COORDINATOR'S WEEKLY REPORT LOCAL COALITIONS Mayor Bruno Giordano of Stamford, Connecticut, called a meeting this week of representatives of various segments of the community to form the steering committee of an urban coalition. Task forces were formed for housing, recreation, employment, job training and communications and public support. Charles Ukkerd, manager of community relations for Pitney-Bowes, Inc., is on loan as special aide to the Mayor to assist in the establishment of a coalition. Mayor Floyd Hyde of Fresno, California, has invited the mayors of major California cities to a meeting on March 15 to discuss the formation of a statewide coalition. The meeting is a follow-up to the resolution passed last year by the California League of Cities calling for the establishment of coalitions in all cities of the state, and a statewide coalition. SAVINGS INDUSTRY COMMITTEE The United States Savings and Loan League and the National Association of Mutual Savings Banks have announced the for mation of a Joint Savings Bank-Savings and Loan Committee on Urban Problems . Representatives of the two associations met with President Johnson on Wednesday to discuss the new program, and the announcement was made from the White House . Chairman John W. Gardner represented the Urban Coalition at the White House meeting . The Joint Committee will urge member ins t itutions to invest in housing and reconstruction progr ams and in other ways parti cipate actively in efforts to so lve urban p r oblems . COMMUNICATIONS Life magaz i n e this we ek p r ese nts a d r a mati c a nd moving acc o unt of poverty in the citie s. Th e i ss ue a ls o h as an a rticl e by Urban Coalitio n Ch airman John W. Gardne r . National Coordinators : John Feild / Ron M. Linton Telephone 293-1530 �WEEKLY REPORT (2) MARCH 8, 1968 The complete text of the Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders is available on the newstands in a Bantam Books paperback: price, $1.25. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Enclosed is a copy of the Weekly Legislative Report the Coalition is now sending to leaders of local coalitions. It is designed to provide them with current information on the status of legislation important to the cities. �