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October 27, 1967 ... NATIONAL COORDINATORS WEEKLY REPORT LOCAL COALITIONS Six cities have now announced the formation of urban coalitions and intend to affiliate with The Urban Coalition--Detroit, New York City, Minneapolis, Gary, Indianapolis, and Atlanta .. Sparked by the Chicago "Mobilizing Urban Coalitions" planning session dozens of other cities now have organizing committees. The California League of Cities, meeting in San Francisco, formally endorsed the formation of coalitions in all its constituent cities on a motion by Mayor Floyd Hyde of Fresno supported by officials of San Diego. Both cities announced they are organizing coalitions. Regional meetings like the one in Chicago have been scheduled for San Francisco on November 30 and New York in early December. PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT On October 25, some 40 major Pittsburgh employers and labor leaders attended a meeting hosted by Mayor Joseph M. Barr on private industry plans for hiring hard-core unemployed. On October 27, at the invitation of Mayor Herman Katz of Gary and Mr. George Jedenoff, Superintendent of the U.S. Steel Gary Works, The Urban Coalition Task Force on ·P rivate Employment joined with several hundred leading Gary employers and unions in developing a program of expanded employment opportunities. Mr. David Stahl, of Mayor Daley's office representing the Task Force, spoke briefly at the luncheon. Other local meetings on private employment have been scheduled for Baltimore (November 14) and Detroit (November 21). Task Force cochairman Gerald L. Phillippe will speak at both meetings. In Baltimore, Mayor Theodore McKeldin and Council President Thomas ' D'Alesandro and fifteen major industrial leaders are convening a meeting of top management representatives of Baltimore firms to launch a program of expanding Negro entrepreneurship in the ghetto stimulated by sub-contract arrangements with leading industries. �(2) This is beind viewed as a "breakthrough" type of program and is being carried out through the Baltimore Council on Equal Business Opportunity {CEBO) . CEBO is a pr·o j ect of The Potomac Institute. In Detroit, the New Detroit Committee's employment and education committee is convening a meeting of industrial and labor leaders to discuss expansion of private employment in the ghetto. The Ford Motor Company has announced that it will recruit 6500 new workers from the central city and the Michigan Bell Telephone Company has announced plans to concentrate its training efforts in an allNegro high school in the center of Detroit. LEGISLATION Coalition co-chairmen Andrew Heiskell and A. Philip Randolph urged members of the House/Senate Conference Committee on Independent Offices Appropriations to adopt the Senate's recommendations for funding model cities and rent supplements--$637 for model cities arid $40 million for rent supplements. Rent supplements received $10 million (the House had earlier approved no funds) and model cities received $312 (the House had approved $237 million). The fact sheet and position paper on the Social Security amendments will be mailed to the Steering Committee the first part of nex t week. EDUCATIONAL DISPARITIES The Task Force will meet on November 7 to map its program and round out its membership. HOUSING, RECONSTRUCTION AND INVESTMENT The Task Force had to reschedule its October 19th meeting for early November. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES Task Force working committee meets November 3 in Washington to consider a pilot three city project involving development of new lower- income housing on an open occupancy basis in suburban areas . Also scheduled for the meeting kre plans to draw together some 300 Fa ir Housing Committees now operating in suburban communities fo r a n a tional action session on open hous i ng t o be held in Chicago ear l y in J anuar y . �