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GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND Summary of Provisions with r espect t o Credit for Prior Se r v i ce Sec. 11.1.29 Credit i s allowe d fo r the years of actual service rendered by an o ffi cer or employee of a municipality or a teacher or employee of a county or independent school system when such has been merged with the Ci ty of Atlanta. Such person must pay into the f und the percentage of his monthly salary as h e woul d have paid had he been employed by the City o f At l anta during the period of time for whi ch c r edi t is claimed. The sum must be paid within 24 months. Sec. 11 . 1 . 30 An o f ficer or employee when transferred from one de par tment to another is entitled to become a member of the pension fund of the department to which he is transferred and to receive credit for his year s of service. He must pay into the pension fun d of the departmen t to which he is transferred the amount of premiums he would have paid into said fund if he had been a member of the department for the number of years he claims credit for servi ce. He can have transferred from the pension fun d which he leaves the amount he had paid into such fund·. Se c . 11.1.31 Upon the transfer of an employee or officer from e i ther Fulton or DeKalb Counties to the City of At lan t a, there shall be paid into the pension fund of the City an amount equal to that which was paid i n t o the county fu~d by such officer or empl oyee as well as the matching fund required to be paid i n to the fund by the county authorities. The emp l oyee or officer received credit for his prior service wi t h the county. Sec. 11 . 1. 35 Th is section deals with the transfer of employees under t he Plan of Improvement and provides that such employee shall receive credit for prior service upon paying into the pension fund the amount of contribution he would have made had he been a member of the fund during the years for which credit is sought. This amount bears interest at 3% per annum and must be paid in 50 equal instalments . Sec. 11.1. 36 This section provides the same benefits on the t ransfer of an employee from the City to the Count y. Sec. 11.1.36 .1 This cover s the transfer of a golf profess i onal fr om the City to the County and provides for credit for prior service upon payment of the amount the employee would have paid plus matching funds. �Sec. 11.1. 37 This section i~ lengthy and involved. It deals with County employees, County school district teachers and employees, and employees of the City of Atlanta. It further deals with these employees who have not been transferred and who were not allowed, at the time of the transfer, credit for all of their service with the government from which they were transferred. It provides for the transfer of matching funds and for the payment of the employees contribution. It covers the situation where an employee was not a member of the pension fund of the government from which he was transferred. Sec. 11.1.40 If an officer· or employee was on the payroll of the City and in good standing at the time he is inducted into the armed forces, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and when there is at the time of such induction an actual conflict or such induction is mandatory, and if the employee has not voluntarily extended his term of service beyond the termination of the conflict or beyond the time when he could retire from such service, then the employee, provided he did not receive a dishonorable discharge, is entitled, upon his return t o the service of the City, for the time spent in the armed forces. The employee must make the same contributions to the pension fund for the time served in the armed f orces as he would have made if he had been in the active service of the City. The contributions must be made in equal monthly instalments within a period of time equal to the time served in the .armed forces. Sec. 11 . 1 .41 The foregoing sec tion is derived from a general act of local application. Sec. 11.1.41 amends specifically the pension acts. It also covers credit f or military service when the employee, prior t o such service, was an employee of the City. The employee's contributions nrust not be in arr earage f or more than 90 days and the employee further has the privilege of paying all ·of the back payments when or before he returns to his employment with the City. Sec. 11.1.42 This section extends the coverage of allowance of prior credit f or military service to specifically cover the Korean conflict and is an amendment to Sec. 11.1 .40. The employee must have been employed by the City prior to his militar y service. However, this section relieves him from making any contributions to the pension fund for the period of time during which he was in the military service. �Sec. 11.1.43 Credit is allowed to a person who was previously employed by the State of Georgia or a political subdivision thereof within Fulton or DeKalb Counties. The person must have at least 5 years continuous service with the City before becoming