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. r~ , ,, J ) August 24. 196'7 n . V lma McEwen Strode Loe 1 Go rmnent Liaison Ofiic r U. S. De rtm.ent of J tic c wuty R ti s f'Vic W bington, D. C . 20530 D ra . Strode: you very much for y r l tter of reg~ting your rec t viait to Atlanta . ugw,t 22nd miaaed t.he t srateflill {or Atlanta'• lt• ataU. 1 I certainly ap wlahtoaaa yo uai•ta your of£ r of aaaiatanc t are lllOIJt gr f for Si rely yo Allen, JAJr/b CC: Mrs. Eliza Paschall Mr. Inin Kaler •• Jr. �