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The Urban Coalition I Federa l Bar Building W est / 1819 H Stree t, N. W W asl11ngton, D C. / 20006 Steering Committee Co-chairmen : Andrew Heiskell / A. Ph i lip Randolp h November 17, 1967 NATIONAL COORDINATORS WEEKLY REPORT PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Task Force Co-Chairman Gerald L. Phillippe keynoted a November _ 14 Baltimore meeting on expanding opportunities for Negro entrepreneurship. Purpose of the meeting was to bring local business leaders together to discuss techniques for assisting local residents in the establishment of small sub-contracting firms in the central city. Thirty Baltimore-area business leaders attended the meeting, which was co-sponsored by the Coalition and the Baltimore Council for Equal Business Opportunities. Acting as hosts were Mayor Theodore R. McKeldin, MayorElect Thomas D'Alesandro, James Rouse, president of The Rouse Company, Arthur Foster, Division Manager of the Western Electric Company and Councilman Henry Parks, President of the Parks Sausage Company. Next week, Mr. Phillippe will speak in Detroit at a meeting cosponsored by the Coalition and the New Detroit Committee. Subject of the November 21 meeting is employment of the hard-core unemployed. COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC SUPPORT The Urban Coalition was a central subject at the 20th national conference of the Public Relations Society of America last week in Philadelphia. Theme of the conference wa s "The Open Soc iety- Public Relations Challenge," and Coalition Co-Chairman Andrew Heiskeil highlighted the session on "Our Civilization--Whose Job? " There was considerable discussion, throughout the three-day meet ing, on the role the private sector can play in solving today's urban crisis. Mayor John Lindsay will highlight a special information meeting for Washington representatives of companies that have indicated an interest in the Coalition. His subject will be "The Legi slative Goals of The Urban Coalition. " The meeting will be held in Washington on November 20. Na tional Cocrdina t or s . J ohn Feild / Ron M . Lin ton Te lepho n e 293 - 1530 �( 2) EQUAL HOUSING Task Force Working Committee meets November 27 to review program development papers and to discuss plans for national action session on open housing scheduled for January. EDUCATIONAL DISPARITIES Position paper has been prepared for review at November 21 meeting of the Task Force in New York. Subjects to be discussed include a statement of the problem, the goals of the Task Force, the financial resources available, the political necessities involved and the. entrepreneurial imperative that needs to be created. �