eligible for the credit. The person must pay into the pension fund an amount equal to that which he would have paid into the fund had he been an employee of the City during such time and the payments must be made over 36 month,. The amount of credit for prior service is limited to 10 years. Sec. 11.1.45 This section grants credit to a person who, prior to his employment with the City, was employed by the United States Government to perform duties within Fulton or DeKalb Counties. He is entitled to credit under the conditions of Sec. 11.1.43. Additionally, this section also allows credit for service to persons who were given a special military leave to do wartime duty in the American Red Cross. Sec. 11.1.46 This section deals with credit for prior service for teachers in a public school system or in a public or private college or university by which they were employed prior to employment with the City. The maximum credit allowed is 10 years. The employee must have been employed by the City for a period of 5 years before being eligible for credit. The teacher must pay into the pension fund an amount equal to that which the teacher would have been required to pay had the teacher been an employee of the City. the back payments bear interest at 6% per annum. In addition, the teacher must pay a sum equalirthe amount of matching funds which the City would have paid into the fund had the teacher be.en employed by the City during the time for which prior credit is sought. Sec. This section extends credit for prior teaching, granted to teachers in the section above, to all officers and employees employed by the City, who may have been teachers in the past. Sec. 11 . 1.48 This section allows credit to employees who, prior to their employment with the City, were members of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia. Credit is allowed for a full year for each year's membership in the General Assembly. �Sec. 11.1.49 Employees of the Board of Education connected with the operation of its cafeteria, who were previously employed in the private operation of such cafeteria are allowed credit for the prior service with the private operation of the cafeteria upon paying into the pension fund the amount such employee would have paid during the time of his employment with the private operation of the cafeteria. This payment must be made over 36 months. FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Sec. 11.2 .19 These -provisions are substantially the same as Sec. 11.1.43 of the'Gen~ral Employees Pension Fundo Sec. 11.2.22 This section is substantially the same as that of 11.1.30 of the General Employees Pension Fund. Sec. 11.2.23 This section deals with the transfer of any member of a fire department from Fulton or DeKalb County to the City of Atlanta. The transferred employee is entitled to full credit for the years of service while in the fire department of the county. It is required that there be paid into the pension fund of the City an amount equal to that amount paid into the county pension fund by the county employee and an equal amount to represent the fund required to be paid into the county pension fund by the particular county. Sec. 11.2.24 This section is substantially the same as Sec. 11.2.25, set forth below. Sec. 11.2.25 ~ This section is substantially the same as Sec. 11 .1.40 of the General Employees Pension Fund with respect to credit for time in military service. Sec. 11.2.26 This section is substantially the same as Sec. 11.1. 42 of the General Employees Pension Fund which extends credit for military service to include the Korean conflict and subsequent thereto. Sec. 11. 2. 27 This section provides that members o f the firedepartment who are on appr9ved military leave ·'-: �--·-c- - - .; from active service and employment, may receive credit toward retirement by making the same contributions to the pension fund that they would have made had they been in active employment service. The contribution is to be paid within 36 months after reassignment to active duty with the City. This section provides that no credit will be allowed to any member who voluntarily re-enlists in the military service· after the end of his first leave for military service unless such person is granted an additional military leave. POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND Sec. 11.3.17 This section is substantially the same as Sec. 11.1.43 of the General Employees Pension Fund. Sec. 11. 3. 23 This section is substantially the same as Sec. 11.1.30 of the General Employees Pension Fund. Sec. 11.3.24 This section deals with the transfer of a member of the police department of Fulton or DeKalb Counties to the City of Atlanta, and is substantially the same as Sec. 11.2.23 of the Firemen's · Pension Fund. Se C • 11-. 3 . 25 This section is substantially the same as Sec. 11.1.40 of the General Employees Pension Fund. Sec. 11.3.26 This section is substantially the same as Sec. 11.1.42 of the General Employees Pension Fund. Se~. 11.3. 27 This section is substantially tlhe same as Sec. 11.2.27 of the Firemen's Pension Fund. �