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ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1966 1209 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 90909 TELEPHONE 5U-U69 EXT. 493 Oc t ober 1 7 , 196 7 The Honora bl e Milton G. Fa rris Chairman , Fi na nce Commit' ee Board o f Aldermen Box 7245 , Station C Atlanta , G orgia 30309 Dear f·1r . Farris : At the regular meeting of the Community Relatio s Commission on September 22 , the Commission voted to recomm•nd to t ho f i na nce Comr,1ittcc of the Board of Aldermen that prior ty bs giv n to the needs for incr as d appropriatio ns by the City for recreatio n a nd urther , to xpress to tho Fi na nc Committee its opi nion that 1r. Doliuo , ios Carmic hael a nd their associates have do n a remarkabl y good job within the limits o f thoir reso urces . Sincerely , ( rs . ) Eliza K. Paschall Executive Director EKP :mt cc; Thu Ho norabl Iv n Allen , J r . The Honorable Charles La f twich , Chairman , Pa:rks Co Mr . Irving K. Kolar Mie Virgini C rmicha l Mr. J c k Del i us ittee �