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• NEW YORK TIMES JANUARY 31, 1968 IA Guaranteed Job j \For Everyone Urged : I By Ur~P.'-1: ~Qplµ/fP.: .., .,.,...,. . ,; -r- r - I ; , ' ( • ' r .• - ' ""'-·I WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 (AP) i -The Urban Coalition urged , Congress yesterday to guarantee a job for everyone willing and ahle to work. It said that President Johnson's new job proposals fo r the poor were only a partial answer to the l. employment problem. • The coalition is a group of: leaders in city governments, business, labor, religion and I rights. Mayors and 1civi l representatives from 37 cities ; attended a coalition session / here yesterday.

j Alluding to rioting in many ! American c ities, the coalition ' said in a statement, The needs I1 Iare massive and urgent, the 1 ' hour is late and the times are 1 perilous." The group sa id, "Congress must pass IPgisla tion in this I session to provide Government- ge nerated emplnyment to every ci ti zen able a nd w illing to work but unable to find private employment." Ins tead of make-work .proi- 1 ects, the coalition said, the l Gove rnment should guarantee " socialIv useful · jobs, which would prov ide public services now lacki ng in hospitals, libraries, recreation programs and other civic services." Pres ident Johnson has proposed that the Government pro- 1 vide more reimbursement of private employers for the added expense of training and employing t he hard-core unemployed. He set a goal of 500,000 such 1 jobs. , Leaders d the coalition acknowledged at a news conference that they would have difficulty persuading Congress to enact their proposals. But Andrew M. Heiskell, cha irman of t he board of Time, Inc., and co-chairman of the coalition. said, "When the cities blow - if t hey blow - large sums w ill be a llocated." And he said much of t he money then would be wasted because it would be spent in a hurry without adequate preparation. A re latively· small allocation · of fu nds now would be more effective, Mr. Heiskell said. i I I I . 1 1 1 s f '-I


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