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...,___ I I ! - -. .. -~ ·The Urban Coalition I Federal Bar Building West/ 1819 H Street. N. w. Washington . D. C. / 20006 Steering Committee Co -chairmen: Andrew Heiskell/ A. Philip Randolph December 1, 1967 NATIONAL COORDINATORS WEEKLY REPORT Task Force on Local Coalitions More than 200 representatives from 34 cities i ~ six states attended the Western Regional Mobilization Conf e rence in San Fra nci s co on Nov embe r 30. The program followed closely the format of the previous conference held in Chicago, with heavy emphasis on how to organize local coalitions. General session speakers includ2d Bayard Rustin, Ex ecutive Director o f the A. Philip Rr:1.ndolph I Listitute , w110 also s e rved as chairll!~n; Ma yor John F. She lley a nd Ma y o r-El e ct Jos eph Alioto of San Francisco; Franci~ M. Barnes, Vice President of Crown Zellerbach Corporatic:".!. : Bishop Donald Harvey Tippett, Pre sident of the Council of Bish0ps of the Methodist Chu r ch; Kenne th Wr ight , Vice Pre side nt o ~ t h e Lif e Insuranc e Associ a tion o f Ame rica ; Mayor Floyd H. Hyde of Fre sno; Ca li f o r nia St a t e Assemblyma n John Knox ; Rober.t. Reve l es , Wash i n gt o n Repr e sentative of the National Assoc iation for Mexican-American Services; and Aux iliary Bishop-E ]~ct Mark Hurley of the Archd i oces e o f San Francisco. San ~ran c i sco Mayor-E l ect Ali~to gave t he c o~fe r ence a b o ost by anno u n cing th a t h e i nt e n ds t .o ap::ioin t corrnr.i i:. tees broadly repre sentative of labor, bu s iness, a n d minori -~~· groups to advise him on urban p r oblems. He said h 2 a l s o int e ::d :: co broa d e n the coal ition o f s u ppo rter s in h is re c e nt e lectio n to be rep r e sen tativ e o f t h e entire c orrununity. W11i l e not spec i fical l y l abe l ing this grou p as an "Urban Coalitio n, " t he Mayc:;.:-Elect made it plain tha t he expects it t o w01:k toward the same objectives. "In t h e past we hav e b een able_ to succe s sful ly organize c o ali t i o ns f o r less n oble p u rpo ses, " Alio t o said, " and th en , b u t u nfortunate l y, we have let them disband when t h e y had fulfill ed a single p u rpose. We do not intend for this to happ e n in this case." An Eastern Regional Mobilization Conference will be held in New York City in early January. I 1 National Coordinators : John Feild/ Ron M. Linton __ I �(2) Working Committee Meeting Minutes of the November 27 meeting of the Working Committee have been mailed to you. You will note from the minutes that much of the discussion centered around plans for the December 18 and January Steering Committee meetings. Next week yo~ will receive a calendar of scheduled Coalition meetings. �