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CITY OF ATLANTA /~ OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILD~S 800 CITY HALL TEL. JA. 2 -4463 EXT. 321 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 December 9, 1969 Edwin W. Hartin, Esquire Americ n Consul General 26 Garden Road Hong Kong, China Dear Sir : It i my plea urea to writ you concerning Addy Wing-Hy Chan who is a valued employ in the Department of Inspector of Bqildings, City of Atlanta, G orgia. Mr. Chan's duties h ve brought him into close contact with woll a with nm . t department heads of the City From my per onal observation I c n unhesitatingly r pott that he 1 a capable and conec1 ntioue employee, one who ba o tned tb confidence of hie superiors and his f llow wofk r • my office as Gov rnment. real pleasure to learn of h1s tnarriag nd it It has b n ie my hop t t the p.roce se required for 1 suing a visa fo:r his nted aa exp ditiously . s possible in order bride c n be. impl that ah can return with him. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of Atlant, Georgi �