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I THE URBAN COALITION ACTION COUNCIL JOHN W. GARDNER CHAIRMAN 1819 H STREET, N . W . WASHINGTON , D . C. 20006 6 June 1968 . WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE REPORT (Current as of June 6, 1968) FROM: The Staff The Status of Substantive Legislation The Emergency Employment and Training Act of 1968 Senate heari~gs were completed Friday, May 24th. Subcommittee Chairman Clark is anxious to move ahead on the bill but full accord with Senators Javits and Prouty has not yet been reached. Such an accord does not appear to be an obstacle but until it is reached, the subcommittee will not attempt to mark-up the bill. If all moves well, mark-up will be before the end of June , It is still up in the air whether the subcommittee will attempt to amend the Manpower Act extension or report a clean bill. Administration Position There is no change in Administra~ion position opposition to the bill expected to be evidenced during debate. Status of House Legislation The Select Subcommittee on Labor intends to schedule more hearings, but it is not definite as to when. There is a possibility that hearings can be completed before the end of the month. The Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968 (formerly the Tax AdJustment Act of 1968) As previously r eported, the Senate - House Conferees agreed on a 10 per cent tax surcharge with $6 billion in b udget cuts. TELEPHpNE , 202 293-1530 �- 2 - Majority Leader Carl Albert has indicated on the floor of the House that the Administration will support the Conference report. The Conference Report is expected to be brought to the floor of the House on the 19th or 20th of June. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 Senate The Senate filed a clean bill, S.3497, and passed it substantially as introduced on May 28th. House The Housing Subcommittee of the House Banking and Currency Committee has reported out its version of the bill. The measure as reported by the Subcommittee is now being reviewed and is expected to be, in some instances, amended by the full Banking and Currency Committee. Title I of the bill has been covered by the Committee and consideration of Title II will begin next Tuesday, June 11th. Mark-up sessions are expected to continue through the week. The Status of Appropriations Measures The proposed schedule of action on the part of the Appropriations Subcommittees concerning legislation of interest to the Action Council is: 1. The Housing and Urban Development Appropriation Bill for Fiscal Year 1969 passed the House on May 8th. Also, Subcommittee hearings have been completed in the Senate for HUD officials. The Committee has scheduled further hearings on other agencies for the 11th and 12th of June. On the 13th, for one day only, outside witnesses will be heard on all appropriations requests . before the Committee , including HUD. At that time Mayors and members of Congress are e x pected to testify . Other interested parties to fol low . Mar k - up is e x pected to take place the following week . with a tar get date for floo r action before the 4th of July whi ch seems unlik ely. �- 3 - The appropriations process for HUD is complicated by the fact that HUD is asking the Senate Committee to approve appropriations which are authorized in this year's Housing Act: $1.4 billion for Urban Renewal (including projects in Model City areas) for Fiscal Year 1q70 plus $350 million in renewal grants for Model City areas for Fiscal Year 1969. To avoid the need for a supplemental appropriation, the Administration would prefer holding up action on the Appropriations bill until the Housing Act of 1968 is passed and signed. 2. The Labor-HEW (including OEO) Appropriations bill has not yet been marked-up in Subcommittee. The bill is stalled because of an apprehension i t will be cut up if reported soon. Strong efforts are warranted now to qet the bill out and preserve the vital appropriations for education and anti-poverty. 3. The Regular Supp lemental Appropriation (FY 1q68) is expected to be reported on June 7, 1968 by the full House Appropriations Committee. It does not, nor is i t likely to, contain appropriations for Head Start ($25 million) and the Summer Job Program ($75 million). It will be necessary to press for Senate amendments to the bill to get these funds. 4. The Urgent Supplemental Appropriation bill for 1968 is still technically in Conference Committee. Although i t contains the funding for Head Start and Summer Jobs, for all practical purposes, this measure is dead. No one should be mislead because the Conference Committee has been holding meetings on the bill. They are merely going through the motions. �