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July 24, 1967 S Mr. Patrick Taylor, Secretary Community Re lations Commission Center Building Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Dear Mr. Taylor: The Mayor has asked me to answer your l etter of July 19 . 196 7 con cerning the Summer Youth Opportunity Campaign in the Metropolitan Atl anta Area . Rather than to go t hrough a long explanation about our program, I am taking the liberty of enclos i ng for your information copies of som of the material wh ich we are using in our Campaign. I believe this will g ive you a good indication of t he cDmprehensiveness of the Atlanta effort and the kind of broad community participation and cooperation whi c h we have been able to obtain . Much of th success of this Campaign was due to the amount of active support and participation which we were able to obtain f r om t he Office of the Mayor and the Mayor himself who serve s a s chairman of t he Youth Opport unity Campai gn . We maintai ned a close worki ng r elationshi p between c ommunity a ct i on agency ( E. O. A.), t he pr i vate and public wel fare agencies , t he r ecreation and duca tional agenc i es and t he busines ses in this communi ty . We a l so attribute our s uccess t o t he early groundwork done by the Atlant a Yout h Council . The r a ct ion to our program has be en most favor able at soth t he local and federal l eve l s . In spite of the success of our Campaign , w do hope w can do an even better job next summer in the employment area . The Mayor has al o asked me t o convey hi6 congratulations t o your City for the formation of its mmunity Relations Cormiission and wish you success in this undertaking . Thank you very much for your l tter nd your intere tin thi Sine rely, John W. Cox Executive Director JWC:eef Enclosure matter . �