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LAW OFFICES KALER, KWSB & RUBIN FULTON NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 404 525-6886 October 2 , 1967 Mr . Mil ton G. l' rris Chai rman~ Finance Committee Board of Alde en,_ City of Atlant c/o Gulf Oil Corpor tion Box 7245~ Station C Atl nta , Georgl· r Mr. F rris: D We -ve pr sented to • vis our budget ry request for th c lend r year 1968 . We would very much .a ppreci•te an op• portu tty to et with ~he Fi nee C itt to o tlin in gr t r detail t e d of the Co nity Relations Commi sion for the c41.endar ye r 19.68. I expr your co I C


id ~ tio pprec tio i of this r que t. dv· e for �